Okanj Bara – important center of floristic and ecosystem diversity of the Tisa River Basin (Serbia)

Okanj Bara – important center of floristic and ecosystem diversity of the Tisa River Basin (Serbia)

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Title: Okanj Bara – important center of floristic and ecosystem diversity of the Tisa River Basin (Serbia)
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Article_Title: Okanj Bara – important center of floristic and ecosystem diversity of the Tisa River Basin (Serbia)
Authors: Biljana PANJKOVIĆ*, Ranko PERIĆ, Vida STOJŠIĆ
Affiliation: Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province
Abstract: More than 75% of Vojvodina province (Serbia) are agricultural and mostly degraded landscape intermingled with more or less isolated remnants of natural and seminatural vegetation on areas which are unfavourable for amelioration into arable land (steep loess walls, sandy areas, saline marshes and meadows) or they are included within protected areas. Many of them were proved to be important centers of floristic and ecosystem diversity in Serbia and Pannonic region, especially for steppe and halophytic vegetation. Unfortunately, significant part of this valuable sites are unprotected and under great antropogenic influences which emphasize need for their protection. One of these important sites is saline lake Okanj bara near Tisa river in Vojvodina (Serbia) with specific and endangered types of saline habitats. Based on field research, herbarium and literature survey new floristical and ecological data are presented. In accordance with data from related literature more than 400 taxa and 58 syntaxonomical units (7 classes, 12 orders, 16 alliances, 20 associations) were observed. In group of protected and rare typical species as well as species with insufficiently known distribution in Serbia were recorded: Plantago schwarzenbergiana Schur, Aster tripolium L. subsp. pannonicum (Jacq.) Soó, Cirsium brachycephalum Juratzka, Trifolium angulatum Waldst. & Kit., Allium atropurpureum Waldst. & Kit., Scilla autumnalis L., Silene viscosa (L.) Pers., Salvia austriaca Jacq., Salsola soda L., Scirpus lacustris L. subsp. tabernaemontani (C. C. Gmelin) Syme in Sowerby, Crypsis aculeata (L.) Aiton, Artemisia santonicum L., Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) O. Kuntze and others.
Keywords: biodiversity, protection, Okanj bara, Lower Tisa, Banat

Anačkov G.(2009): Taxonomy and chorology of genus Allium L. in Serbia [Taksonomija i horologija roda Allium L. 1754 u Srbiji].-University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences. (PhD Thesis, manuscr.) [in Serbian]
Atanacković, N. (1958): Addition to the flora of Backa [Prilog flori Bačke]. Matica Srpska, zbornik za prirodne nauke 14: 143-149. [in Serbian]
Boža P. (1999): Suaeda pannonica (G. Beck) Ascherson & Graebner, In: ], In: Stevanović V. (ed.): The Red Data Book of Flora of Serbia 1, Extinct and critically endangered taxa [Crvena knjiga flore Srbije, iščezli i krajnje ugroženi taksoni], 312-314—Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Serbia, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Institute for Protection of Nature Conservation of Serbia. [in Serbian]
Boža P, Anačkov G. (2005/ 2006): Important botanical area „ Middle Banat I (Okanj bara and Rusanda bara)“ [Botanički značajno područje „Srednji Banat I (Okanj bara i bara Rusanda], In: Stevanović, V. (ed.): IPA in Serbia, [Botanički značajna područja Srbije], Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (manuscr.). [in Serbian]
Gajić, M. (1980): Checklist of flora species of Socialist Republic of Serbia with phytogeographic denotations [Pregled vrsta flore SR Srbije sa biljnogeografskim oznakama] Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta u Beogradu, Serija A „Šumarstvo“, 54: 111-141. [in Serbian]
Knežević A., Merkulov Lj., Ivezić J., Boža P. (1996): Eco-morphological adaptations of saline grasses [Eko-morfološke adaptacije slatinskih trava]. University of Novi Sad, Zbornik radova Prirodnomatematičkog fakulteta, serija za biologiju 25: 37-45. [in Serbian]
Knežević A., Budak V., Boža P., Grdinić B. (1997): Mediterranean floristic elements in vegetation of saline habitats in Banat and Backa [Mediteranski elementi flore u biljnom pokrivaču slatina Banata i Bačke]. University of Novi Sad, Zbornik radova Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, serija za biologiju 26: 29-43. [in Serbian]
Molnár Zs., Borhidi A. (2003): Hungarian alkali vegetation: Origins, landscape history, syntaxonomy, conservation. Phyotocoenologia 33: 377-408.

