A study upon the evolution of the pests on the trunk and the bark of the forest direction Sibiu, in the year 2017
Read full article Article Title: A study upon the evolution of the pests on the trunk and the bark of the forest direction Sibiu,...
Ribes nigrum fruit extract shows cardioprotective properties in experimental acute ischemic heart disease
Read full article Article Title: Ribes nigrum fruit extract shows cardioprotective properties in experimental acute ischemic heart disease Authors: Gubina – Vakulyck G., I.,...
Hibisci sabdariffae flos and Calendulae flos extracts as potential antoxidants for preservation of pharmaceutical emulsions
Read full article Article Title: Hibisci sabdariffae flos and Calendulae flos extracts as potential antoxidants for preservation of pharmaceutical emulsions Authors: Ungureanu A., R.,...
Physiological transformations of Cicer arietinum crop after applying some complex NPK fertilizers
Read full article Article Title: Physiological transformations of Cicer arietinum crop after applying some complex NPK fertilizers Authors: Ungureanu O., C., Stana I., Ungureanu...
Small scale manufacturing of anti-inflammatory powder-covered liquid marbles. An experimental approach on designing Pickering-like emulsions for topical application
Read full article Article Title: Small scale manufacturing of anti-inflammatory powder-covered liquid marbles. An experimental approach on designing Pickering-like emulsions for topical application Authors:...