The influence of limestone mining from Mateiaşu Mountain (South romanian Carpathians) on edaphic mezofauna
January 14, 2013
The influence of limestone mining from Mateiaşu Mountain (South romanian Carpathians) on edaphic mezofauna
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Title: | The influence of limestone mining from Mateiaşu Mountain (South romanian Carpathians) on edaphic mezofauna |
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Article_Title: | The influence of limestone mining from Mateiaşu Mountain (South romanian Carpathians) on edaphic mezofauna |
Authors: | Raluca Stancu |
Affiliation: | Elementary School I.C. Petrescu Stalpeni |
Abstract: | Our data emphasize the fact that calcareous powder on the soil, coming from Mateiaşu limestone mining, influences Collembola and Acarina fauna from the polluted soils, reducing their individual number. Thus, the differences between numerical densities of Collembola from polluted areas, by comparison with unpolluted soils, were, in all cases, significant, with a “d” value > 3.291, which justifies null hypothesis resignation, with a probability “p” = 0.001. In the case of Acarina, between beech areas (unpolluted and polluted ones), the difference was significant, with a value “d” > 2.576 and a probability “p” = 0.01. In the case of pine and meadow areas, “d” value > 3.291 and probability “p” = 0.001, which also justifies the resignation of null hypothesis. In the condition of working with the same technics for sample prelevation, in the condition of comparing these densities of pairs of arias with the same type of vegetation, the explanation of existing significant differences between the numerical densities of Collembola and Acarina remains the influence of pollution of soils with calcareous powder. |
Keywords: | limestone mining, cement factory, soil, invertebrate fauna |
References: | Badea A. B., Gagyi-Palffy A., Stoian L. C., Stan G., Preliminary studies of quality assessment of aquatic environments from Cluj suburban areas, based on some invertebrates bioindicators and chemical indicators. AACL Bioflux, 3(1):35-41, 2010. Bailey, NTJ, Statistical Methods in Biology. The English Universities Press LTD, London, 200 pp, 1959 Chiriţă, CD, Papacostea, AS, Hondru, N, Ecopedologie cu baze de pedologie generală. Ceres, Bucureţti, pp. 591, 1974 Creangă I., Dumitru M., Toti M., Constantin Carolina, Mihalache G., Voiculescu Anca Rovena, Motelică MD, Poluarea cu petrol şi apă sărată a solurilor din judeţul Argeş; măsuri de ameliorare; Cap. III – Judeţul Argeş; aşezarea geografică, condiţii naturale, soluri, Ed. Sitech Craiova, 2005 Falcă, M, .Influenţa noxelor industriale asupra cenozelor de colembole. Lucrările celei de a III-a Conferinţe de Entomologie Iaşi, pp.163 – 168, 1986 Falcă, M, Dominanţa numerică a speciilor de colembole din unele tipuri de ecosisteme forestiere montane. St. cerc. biol., Seria biol. anim., 41, 1,pp. 31 – 36, 1989 Falcă, M, Similarity of Collembola from some mountain forestry ecosystems. Rev. Roum. Biol., Biol Anim., 34, 2, pp. 87 – 93, 1989 Florea, N., Bălăceanu V., Răuţă C., Canarache A., Metodologia elaborĂrii studiilor pedologice I-III, Redacţia de propagandă tehnică agricolă, Bucuresti 1987 Florea, N., Munteanu, N., Sistemul roman de taxonomie a solurilor (SRTS), Ed. Estfalia Bucureşti, 2003 ICAS Bucureşti, Amenajamentul – Ocolul Silvic Rucăr – Judeţul Argeş, 92 pp Munteanu I., Florea, N., Ghid pentru descrierea in teren a profilului de sol şi a condiţiilor de mediu specifice: Ed. Sitech Craiova, 2009 Stoian L. C., Gagyi-Palffy A., Stan G., Preliminary aspects regarding the use of some invertebrate bioindicator species in the ecological study of an aquatic lotic ecosystem. AACL Bioflux 2(3):331-337, 2009. *** Ordinul Ministrului Apelor, Pădurilor şi Protecţiei Mediului nr. 756/3.11.1997 Wallwork, JA, Ecology of Soil Animals. McGraw-Hill, London, 283 pp, 1970 |