Nejgebauer V., Živković B., Tanasijević Đ. M., Miljković N. (1971): Pedological map of Vojvodina [Pedološka karta Vojvodine].-Institute for agricultural research, Novi Sad. [in Serbian]
Niketić M., Stevanović M. (1999): Analysis of endangerment of flora of Serbia based on extincted and critically endangered taxa [Analiza ugroženosti flore Srbije na osnovu iščezlih i krajnje ugroženih taksona], In: Stevanović V. (ed.): The Red Data Book of Flora of Serbia 1, Extinct and critically endangered taxa [Crvena knjiga flore Srbije, iščezli i krajnje ugroženi taksoni], 32-39—Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Serbia, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Institute for Protection of Nature Conservation of Serbia. [in Serbian]
Oberdorfer E. (1998): Süddeutsche Pflanzendesellschaften, Teil I, Und Mauergesellschaften, Alpine Fluren, Wasser-, Verlandungs- Und Moorgesellschaften.-Gustav Fischer, Jena, Stuttgart, Lübeck, Ulm. Obradović, M., Boža P. (1986): Prodromus of flora of ferns and spermatophytes of Subotica Sand and its adjacency [Prodromus flore papratnica i semenica Subotičke peščare i bliže okoline]. University in Novi Sad, Zbornik radova Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, serija za biologiju 16: 121-142. [in Serbian]
Panjković B., Kovačev N. (eds.) (2008): Special Nature Reserve „Okanj bara“-exceptionally significant natural domain-protection study [Specijalni rezervat prirode „Okanj bara“ prirodno dobro od izuzetnog značaja-studija zaštite]-Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Novi Sad. [in Serbian]
Parabućski S., Pekanović V. (1980): Cirsium brachycephalum Jur. on some localities in Backa [Cirsium brachycephalum Jur. na nekim lokalitetima u Bačkoj]. Matica Srpska, zbornik za prirodne nauke 58: 63-69. [in Serbian]
Parabućski S., Stojanović S., Butorac B., Pekanović V. (1986): Prodromus of vegetation of Vojvodina [Prodromus vegetacije Vojvodine]. Matica Srpska, zbornik za prirodne nauke 71: 5-40. [in Serbian]
Passarge, H. (1996): Pflanzengesellschaften Nordostdeutschlands. I. Hydro- und Therophytosa. 298 S., 72 Tab. J. Kramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung. Berlin, Stuttgart.
Slavnić, Ž. (1953): Phytogeographical analysis and florogenesis of halophytic vegetation in Srem [Biljnogeografska analiza i florogeneza sremske halofitske vegetacije]. Zbornik Matice Srpska, serija za prirodne nauke 4: 35-64. [in Serbian]
Soó, R. (1964-1980): Systematical and geobotanical handbook of the Hungarian flora and vegetation [А magyar flóra és vegetáció rendszertaninövényföldrajzi kézikönyve], Vols. 1-5. – Academy Press, Budapest. [in Hungarian]
Stevanović V., Jovanović S., Lakušić D., Niketić M. (1995): Diversity of vascular flora of Jugoslavija with checklist of internationally significant species [Diverzitet vaskularne flore Jugoslavije sa pregledom vrsta od međunarodnog značaja], In: Stevanović V., Vasić V. (eds.): Biodiversity of Jugoslavia with checklist of internationally significant species [Biodiverzitet Jugoslavije sa pregledom vrsta od međunarodnog značaja], 183-217.-Ecolibri, Belgrade; Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. [in Serbian]
Stevanović V., Jovanović S., Lakušić D., Niketić M. (1999): Characteristics of the flora of Serbia and its phytogeographical position on Balcan Peninsula and Europe [Karakteristike i osobenosti flore Srbije i njen fitogeografski položaj na Balkanskom poluostrvu i u Evropi], In: Stevanović V. (ed.): The Red Data Book of Flora of Serbia 1, Extinct and critically endangered taxa [Crvena knjiga flore Srbije, iščezli i krajnje ugroženi taksoni], 9-18—Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Serbia, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Institute for Protection of Nature Conservation of Serbia. [in Serbian]
Stevanović V. (ed.) (2002): Preliminary Red List of flora of Serbia and Montenegro according to IUCN 2001. criteria [Preliminarna Crvena lista flore Srbije i Crne Gore prema kriterijumima IUCN-a iz 2001 godine]. Belgrade (manuscr.) [in Serbian]
Šefferová Stanová V., Janák M., Ripka J. (2008): Management of Natura 2000 habitats. 1530 *Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes. European Commission
Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Moore, D. M., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M., Webb, D. A. (eds.) (1968-1980): Flora Europaea II-V. Cambridge Univresity Press, London.
Tutin, T. G., Burges, N. A., Chater, A. O., Edmondson, J. R., Heywood, V. H.., Moore, D. M., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. and Webb, D. A. (Eds.) (1993): Flora Europaea I sec. ed. Cambridge University Press. „Act standard for declaration and protection of strictly protected and protected willd species“ (Sl. Glasnik 5/10).
Boros E. (2003): Alkaline lakes. National Ecological Network 4: 28. Authority for Nature Conservation, Ministry of Environment and Water, Budapest, Hungary.
European Commission, 2007. Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats – EUR27. DG Environment. July 2007.
Important Plant Areas, Criterion A, threatened species.

