Cleaning waste waters with chromates and oxalic acid
Cleaning waste waters with chromates and oxalic acid This is an automatically generated default intro template – please do not edit. General information Title: Cleaning...
Morphology and anatomy of the fruit and seed in development of Euphorbia helioscopia L. (Euphorbiaceae Juss.)
Morphology and anatomy of the fruit and seed in development of Euphorbia helioscopia L. (Euphorbiaceae Juss.) This is an automatically generated default intro template –...
Ultrastructural aspects of the colonic epithelium in ulcerative colitis
Ultrastructural aspects of the colonic epithelium in ulcerative colitis This is an automatically generated default intro template – please do not edit. General information Title:...
Ultrastructural features of Rhodophyta from the Black Sea Coast
Ultrastructural features of Rhodophyta from the Black Sea Coast This is an automatically generated default intro template – please do not edit. General information Title:...
The peroxidasic activity in the embrionic small roots of Triticum, Lolium and Bromus, after the germination of cariopses on substratum moistured with watery extract prepared from the metamorphosed roots of horse radish (Armoracia rusticana Lam.), at the t
The peroxidasic activity in the embrionic small roots of Triticum, Lolium and Bromus, after the germination of cariopses on substratum moistured with watery extract prepared...
In vitro reactivity of Cymbidium hybridum L. protocorms, on bistratified culture mediums, using bidistilled water or glucose solutions as supernatants
In vitro reactivity of Cymbidium hybridum L. protocorms, on bistratified culture mediums, using bidistilled water or glucose solutions as supernatants This is an automatically generated...
Histo-anatomical aspects of vegetative organs of Thymus dacicus Borb. and Thymus glabbrescens Willd.
Histo-anatomical aspects of vegetative organs of Thymus dacicus Borb. and Thymus glabbrescens Willd. This is an automatically generated default intro template – please do not...
Considerations regarding the salinity and water temperature of salty lakes of Sovata and Ocna Sibiului
Considerations regarding the salinity and water temperature of salty lakes of Sovata and Ocna Sibiului This is an automatically generated default intro template – please...
Vitrocultures of Drosera rotundifolia L. preserved in Suceava gene bank
Vitrocultures of Drosera rotundifolia L. preserved in Suceava gene bank This is an automatically generated default intro template – please do not edit. General information...
Drosera rotundifolia L. vitroculture associated with a saprophyte fungus
Drosera rotundifolia L. vitroculture associated with a saprophyte fungus This is an automatically generated default intro template – please do not edit. General information Title:...