Asociatii vegetale halomorfe in vestul Romaniei (proiectul PIN-MATRA)
December 10, 2007
Autori: Aurel Ardelean, Violeta Buruiana, Iulian Octavian Stana
Afiliere: Departamentul de Genetica si Botanica, Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldis” Arad, Romania
HALOMORPH VEGETAL ASSOCIATIONS IN THE WEST PART OF ROMANIA (project PIN – MATRA). This project is a part of an ample international program oriented toward maintaining long term diversity of european meadows. The project sustains the protection, conservation and management of romanian seminatural meadows, according with the criteria and reglementations of European Union. Through this project we had obtain the inventory for meadows from the west parts of Romania.
Keywords: halomorph vegetals; meadows