Cleaning waste waters with chromates and oxalic acid

Cleaning waste waters with chromates and oxalic acid

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Article_Title: Cleaning waste waters with chromates and oxalic acid
Authors: Georgeta Gavriş, Anda Petrehele, Sanda Bota, Ioana Tomulescu, Vasilica Merca
Affiliation: University of Oradea, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Str. Universităţii, no.1, Romania
Abstract: Chromium is used for plating and in chrome steel. The chromates [chromium (VI)] have many
industrial uses as pigments, catalysts, fungicides. The waste waters with chromate are usually presented in industries side by oxalic acid produced at aluminum protection surface. This paper proposed a very cheep method for reciprocally treatment due to function as a bidentate ligand of oxalic acid in the form of dianion with many transition metals ions. Preparation of oxalate chromate potassium salt was made in form of K3[Cr(C2O4)3] anhydrous, using a suitable ratio from oxalic acid, potassium chromate and sulfuric acid. The crystals have been deposited, filtered and washed with ethanol. The product is dried and the yield calculated as a percentage based on chromium is dried.
Keywords: chromate, waste waters, oxalic acid
References: Grunwald, E. and Oniciu., L., Galvanotechnics, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House,
Bucharest, 1980
Dash. P., Srinivasa Rao. K, Sarani. D., and Roy. P., Jnl. of Chem. Techn. and Biotechn., (77), pp 1107-1113, 2002
Bazan J. K., Bisang J.M., Jnl. Appl. Electrochem., (34). pp 50-54, 2001
Macarovici C., Inorganic quantitative chemical analysis, Romanian Academic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1979
Gavriş G., Environment polluted chemistry, Publishing Univ. House, Oradea, 2003
Olaru R., Suteu D., and Păduraru C., The utilization of celulozic materials for waste water deppolution, Chem. Jrn, (7 ). pp 123-128, 1998
Gavriş G., Iovi A., and Sebeşan M., Stady of the cleaning process of the waste water with zinc
ions content, Chem.. Bull. Politehnica Univ.Timişoara, 50 (64), pp. 166-168, 2005
Read_full_article: pdf/18-2008/SU08Gavris2.pdf
Correspondence: Georgeta Gavris, University of Oradea , Faculty of Sciences, Univeersity street, no.1 Oradea, Romania, email:

Read full article
Article Title: Cleaning waste waters with chromates and oxalic acid
Authors: Georgeta Gavriş, Anda Petrehele, Sanda Bota, Ioana Tomulescu, Vasilica Merca
Affiliation: University of Oradea, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Str. Universităţii, no.1, Romania
Abstract: Chromium is used for plating and in chrome steel. The chromates [chromium (VI)] have many
industrial uses as pigments, catalysts, fungicides. The waste waters with chromate are usually presented in industries side by oxalic acid produced at aluminum protection surface. This paper proposed a very cheep method for reciprocally treatment due to function as a bidentate ligand of oxalic acid in the form of dianion with many transition metals ions. Preparation of oxalate chromate potassium salt was made in form of K3[Cr(C2O4)3] anhydrous, using a suitable ratio from oxalic acid, potassium chromate and sulfuric acid. The crystals have been deposited, filtered and washed with ethanol. The product is dried and the yield calculated as a percentage based on chromium is dried.
Keywords: chromate, waste waters, oxalic acid
References: Grunwald, E. and Oniciu., L., Galvanotechnics, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House,
Bucharest, 1980
Dash. P., Srinivasa Rao. K, Sarani. D., and Roy. P., Jnl. of Chem. Techn. and Biotechn., (77), pp 1107-1113, 2002
Bazan J. K., Bisang J.M., Jnl. Appl. Electrochem., (34). pp 50-54, 2001
Macarovici C., Inorganic quantitative chemical analysis, Romanian Academic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1979
Gavriş G., Environment polluted chemistry, Publishing Univ. House, Oradea, 2003
Olaru R., Suteu D., and Păduraru C., The utilization of celulozic materials for waste water deppolution, Chem. Jrn, (7 ). pp 123-128, 1998
Gavriş G., Iovi A., and Sebeşan M., Stady of the cleaning process of the waste water with zinc
ions content, Chem.. Bull. Politehnica Univ.Timişoara, 50 (64), pp. 166-168, 2005
*Correspondence: Georgeta Gavris, University of Oradea , Faculty of Sciences, Univeersity street, no.1 Oradea, Romania, email: