Contribution to the distribution of terrestrial small mammals in the Salaj county, Romania
Read full article Article Title: Contribution to the distribution of terrestrial small mammals in the Salaj county, Romania Authors: Gubányi A. Affiliation: Department of Zoology,...
Preliminary analysis of some linden honey originary from Arad County
Read full article Article Title: Preliminary analysis of some linden honey originary from Arad County Authors: Dărăban A., Iacob A., Chișe E., Turcuș V.,...
Ornithological observations on the middle course of the river Somes – taxonomic and ecological considerations (taxonomic and ecological aspects of the Someș river middle course ornitofauna)
Read full article Article Title: Ornithological observations on the middle course of the river Somes – taxonomic and ecological considerations (taxonomic and ecological aspects...
Green biosynthesis of selenium nanoparticles using parsley (Petroselinum crispum) leaves extract
Read full article Article Title: Green biosynthesis of selenium nanoparticles using parsley (Petroselinum crispum) leaves extract Authors: Fritea L, Laslo V., Cavalu S., Costea...
Dietary supplements – bioactive principles: regulatory aspects, in vitro release profiles – coenzyme Q10
Read full article Article Title: Dietary supplements – bioactive principles: regulatory aspects, in vitro release profiles – coenzyme Q10 Authors: Buciuman C.A. , Vicaş...
Formulation and characterization of biocompatible microemulsions for topical administration of sodium diclofenac
Read full article Article Title: Formulation and characterization of biocompatible microemulsions for topical administration of sodium diclofenac Authors: Cojocaru V., Ailiesei I., Orbeşteanu A.-M., Cinteză...
Physical-chemical and biochemical characterization of selected romanian and polish honeydew honey
Read full article Article Title: Physical-chemical and biochemical characterization of selected romanian and polish honeydew honey Authors: Purcărea C., Chiş A-M., Dżugan M., Popovici D....
The anti inflammatory effects of a hydrogel formulation with bee venom
Read full article Article Title: The anti inflammatory effects of a hydrogel formulation with bee venom Authors: Dărăban A., Mititelu M., Dehelean G. Affiliation: “Vasile...
General data regarding Tragopogon dubius scop. species – pharmacognostic analysis
Read full article Article Title: General data regarding Tragopogon dubius scop. species – pharmacognostic analysis Authors: Moromete C., Arcuş M., Bucur L., Roşoiu N. Affiliation:...
Evaluation of bacterial and fungal contamitation of commerically produced cake in Urmia, northwest of Iran
Read full article Article Title: Evaluation of bacterial and fungal contamitation of commerically produced cake in Urmia, northwest of Iran Authors: Fakhernia M., Forouzan S,...