Gait analysis in below the knee amputees for distal arterial disease

Gait analysis in below the knee amputees for distal arterial disease

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Article_Title: Gait analysis in below the knee amputees for distal arterial disease
Authors: Gigi Adrian Aiordachioae, Horia Haragus, Dinu Vermesan, Mirela Toth-Tascau, Alexandru Pop
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara
Polytechnic University Timisoara
Abstract: Atherosclerosis can lead to acute lower limb ischemia that may require amputation with important functional and social burden, as well as increased morbidity and mortality. A group of 8 able prosthetic users were examined using spatial motion detection. Consistent patterns revealed increased compensatory motion at the hip of the amputated limb. We found limited peak dorsiflexion during swing which obligates to increased hip flexion. We also determined that frontal and transversal plane motion is symmetrical for the thighs and knees. Gait parameters summary shows decreased step and velocity compared to able bodied subjects as well as shorter swing phase for the prosthetic limb due to limmited mobility at the knee and angle. In conclusion gait alterations are clearly identifiable in below the knee amputees using conventional spatial motion detection. These measurements show marked abnormalities of the amputated limb compared to contralateral as well as able bodied subjects respectively. These variations are influenced both by patient skills and prosthetic design.
Keywords: gait, amputee, peripheral arterial disease, transtibial
References: Baum BS, Schnall BL, Tis JE, Lipton JS. Correlation of residual limb length and gait parameters in amputees. Injury. Jul 2008;39(7):728-33
Lazzarini et al.: What are the key conditions associated with lower limb amputations in a major Australian teaching hospital? Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2012 5:12.
Perry J. Gait Analysis: Normal and Pathological Function. SLACK, Inc;1992.
Pinzur MS, Asselmeier M, Smith D . Dynamic electromyography in active and limited walking belowknee amputees . Orthopaedics 1991 :14 :535-8.
Pinzur MS, Littooy F, Daniels J et al . Multidisciplinary preoperative assessment and late function in dysvascular amputees. Clin Orthop 1992 :281 :239-43.
Pinzur MS. Gait analysis in peripheral vascular insufficiency through-knee amputation. J Rehabil Res Dev. 1993;30(4):388-92.
Segal AD, Orendurff MS, Czerniecki JM, Schoen J, Klute GK. Comparison of transtibial amputee and non-amputee biomechanics during a common turning task. Gait Posture. 2011 Jan;33(1):41-7.
Sjödahl C, Jarnlo GB, Söderberg B, Persson BM. Pelvic motion in trans-femoral amputees in the frontal and transverse plane before and after special gait re-education. Prosthet Orthot Int. Dec 2003;27(3):227-37
Skinner HB, Effeney DJ. Gait analysis in amputees. Am J Phys Med. 1985 Apr;64(2):82-9.
Su PF, Gard SA, Lipschutz RD, Kuiken TA. The effects of increased prosthetic ankle motions on the gait of persons with bilateral transtibial amputations. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Jan;89(1):34-47.
Underwood HA, Tokuno CD, Eng JJ. A comparison of two prosthetic feet on the multi-joint and multi-plane kinetic gait compensations in individuals with a unilateral trans-tibial amputation. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2004 Jul;19(6):609-16.
Vrieling AH, van Keeken HG, Schoppen T, Otten E, Halbertsma JP, Hof AL, Postema K. Uphill and downhill walking in unilateral lower limb amputees. Gait Posture. 2008 Aug;28(2):235-42.
Vrieling AH, van Keeken HG, Schoppen T, Hof AL, Otten B, Halbertsma JP, Postema K. Gait adjustments in obstacle crossing, gait initiation and gait termination after a recent lower limb amputation. Clin Rehabil. 2009 Jul;23(7):659-71.
Waters RL, Perry J, Antonelli D, Hislop H . Energy cost of walking of amputees . The influence of level of amputation . J Bone Joint Surg 1976 :58A:42-6 .
Wolf SI, Alimusaj M, Fradet L, Siegel J, Braatz F. Pressure characteristics at the stump/socket interface in transtibial amputees using an adaptive prosthetic foot. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). Dec 2009;24(10):860-5
Read_full_article: pdf/23-2013/23-2-2013/SU23-2-2013-Aiordachioae3.pdf
Correspondence: Aiordachioaie Gigi Adrian, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Semiologie chirurgicala, Piata Mihai Viteazu Nr. 7-8., 310017, Arad, Romania, Tel. +40-(722166895), email:

