Contributions to the study of the corticolous lichen vegetation of the Padurea Craiului Mountains…
Contributions to the study of the corticolous lichen vegetation of the Padurea Craiului Mountains… This is an automatically generated default intro template – please do...
Flora si vegetatia din parcul natural lunca Muresului inferior
Autori: Aurel Ardelean, Violeta Buruiana, Iulian Octavian Stana Afiliere: Facultatea de Biologie, Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” Arad THE FLORA AND VEGETATION OF NATURAL...
Asociatia Carpinofagetum Pauca 1941 in judetul Arad
Autori: Aurel Ardelean Afiliere: Universitatea de Vest “Vasile Goldis” din Arad, CARPINO-FAGETUM PAUCĂ 1941 ASSOCIATION IN ARAD COUNTY. For a better understanding of the...