Communication in the ecological marketing

Communication in the ecological marketing

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Article_Title: Communication in the ecological marketing
Authors: Olimpia Neagu
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad
Abstract: The formation of the environmental protective behaviour is a major objective of the communication actions specific to ecological marketing. The ecological marketers must have in attention to conceive an effective message to the target audience, transmitted trough appropriate channels and using specific and persuasive techniques. The objectives nature of communication in the ecological marketing is affective(feeling creation) and conative(action stimulation), regarding the awareness raising of the target groups of the importance of the environment protection and the concrete prevention and stopping pollution actions.
Keywords: green/environmental/ecological marketing, pro-environmental behavior, marketing communication, environmental orientation
References: Ajzen,I.& Fishbein, M., Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1980
Banerjee, S. B., Corporate Environmentalism. The Construct and Its Measurement, Journal of Business Review 55, 177–191, 2002 (doi:10.1016/S0148-2963(00)00135-1)
Banerjee, S. B., E. S. Iyer and R. K. Kashyap, Corporate Environmentalism: Antecedents and Influence of Industry Type’, Journal of Marketing 67, 106–122, 2003 (doi:10.1509/jmkg.
Burgess, J., Harrison, C. & Filius, P. ,Environmental communication and the cultural politics of environmental citizenship, Environment and Planning A, 30, 1998, pp. 1445–1460
Calomarde, J. V.,Marketing Ecologico (Piramide, Madrid), 2000
Chamorro, A. and T. Banegil, Green Marketing Philosophy: A study of Spanish Firms with Ecolabels, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 13, 11–24, 2006 (doi:10.1002/csr.83)
Coddington, W., Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer (McGraw- Hill, New York), 1993
Fraj-Andres Elena, Martinez-Salinas Eva, Vallejo-Matute Jorge, A multidimensional Approach to the Influence of Environmental Marketing and Orientation on the Firm’s Organizational Performance, in Journal of Business Ethics,No.88, 2009, pp.263-286
Fuller, D. A., Sustainable Marketing: Managerial- Ecological Issues (Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks), 1999 Grant John, Green Marketing, in Strategic Direction, Vol.24, No.6 2008 (
Kolb, D.,Experiential Learning: Experience as a source of learning and development, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1984
Kolmuss Anja;Agyeman Julian, Mind the Gap: why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmentally behavior?, in Environmental Education Research, Vol.8 No.3, 2002
(DOI: 10.1080/1350462022014540 1)
Nedimyer, K., Gaines, K., Roach, S., Coral Tree Nursery©: An innovative approach to growing corals in an ocean-based field nursery, AACL Bioflux, 4(4):442-446, 2011
Ogunniyi, L. T., Sanusi, W. A., Ezekiel, A. A., Determinants of rural household willingness to pay for safe water in Kwara State, Nigeria, AACL Bioflux, 4(5):660-669, 2011
Peattie, K., Towards Sustainability: The Third Age of Green Marketing, The Marketing Review 2, 129–146, 2001 (doi:10.1362/1469347012569869)
Polonsky, M. J.,Cleaning Up Green Marketing Claims: A Practical Checklist, in M. J. Polonsky and A. T. Mintu-Wimsatt (eds.), Environmental Marketing: Strategies, Practice, Theory and Research (The Haworth Press, New York), 1995
Popescu, I.C., Comunicarea în marketing, Editura Uranus, Bucureşti, 2003
Regis, D.,Self-concept and conformity in theories of health education, Doctoral disertation, School of Education, University of Exeter, 1990,, dregis/ PhD/Contents.html
Rhyne, A. L., The importance of open access in technology transfer for marine ornamental aquaculture: The case of hobbyist-led breeding initiatives, AACL Bioflux, 3(3):269-272, 2010
Tulbure, I., The role of aquaculture for assuring the sustainable development of our society, AACL Bioflux, 3(5):354-361, 2010
Vintila, I., Ecological footprint evaluation of improved student’s menus using fishery products, AACL Bioflux, 3(3):247-253, 2010
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Article Title: Communication in the ecological marketing
Authors: Olimpia Neagu
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad
Abstract: The formation of the environmental protective behaviour is a major objective of the communication actions specific to ecological marketing. The ecological marketers must have in attention to conceive an effective message to the target audience, transmitted trough appropriate channels and using specific and persuasive techniques. The objectives nature of communication in the ecological marketing is affective(feeling creation) and conative(action stimulation), regarding the awareness raising of the target groups of the importance of the environment protection and the concrete prevention and stopping pollution actions.
