Vol. 19, iss. 2, 2009

The initiation of Echinocactus mihanovichii, Echinopsis chamaecereus F. Lutea and Aylostera heliosa vitrocultures2009-12-04 18:56:20
Research on the growth in height of wild cherry tree (Prunus avium L.) in coppices in Crisul alb and inferior Mures basins2009-12-04 18:49:50
Determination of bark’s thickness in wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) at Arad forest authority2009-12-04 18:43:32
Study on cases of human hydatidosis operated / treated in Timisoara (Romania) in 2004-20052009-12-04 18:33:43
Rheological behavior of some food solid emulsions2009-12-04 18:26:05
Volumetric measurement of osteonecrotic femoral head using magnetical resonance imaging2009-12-04 18:19:07
Determination of acrosin activity in sperm by two new flow cytometric methods2009-12-04 17:37:07
Studies regarding the influence of acetylsalicilic acid on some physiological processes in wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedling2009-12-04 17:23:28
Histological and ultrastructural studies concerning the protective effects of some micronutrients – antioxidant factors, against L-monosodium glutamate administration on some brain and pituitary structures in prepubertal supercuni rabbits2009-12-04 17:13:25
LED application at Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. vitrocultures illumination2009-12-04 17:07:44
The effect of Pi or deuterium depleted water on foliar stomata of Saintpaulia ionantha L. exvitroplantlets sprinkled foliar or radicular2009-12-04 17:01:51
GIS assessment of landform diversity covered by natural protected areas in Romania2009-12-04 16:56:30
Variation of minitubers production from callus regenerated plants of different potato varieties2009-12-04 16:50:39
Embrionary remnants of thymo-pharyngeal ductus in mouse thymus2009-12-04 16:40:00
Oxidative stress in Diabetes mellitus type 2 complicated with nephropathy2009-12-04 16:30:03
Histopathological aspects in laryngeal precancerous lesions2009-12-04 16:19:02
ER-negative breast carcinomas – An immunophenotypical study2009-12-01 12:41:22
Juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis: From etiology to treatment2009-12-01 12:31:54
Assessment of the effects of ibuprofen association with nifedipine on ibuprofen induced hepatotoxicity2009-12-01 12:27:10
Study on the alelopatic action of the watery extract of Artemisia absinthium L. upon the germination of the caryopses and of the growth of the plantlets of Triticum aestivum L., Lolium perenne L. and of Bromus inermis L.2009-12-01 11:59:29
Studies regarding the traceability testing in organochlorine pesticides contamination of milk2009-12-01 11:33:39
Issues regarding the chloroplast ultrastructure and assimilating pigments content in normal and hyperhydrice sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. Saccharifera) vitroplantlet leaflets2009-12-01 11:27:55
Histoanatomy of Echinodorus cordifolius (L.) Griseb. (Alismataceae)2009-12-01 11:22:23
Eriochloa villosa – A new alien Graminaceae species for Arad county (Romania)2009-12-01 11:14:19
Micro-solid-phase extraction and GC analysis of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons from water2009-11-30 21:05:39