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Article Title: Gait analysis in below the knee amputees for distal arterial disease
Authors: Gigi Adrian Aiordachioae, Horia Haragus, Dinu Vermesan, Mirela Toth-Tascau, Alexandru Pop
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara
Polytechnic University Timisoara
Abstract: Atherosclerosis can lead to acute lower limb ischemia that may require amputation with important functional and social burden, as well as increased morbidity and mortality. A group of 8 able prosthetic users were examined using spatial motion detection. Consistent patterns revealed increased compensatory motion at the hip of the amputated limb. We found limited peak dorsiflexion during swing which obligates to increased hip flexion. We also determined that frontal and transversal plane motion is symmetrical for the thighs and knees. Gait parameters summary shows decreased step and velocity compared to able bodied subjects as well as shorter swing phase for the prosthetic limb due to limmited mobility at the knee and angle. In conclusion gait alterations are clearly identifiable in below the knee amputees using conventional spatial motion detection. These measurements show marked abnormalities of the amputated limb compared to contralateral as well as able bodied subjects respectively. These variations are influenced both by patient skills and prosthetic design.
Keywords: gait, amputee, peripheral arterial disease, transtibial
References: Baum BS, Schnall BL, Tis JE, Lipton JS. Correlation of residual limb length and gait parameters in amputees. Injury. Jul 2008;39(7):728-33
Lazzarini et al.: What are the key conditions associated with lower limb amputations in a major Australian teaching hospital? Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2012 5:12.
Perry J. Gait Analysis: Normal and Pathological Function. SLACK, Inc;1992.
Pinzur MS, Asselmeier M, Smith D . Dynamic electromyography in active and limited walking belowknee amputees . Orthopaedics 1991 :14 :535-8.
Pinzur MS, Littooy F, Daniels J et al . Multidisciplinary preoperative assessment and late function in dysvascular amputees. Clin Orthop 1992 :281 :239-43.
Pinzur MS. Gait analysis in peripheral vascular insufficiency through-knee amputation. J Rehabil Res Dev. 1993;30(4):388-92.
Segal AD, Orendurff MS, Czerniecki JM, Schoen J, Klute GK. Comparison of transtibial amputee and non-amputee biomechanics during a common turning task. Gait Posture. 2011 Jan;33(1):41-7.
Sjödahl C, Jarnlo GB, Söderberg B, Persson BM. Pelvic motion in trans-femoral amputees in the frontal and transverse plane before and after special gait re-education. Prosthet Orthot Int. Dec 2003;27(3):227-37
Skinner HB, Effeney DJ. Gait analysis in amputees. Am J Phys Med. 1985 Apr;64(2):82-9.
Su PF, Gard SA, Lipschutz RD, Kuiken TA. The effects of increased prosthetic ankle motions on the gait of persons with bilateral transtibial amputations. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Jan;89(1):34-47.
Underwood HA, Tokuno CD, Eng JJ. A comparison of two prosthetic feet on the multi-joint and multi-plane kinetic gait compensations in individuals with a unilateral trans-tibial amputation. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2004 Jul;19(6):609-16.
Vrieling AH, van Keeken HG, Schoppen T, Otten E, Halbertsma JP, Hof AL, Postema K. Uphill and downhill walking in unilateral lower limb amputees. Gait Posture. 2008 Aug;28(2):235-42.
Vrieling AH, van Keeken HG, Schoppen T, Hof AL, Otten B, Halbertsma JP, Postema K. Gait adjustments in obstacle crossing, gait initiation and gait termination after a recent lower limb amputation. Clin Rehabil. 2009 Jul;23(7):659-71.
Waters RL, Perry J, Antonelli D, Hislop H . Energy cost of walking of amputees . The influence of level of amputation . J Bone Joint Surg 1976 :58A:42-6 .
Wolf SI, Alimusaj M, Fradet L, Siegel J, Braatz F. Pressure characteristics at the stump/socket interface in transtibial amputees using an adaptive prosthetic foot. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). Dec 2009;24(10):860-5
*Correspondence: Aiordachioaie Gigi Adrian, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Semiologie chirurgicala, Piata Mihai Viteazu Nr. 7-8., 310017, Arad, Romania, Tel. +40-(722166895), email: