In vitro screening of potato varieties for drought stress induced with different osmotic agents
Read full article Article Title: In vitro screening of potato varieties for drought stress induced with different osmotic agents Authors: Tican A., Cioloca...
Pathological effects caused by Pennella instructa (Wilson, 1917) (Pennellidae) to its host Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758 (Xiphiidae) off the Algerian Coast
Read full article Article Title: Pathological effects caused by Pennella instructa (Wilson, 1917) (Pennellidae) to its host Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758 (Xiphiidae) off...
First data on the trophic ecology of the great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) in Algeria
Read full article Article Title: First data on the trophic ecology of the great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) in Algeria Authors: Belfethi L., Moulaï...
The evaluation of allelopathic interactions of cucumber on maize germination
Read full article Article Title: The evaluation of allelopathic interactions of cucumber on maize germination Authors: Blidar C. F., Pocioian D. S. Affiliation:...
Does seabird guano affect plant physiology in insular ecosystem?
Read full article Article Title: Does seabird guano affect plant physiology in insular ecosystem? Authors: Hussein A. A., Baaloudj A., Benhamiche-Hanifi S., Lassouane N.,...
The Colias genus in the collections of the Natural History Museum of Sibiu, Romania
Read full article Article Title: The Colias genus in the collections of the Natural History Museum of Sibiu, Romania Authors: Stancă-Moise C. Affiliation: “Lucian...
Estimation of the entomological diversity of a pear orchard (Pyrus communis L.) in North-Western Algeria
Read full article Article Title: Estimation of the entomological diversity of a pear orchard (Pyrus communis L.) in North-Western Algeria Authors: Guerrouche N., Hamadi...
Research regarding morphological, biochemical and productivity indices for some barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes in the pedo-climatic conditions of Crișurilor Plain area
Read full article Article Title: Research regarding morphological, biochemical and productivity indices for some barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes in the pedo-climatic conditions of...
Growth and biochemical response of Azolla caroliniana Willd to soluble NPK fertilizers
Read full article Article Title: Growth and biochemical response of Azolla caroliniana Willd to soluble NPK fertilizers Authors: Nouri T., Bouyahia H., Amari Z.,...
Assessment of the trophic state of Awba Reservoir Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria
Read full article Article Title: Assessment of the trophic state of Awba Reservoir Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria Authors: Ayoade A. A., Aderogba A. Affiliation: 1Hydrobiology...