Monitoring the microbiological and physico-chemical pollution degree of the river Visa
Authors: Letitia OPREAN1*, Maria POPLĂCEAN2, Simona OANCEA1, Camelia OPREAN1, Ecaterina LENGYEL1
Affiliation: 1 “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania, 2 S.C APĂ-CANAL S.A. Sibiu, Romania
ABSTRACT. The paper presents comparative research regarding the microbiological and physico-chemical characteristics of waters of the river Visa, samples being collected upstream and downstream of the Ocna Sibiului locality. Results of the physico-chemical and hygienico-sanitary parameters showed increased values. In particular we found bacterial contamination of the river with coliform organisms as a result of household wastes discharge the studied area being of great touristic. The discharges come from Ocna Sibiului town which lack a wastewater treatment plant and a system of collecting the household and industrial waste waters. Faecal pollution indices exceeded the value of 2.4 x 106/l.
Keywords: rivers, water quality, pollution, coliforms, wastewater