Tracheostomized pacient – nursing and case report

Tracheostomized pacient – nursing and case report

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Article_Title: Tracheostomized pacient – nursing and case report
Authors: Teodora Olariu, Iustin Olariu, Monica Solomon
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad, România
Abstract: Tracheostomy is an intervention that is practiced in the case where there is a need of the patient’s ventilation for a period longer than 7 days. Tracheotomy is a surgical intervention by incision was made with the purpose of trachea penetration air in the shaft asthma, with the later date of trachea on the skin. It was an intervention Tracheostomy which can be achieved by conventional surgical processes, which require transporting the patient in the operating room, or by the procedure percutaneous, process which may be carried out at cog. With proper care patient undergoing tracheostomy has the right objective prevention of infections and the earliest opportunity you feel the place of incision, sucking up but not be limited, carrying out daily hygiene cannula, performing ventilation, specific methods of nutrition.
Keywords: tracheostomy, larinx, trachea, neck surgery
References: 1. Mircea Ifrim, Gheorghe Niculescu, Cris Precup – Atlas de anatomie topografica, Regiuni viscerale; “Vasile Goldis” University Press, 2008, p. 48, 76.
2. Viorica – Doina Sandu, Cistina Pasca, Erika Kis – Anatomia si igiena omului, Ed. Presa Universitara Clujeana, 2000, p. 01-306
3. Lucretia Titirca- GHID DE NURSING – Editura Viaţa MedicalăRomânească.
4. Teodora Olariu – Anestezie si urgente in terapie intensiva, Ed. UVVG Arad, 2008.
5. Ioana Basarab Micle -Traheostomia percutanata in terapia intensiva sub control laringoscopic, Timisoara, 2009, p. 316
6. Constanta Stoica, Florentina Anghel – Ingrijirea pacientului traheostomizat, sectia ATI, SCU Bucuresti
7. Cooper RM, Pacey JA, Bishop MJ, McCluskey ZA. Early clinical experience with a new videolaryngoscope (GlideScope) in 728 patients. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 2005; 191-198.
8. Smyrnios NA, Connolly A, Wilson MM. Effects of multifaceted, multidisciplinary, hospital-wide quality improvement program on weaninig from mecanical ventilation. Cri Care Med 2002; 30:1224-33.
9. Coplin WM, Pierson DJ, Cooley KD. Implications of extubation delay in brain injured patients meeting standard weaning criteria. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161:1530–6.
10. Brook AD, Ahrens TS, Schaiff R. Effect of a nursingimplemented sedation protocol on the duration of mechanical ventilation. Crit Care Med 1999; 27:2609–15.
11. Pulido JD, Usman F, Cury JD, Bajwa AA, Koch K, Laos L. Modification of percutaneous tracheostomy by direct visualisation of endotracheal tube positioning with Glidescope prior to performing procedure. American College of Chest Physicians.
12. Leonard, R.C.; Lewis, R.H.; Singh, B.; et al.: Late outcome from percutaneous tracheostomy using the Portex kit. Chest 1999; 115(4) 1070-5.
13. Gillies M, Smith J, Langrish C. Positioning the tracheal tube during percutaneous tracheostomy: another use for videolaryngoscopy. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2008; 101(1):129.
14. Udwadia FE. Mechanical ventilation in the critically ill. In: Udwadia FE, Principles of Critical Care, Ed a 2a, University Press, Oxford 2005, p.309-38.
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Article Title: Tracheostomized pacient – nursing and case report
Authors: Teodora Olariu, Iustin Olariu, Monica Solomon
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad, România
Abstract: Tracheostomy is an intervention that is practiced in the case where there is a need of the patient’s ventilation for a period longer than 7 days. Tracheotomy is a surgical intervention by incision was made with the purpose of trachea penetration air in the shaft asthma, with the later date of trachea on the skin. It was an intervention Tracheostomy which can be achieved by conventional surgical processes, which require transporting the patient in the operating room, or by the procedure percutaneous, process which may be carried out at cog. With proper care patient undergoing tracheostomy has the right objective prevention of infections and the earliest opportunity you feel the place of incision, sucking up but not be limited, carrying out daily hygiene cannula, performing ventilation, specific methods of nutrition.
Keywords: tracheostomy, larinx, trachea, neck surgery
References: 1. Mircea Ifrim, Gheorghe Niculescu, Cris Precup – Atlas de anatomie topografica, Regiuni viscerale; “Vasile Goldis” University Press, 2008, p. 48, 76.
2. Viorica – Doina Sandu, Cistina Pasca, Erika Kis – Anatomia si igiena omului, Ed. Presa Universitara Clujeana, 2000, p. 01-306
3. Lucretia Titirca- GHID DE NURSING – Editura Viaţa MedicalăRomânească.
4. Teodora Olariu – Anestezie si urgente in terapie intensiva, Ed. UVVG Arad, 2008.
5. Ioana Basarab Micle -Traheostomia percutanata in terapia intensiva sub control laringoscopic, Timisoara, 2009, p. 316
6. Constanta Stoica, Florentina Anghel – Ingrijirea pacientului traheostomizat, sectia ATI, SCU Bucuresti
7. Cooper RM, Pacey JA, Bishop MJ, McCluskey ZA. Early clinical experience with a new videolaryngoscope (GlideScope) in 728 patients. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 2005; 191-198.
8. Smyrnios NA, Connolly A, Wilson MM. Effects of multifaceted, multidisciplinary, hospital-wide quality improvement program on weaninig from mecanical ventilation. Cri Care Med 2002; 30:1224-33.
9. Coplin WM, Pierson DJ, Cooley KD. Implications of extubation delay in brain injured patients meeting standard weaning criteria. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161:1530–6.
10. Brook AD, Ahrens TS, Schaiff R. Effect of a nursingimplemented sedation protocol on the duration of mechanical ventilation. Crit Care Med 1999; 27:2609–15.
11. Pulido JD, Usman F, Cury JD, Bajwa AA, Koch K, Laos L. Modification of percutaneous tracheostomy by direct visualisation of endotracheal tube positioning with Glidescope prior to performing procedure. American College of Chest Physicians.
12. Leonard, R.C.; Lewis, R.H.; Singh, B.; et al.: Late outcome from percutaneous tracheostomy using the Portex kit. Chest 1999; 115(4) 1070-5.
13. Gillies M, Smith J, Langrish C. Positioning the tracheal tube during percutaneous tracheostomy: another use for videolaryngoscopy. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2008; 101(1):129.
14. Udwadia FE. Mechanical ventilation in the critically ill. In: Udwadia FE, Principles of Critical Care, Ed a 2a, University Press, Oxford 2005, p.309-38.