Chemical composition and activity of the essential oil from 25 Cinnamomum species. A mini- review of the literature
Read full article Article Title: Chemical composition and activity of the essential oil from 25 Cinnamomum species. A mini- review of the literature...
Efficacy of some botanicals against infestation of leafhopper (Amrasca biguttula biguttula) in brinjal
Read full article Article Title: Efficacy of some botanicals against infestation of leafhopper (Amrasca biguttula biguttula) in brinjal Authors: Akter K., Banu N.M.A....
Long-term vegetation dynamics of the urban vegetation of Abakan in semiarid conditions of Khakassia for 2001-2022 according to Terra MODIS
Read full article Article Title: Long-term vegetation dynamics of the urban vegetation of Abakan in semiarid conditions of Khakassia for 2001-2022 according to...
Study regarding the development of potato plants in an aeroponic system
Read full article Article Title: Study regarding the development of potato plants in an aeroponic system Authors: Tican A., Cioloca M., Chelmea C,...