Read_full_article: pdf/21-2011/21-4-2011/SU21-4-2011-Panjkovic.pdf
Correspondence: Panjković Biljana, Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Radnička St. 20a, 21000 Novi Sad,
Serbia, Tel. +38121/ 4896-301, Fax. +38121/ 6616-252, email: panjkovic@zzps.rs

Read full article
Article Title: Okanj Bara – important center of floristic and ecosystem diversity of the Tisa River Basin (Serbia)
Authors: Biljana PANJKOVIĆ*, Ranko PERIĆ, Vida STOJŠIĆ
Affiliation: Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province
Abstract: More than 75% of Vojvodina province (Serbia) are agricultural and mostly degraded landscape intermingled with more or less isolated remnants of natural and seminatural vegetation on areas which are unfavourable for amelioration into arable land (steep loess walls, sandy areas, saline marshes and meadows) or they are included within protected areas. Many of them were proved to be important centers of floristic and ecosystem diversity in Serbia and Pannonic region, especially for steppe and halophytic vegetation. Unfortunately, significant part of this valuable sites are unprotected and under great antropogenic influences which emphasize need for their protection. One of these important sites is saline lake Okanj bara near Tisa river in Vojvodina (Serbia) with specific and endangered types of saline habitats. Based on field research, herbarium and literature survey new floristical and ecological data are presented. In accordance with data from related literature more than 400 taxa and 58 syntaxonomical units (7 classes, 12 orders, 16 alliances, 20 associations) were observed. In group of protected and rare typical species as well as species with insufficiently known distribution in Serbia were recorded: Plantago schwarzenbergiana Schur, Aster tripolium L. subsp. pannonicum (Jacq.) Soó, Cirsium brachycephalum Juratzka, Trifolium angulatum Waldst. & Kit., Allium atropurpureum Waldst. & Kit., Scilla autumnalis L., Silene viscosa (L.) Pers., Salvia austriaca Jacq., Salsola soda L., Scirpus lacustris L. subsp. tabernaemontani (C. C. Gmelin) Syme in Sowerby, Crypsis aculeata (L.) Aiton, Artemisia santonicum L., Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) O. Kuntze and others.
Keywords: biodiversity, protection, Okanj bara, Lower Tisa, Banat

