Evaluation Of The Chemical Quality Of Artificial Lakes Moftin, Adrian, Vârșolț And Călinești Oaș (In North-West Romania)
Read full article Article Title: Evaluation Of The Chemical Quality Of Artificial Lakes Moftin, Adrian, Vârșolț And Călinești Oaș (In North-West Romania) Authors: Camelia...
Growth and yield assessment of rice (Oryza sativa) after rhizo-inoculation with selected plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in a ferric ultisol
Read full article Article Title: Growth and yield assessment of rice (Oryza sativa) after rhizo-inoculation with selected plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in a ferric ultisol...
Experimental study of erythrocyte membranes in rats orally exposed to caffeinated energy drinks by fluorescent probe technique
Read full article Article Title: Experimental study of erythrocyte membranes in rats orally exposed to caffeinated energy drinks by fluorescent probe technique Authors: Posokhov...
Populational effect of a dithiocarbamate (thiram) fungicide on a freshwater cladocerus Daphnia magna
Read full article Article Title: Populational effect of a dithiocarbamate (thiram) fungicide on a freshwater cladocerus Daphnia magna Authors: Belaid C., Sbartai I., Djebar M....
The Diversity Of Papaya (Carica Papaya) Seeds Indigenous Yeasts And Its Antimicrobial Activities Towards E.Coli And S.Typhimurium
Read full article Article Title: The Diversity Of Papaya (Carica papaya) Seeds Indigenous Yeasts And Its Antimicrobial Activities Towards E.Coli And S.Typhimurium Authors: Utama G....
The insects abundance monitoring in a meadow from Marita village (Valcea county, Romania)
Read full article Article Title: The insects abundance monitoring in a Meadow from Marita village (Valcea county, Romania) Authors: Stancă-Moise C. Affiliation: “Lucian Blaga” University...