Keywords: green/environmental/ecological marketing, pro-environmental behavior, marketing communication, environmental orientation
References: Ajzen,I.& Fishbein, M., Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1980
Banerjee, S. B., Corporate Environmentalism. The Construct and Its Measurement, Journal of Business Review 55, 177–191, 2002 (doi:10.1016/S0148-2963(00)00135-1)
Banerjee, S. B., E. S. Iyer and R. K. Kashyap, Corporate Environmentalism: Antecedents and Influence of Industry Type’, Journal of Marketing 67, 106–122, 2003 (doi:10.1509/jmkg.
Burgess, J., Harrison, C. & Filius, P. ,Environmental communication and the cultural politics of environmental citizenship, Environment and Planning A, 30, 1998, pp. 1445–1460
Calomarde, J. V.,Marketing Ecologico (Piramide, Madrid), 2000
Chamorro, A. and T. Banegil, Green Marketing Philosophy: A study of Spanish Firms with Ecolabels, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 13, 11–24, 2006 (doi:10.1002/csr.83)
Coddington, W., Environmental Marketing: Positive Strategies for Reaching the Green Consumer (McGraw- Hill, New York), 1993
Fraj-Andres Elena, Martinez-Salinas Eva, Vallejo-Matute Jorge, A multidimensional Approach to the Influence of Environmental Marketing and Orientation on the Firm’s Organizational Performance, in Journal of Business Ethics,No.88, 2009, pp.263-286
Fuller, D. A., Sustainable Marketing: Managerial- Ecological Issues (Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks), 1999 Grant John, Green Marketing, in Strategic Direction, Vol.24, No.6 2008 (
Kolb, D.,Experiential Learning: Experience as a source of learning and development, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1984
Kolmuss Anja;Agyeman Julian, Mind the Gap: why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmentally behavior?, in Environmental Education Research, Vol.8 No.3, 2002
(DOI: 10.1080/1350462022014540 1)
Nedimyer, K., Gaines, K., Roach, S., Coral Tree Nursery©: An innovative approach to growing corals in an ocean-based field nursery, AACL Bioflux, 4(4):442-446, 2011
Ogunniyi, L. T., Sanusi, W. A., Ezekiel, A. A., Determinants of rural household willingness to pay for safe water in Kwara State, Nigeria, AACL Bioflux, 4(5):660-669, 2011
Peattie, K., Towards Sustainability: The Third Age of Green Marketing, The Marketing Review 2, 129–146, 2001 (doi:10.1362/1469347012569869)
Polonsky, M. J.,Cleaning Up Green Marketing Claims: A Practical Checklist, in M. J. Polonsky and A. T. Mintu-Wimsatt (eds.), Environmental Marketing: Strategies, Practice, Theory and Research (The Haworth Press, New York), 1995
Popescu, I.C., Comunicarea în marketing, Editura Uranus, Bucureşti, 2003
Regis, D.,Self-concept and conformity in theories of health education, Doctoral disertation, School of Education, University of Exeter, 1990,, dregis/ PhD/Contents.html
Rhyne, A. L., The importance of open access in technology transfer for marine ornamental aquaculture: The case of hobbyist-led breeding initiatives, AACL Bioflux, 3(3):269-272, 2010
Tulbure, I., The role of aquaculture for assuring the sustainable development of our society, AACL Bioflux, 3(5):354-361, 2010
Vintila, I., Ecological footprint evaluation of improved student’s menus using fishery products, AACL Bioflux, 3(3):247-253, 2010