Portulaca Oleracea L. – source of organic silicon in body care cosmetics
Read full article Article Title: Portulaca Oleracea L. – source of organic silicon in body care cosmetics Authors: Popescu (Popiniuc) C., Popescu C., Manea...
Endemic species identified in the flora of the Transylvanian plain (Mureş county)
Read full article Article Title: Endemic species identified in the flora of the Transylvanian plain (Mureş county) Authors: Sămărghiţan M., Oroian S., Tănase C....
Phytosociological study concerning habitats with Fritillaria meleagris on the course of the Nirajul Mare river (Mureș county, Romania)
Read full article Article Title: Phytosociological study concerning habitats with Fritillaria meleagris on the course of the Nirajul Mare river (Mureș county, Romania) Authors:...
Morphological and biochemical parameters in chemically elicited rye sprouts
Read full article Article Title: Morphological and biochemical parameters in chemically elicited rye sprouts Authors: Lobiuc A, Damian C., Costica N., Leahu A. Affiliation:...
Plants species of community interest identified in the flora of the Transylvanian plain (Mureş county)
Read full article Article Title: Plants species of community interest identified in the flora of the Transylvanian plain (Mureş county) Authors: Oroian S., Sămărghiţan...
Green biosynthesis of selenium nanoparticles using parsley (Petroselinum crispum) leaves extract
Read full article Article Title: Green biosynthesis of selenium nanoparticles using parsley (Petroselinum crispum) leaves extract Authors: Fritea L, Laslo V., Cavalu S., Costea...
Phytoaccumulation in plants of mountain Goc in Serbia
Read full article Article Title: Phytoaccumulation in plants of mountain Goc in Serbia Authors: Brankovic Snezana, Cupara S., Glisic R., Djelic G, Grbovic F.,...
Ecosystem services at Igriș -Șeitin and Felnac sites, as perceived by local people
Read full article Article Title: Ecosystem services at Igriș -Șeitin and Felnac sites, as perceived by local people Authors: Petrescu C-M, Pascu M-S Affiliation:...