Anačkov G.(2009): Taxonomy and chorology of genus Allium L. in Serbia [Taksonomija i horologija roda Allium L. 1754 u Srbiji].-University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences. (PhD Thesis, manuscr.) [in Serbian]
Atanacković, N. (1958): Addition to the flora of Backa [Prilog flori Bačke]. Matica Srpska, zbornik za prirodne nauke 14: 143-149. [in Serbian]
Boža P. (1999): Suaeda pannonica (G. Beck) Ascherson & Graebner, In: ], In: Stevanović V. (ed.): The Red Data Book of Flora of Serbia 1, Extinct and critically endangered taxa [Crvena knjiga flore Srbije, iščezli i krajnje ugroženi taksoni], 312-314—Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Serbia, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Institute for Protection of Nature Conservation of Serbia. [in Serbian]
Boža P, Anačkov G. (2005/ 2006): Important botanical area „ Middle Banat I (Okanj bara and Rusanda bara)“ [Botanički značajno područje „Srednji Banat I (Okanj bara i bara Rusanda], In: Stevanović, V. (ed.): IPA in Serbia, [Botanički značajna područja Srbije], Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (manuscr.). [in Serbian]
Gajić, M. (1980): Checklist of flora species of Socialist Republic of Serbia with phytogeographic denotations [Pregled vrsta flore SR Srbije sa biljnogeografskim oznakama] Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta u Beogradu, Serija A „Šumarstvo“, 54:
111-141. [in Serbian]
Knežević A., Merkulov Lj., Ivezić J., Boža P. (1996): Eco-morphological adaptations of saline grasses [Eko-morfološke adaptacije slatinskih trava]. University of Novi Sad, Zbornik radova Prirodnomatematičkog fakulteta, serija za biologiju 25: 37-45. [in Serbian]
Knežević A., Budak V., Boža P., Grdinić B. (1997): Mediterranean floristic elements in vegetation of saline habitats in Banat and Backa [Mediteranski elementi flore u biljnom pokrivaču slatina Banata i Bačke]. University of Novi Sad, Zbornik radova Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, serija za biologiju 26: 29-43. [in Serbian]
Molnár Zs., Borhidi A. (2003): Hungarian alkali vegetation: Origins, landscape history, syntaxonomy, conservation. Phyotocoenologia 33: 377-408.

