ER-negative breast carcinomas – An immunophenotypical study
Authors: Diana NARITA1, Natalia CIREAP2, Razvan ILINA2, Dragos IZVERNARIU3, Aurel ARDELEAN4, George PRIBAC4 Affiliation: 1 Department of Biochemistry, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babes”...
Juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis: From etiology to treatment
Authors: Delia HORHAT*, Raluca HORHAT, Marioara POENARU, S. COTULBEA, Carmen PANAITESCU, N. BALICA, C. SARAU, F. HORHAT, Valeria MOCANU, Adelina JIANU Affiliation: University of Medicine...
Assessment of the effects of ibuprofen association with nifedipine on ibuprofen induced hepatotoxicity
Authors: Răzvan GLIGOR1*, Şerban GLIGOR2 Affiliation: 1 “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Romania; 2 West University Timişoara, Romania Read full article ABSTRACT. Ibuprofen...
Study on the alelopatic action of the watery extract of Artemisia absinthium L. upon the germination of the caryopses and of the growth of the plantlets of Triticum aestivum L., Lolium perenne L. and of Bromus inermis L.
Authors: Sorina CORBU1, Dorina CACHIŢĂ-COSMA2 Affiliation: 1 The National College „Emanuil Gojdu” Oradea, Romania; 2 “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania Read full article...
Studies regarding the traceability testing in organochlorine pesticides contamination of milk
Authors: Adriana CHIŞ1*, Cristina HORGA2 Affiliation: 1 Department of Food control, University of Oradea, Environment Protection Faculty; 2 Chemistry Laboratories, Institute for Public Health Cluj-Napoca...
Issues regarding the chloroplast ultrastructure and assimilating pigments content in normal and hyperhydrice sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. Saccharifera) vitroplantlet leaflets
Authors: Dorina CACHIŢĂ-COSMA1, Adriana PETRUŞ-VANCEA2*, Constantin CRĂCIUN3 Affiliatin: 1 Faculty of Natural Science, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania; 2 Biology Department, Faculty of Science,...
Histoanatomy of Echinodorus cordifolius (L.) Griseb. (Alismataceae)
Authors: Rodica BERCU Affiliation: Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, “Ovidius” University, Constanta, Romania Read full article ABSTRACT. The article comprises investigation of...
Eriochloa villosa – A new alien Graminaceae species for Arad county (Romania)
Authors: Aurel ARDELEAN1*, Karl KARACSONYI2, Gavril NEGREAN2 Affiliation: 1 “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania; 2 Romanian Academy Biology Institute Read full article ...
Micro-solid-phase extraction and GC analysis of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons from water
Authors: Vlad AGOTICI1*, Ionel CIUCANU2, Petra Silvia AGOTICI1, Adriana DĂRĂBAN1, Gheorghe DEHELEAN1 Affiliation: 1 “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania; 2 Western University of Timisoara,...
Researches regarding the species of plants from the sands in the north-west of Romania
Read full article Article Title: Researches regarding the species of plants from the sands in the north-west of Romania Authors: Adriana OPREA*, Aurel ARDELEAN Affiliation:...