Read_full_article: | pdf/22-2012/22-4-2012/SU22-4-2012-Stancu1.pdf |
Correspondence: | Stancu Raluca Maria ,“ Faculty of Sciences “-University of Pitesti, comuna-Stalpeni,judetul Arges ,Romania, Tel .0743633596,email |
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Article Title: | The influence of limestone mining from Mateiaşu Mountain (South romanian Carpathians) on edaphic mezofauna |
Authors: | Raluca Stancu |
Affiliation: | Elementary School I.C. Petrescu Stalpeni |
Abstract: | Our data emphasize the fact that calcareous powder on the soil, coming from Mateiaşu limestone mining, influences Collembola and Acarina fauna from the polluted soils, reducing their individual number. Thus, the differences between numerical densities of Collembola from polluted areas, by comparison with unpolluted soils, were, in all cases, significant, with a “d” value > 3.291, which justifies null hypothesis resignation, with a probability “p” = 0.001. In the case of Acarina, between beech areas (unpolluted and polluted ones), the difference was significant, with a value “d” > 2.576 and a probability “p” = 0.01. In the case of pine and meadow areas, “d” value > 3.291 and probability “p” = 0.001, which also justifies the resignation of null hypothesis. In the condition of working with the same technics for sample prelevation, in the condition of comparing these densities of pairs of arias with the same type of vegetation, the explanation of existing significant differences between the numerical densities of Collembola and Acarina remains the influence of pollution of soils with calcareous powder. |
Keywords: | limestone mining, cement factory, soil, invertebrate fauna |
References: | Badea A. B., Gagyi-Palffy A., Stoian L. C., Stan G., Preliminary studies of quality assessment of aquatic environments from Cluj suburban areas, based on some invertebrates bioindicators and chemical indicators. AACL Bioflux, 3(1):35-41, 2010. Bailey, NTJ, Statistical Methods in Biology. The English Universities Press LTD, London, 200 pp, 1959 Chiriţă, CD, Papacostea, AS, Hondru, N, Ecopedologie cu baze de pedologie generală. Ceres, Bucureţti, pp. 591, 1974 Creangă I., Dumitru M., Toti M., Constantin Carolina, Mihalache G., Voiculescu Anca Rovena, Motelică MD, Poluarea cu petrol şi apă sărată a solurilor din judeţul Argeş; măsuri de ameliorare; Cap. III – Judeţul Argeş; aşezarea geografică, condiţii naturale, soluri, Ed. Sitech Craiova, 2005 Falcă, M, .Influenţa noxelor industriale asupra cenozelor de colembole. Lucrările celei de a III-a Conferinţe de Entomologie Iaşi, pp.163 – 168, 1986 Falcă, M, Dominanţa numerică a speciilor de colembole din unele tipuri de ecosisteme forestiere montane. St. cerc. biol., Seria biol. anim., 41, 1,pp. 31 – 36, 1989 Falcă, M, Similarity of Collembola from some mountain forestry ecosystems. Rev. Roum. Biol., Biol Anim., 34, 2, pp. 87 – 93, 1989 Florea, N., Bălăceanu V., Răuţă C., Canarache A., Metodologia elaborĂrii studiilor pedologice I-III, Redacţia de propagandă tehnică agricolă, Bucuresti 1987 Florea, N., Munteanu, N., Sistemul roman de taxonomie a solurilor (SRTS), Ed. Estfalia Bucureşti, 2003 ICAS Bucureşti, Amenajamentul – Ocolul Silvic Rucăr – Judeţul Argeş, 92 pp Munteanu I., Florea, N., Ghid pentru descrierea in teren a profilului de sol şi a condiţiilor de mediu specifice: Ed. Sitech Craiova, 2009 Stoian L. C., Gagyi-Palffy A., Stan G., Preliminary aspects regarding the use of some invertebrate bioindicator species in the ecological study of an aquatic lotic ecosystem. AACL Bioflux 2(3):331-337, 2009. *** Ordinul Ministrului Apelor, Pădurilor şi Protecţiei Mediului nr. 756/3.11.1997 Wallwork, JA, Ecology of Soil Animals. McGraw-Hill, London, 283 pp, 1970 |
*Correspondence: | Stancu Raluca Maria ,“ Faculty of Sciences “-University of Pitesti, comuna-Stalpeni,judetul Arges ,Romania, Tel .0743633596,email |