Nejgebauer V., Živković B., Tanasijević Đ. M., Miljković N. (1971): Pedological map of Vojvodina [Pedološka karta Vojvodine].-Institute for agricultural research, Novi Sad. [in Serbian]
Niketić M., Stevanović M. (1999): Analysis of endangerment of flora of Serbia based on extincted and critically endangered taxa [Analiza ugroženosti flore Srbije na osnovu iščezlih i krajnje ugroženih taksona], In: Stevanović V. (ed.): The Red Data Book of Flora of Serbia 1, Extinct and critically endangered taxa [Crvena knjiga flore Srbije, iščezli i krajnje ugroženi taksoni], 32-39—Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Serbia, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Institute for Protection of Nature Conservation of Serbia. [in Serbian]
Oberdorfer E. (1998): Süddeutsche Pflanzendesellschaften, Teil I, Und Mauergesellschaften, Alpine Fluren, Wasser-, Verlandungs- Und Moorgesellschaften.-Gustav Fischer, Jena, Stuttgart, Lübeck, Ulm.
Obradović, M., Boža P. (1986): Prodromus of flora of ferns and spermatophytes of Subotica Sand and its adjacency [Prodromus flore papratnica i semenica Subotičke peščare i bliže okoline]. University in Novi Sad, Zbornik radova Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, serija za biologiju 16: 121-142. [in Serbian]
Panjković B., Kovačev N. (eds.) (2008): Special Nature Reserve „Okanj bara“-exceptionally significant natural domain-protection study [Specijalni rezervat prirode „Okanj bara“ prirodno dobro od izuzetnog značaja-studija zaštite]-Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Novi Sad. [in Serbian]
Parabućski S., Pekanović V. (1980): Cirsium brachycephalum Jur. on some localities in Backa [Cirsium brachycephalum Jur. na nekim lokalitetima u Bačkoj]. Matica Srpska, zbornik za prirodne nauke 58: 63-69. [in Serbian]
Parabućski S., Stojanović S., Butorac B., Pekanović V. (1986): Prodromus of vegetation of Vojvodina [Prodromus vegetacije Vojvodine]. Matica Srpska, zbornik za prirodne nauke 71: 5-40. [in Serbian]
Passarge, H. (1996): Pflanzengesellschaften Nordostdeutschlands. I. Hydro- und Therophytosa. 298 S., 72 Tab. J. Kramer in der Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung. Berlin, Stuttgart.
Slavnić, Ž. (1953): Phytogeographical analysis and florogenesis of halophytic vegetation in Srem [Biljnogeografska analiza i florogeneza sremske halofitske vegetacije]. Zbornik Matice Srpska, serija za prirodne nauke 4: 35-64. [in Serbian]
Soó, R. (1964-1980): Systematical and geobotanical handbook of the Hungarian flora and vegetation [А magyar flóra és vegetáció rendszertaninövényföldrajzikézikönyve], Vols. 1-5. – Academy Press, Budapest. [in Hungarian]
Stevanović V., Jovanović S., Lakušić D., Niketić M. (1995): Diversity of vascular flora of Jugoslavija with checklist of internationally significant species [Diverzitet vaskularne flore Jugoslavije sa pregledom vrsta od međunarodnog značaja], In: Stevanović V., Vasić V. (eds.): Biodiversity of Jugoslavia with checklist of internationally significant species [Biodiverzitet Jugoslavije sa pregledom vrsta od međunarodnog značaja], 183-217.-Ecolibri, Belgrade; Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. [in Serbian]
Stevanović V., Jovanović S., Lakušić D., Niketić M. (1999): Characteristics of the flora of Serbia and its phytogeographical position on Balcan Peninsula and Europe [Karakteristike i osobenosti flore Srbije i njen fitogeografski položaj na Balkanskom poluostrvu i u Evropi], In: Stevanović V. (ed.): The Red Data Book of Flora of Serbia 1, Extinct and critically endangered taxa [Crvena knjiga flore Srbije, iščezli i krajnje ugroženi taksoni], 9-18—Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Serbia, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Institute for Protection of Nature Conservation of Serbia. [in Serbian]
Stevanović V. (ed.) (2002): Preliminary Red List of flora of Serbia and Montenegro according to IUCN 2001. criteria [Preliminarna Crvena lista flore Srbije i Crne Gore prema kriterijumima IUCN-a iz 2001 godine]. Belgrade (manuscr.) [in Serbian]
Šefferová Stanová V., Janák M., Ripka J. (2008)  Management of Natura 2000 habitats. 1530 *Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes. European
Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Moore, D. M., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M., Webb, D. A. (eds.) (1968-1980): Flora Europaea II-V. Cambridge Univresity Press, London.
Tutin, T. G., Burges, N. A., Chater, A. O., Edmondson, J. R., Heywood, V. H.., Moore, D. M., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. and Webb, D. A. (Eds.) (1993): Flora Europaea I sec. ed. Cambridge University Press. „Act standard for declaration and protection of strictly protected and protected willd species“ (Sl. Glasnik 5/10).
Boros E. (2003): Alkaline lakes. National Ecological Network 4: 28. Authority for Nature Conservation, Ministry of Environment and Water, Budapest, Hungary.
European Commission, 2007. Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats – EUR27. DG Environment. July 2007.
Important Plant Areas, Criterion A, threatened species.

*Correspondence: Panjković Biljana, Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Radnička St. 20a, 21000 Novi Sad,
Serbia, Tel. +38121/ 4896-301, Fax. +38121/ 6616-252, email: panjkovic@zzps.rs