Vol. 20, iss. 3, 2010 TitleAuthorSpring drugs of Betula pendula Roth.: biologic and pharmacognostic evaluationdti2010-12-24 11:27:43Initiation of Opuntia fragilis var. fragilis in vitro culturesdti2010-12-24 11:25:31Development of a new, more adequate method for the determination of soil aciditydti2010-12-24 11:23:44The immunohistochemical detection of substance P (SP) in the pancreas and intestine of three…dti2010-12-24 11:21:23The immunohistochemical study of endometrial and endocervical carcinomas using anti-vimentin in…dti2010-12-24 11:08:08Evaluation of metabolic status of cancer cells by histoenzymatic and immunohistochemical analysisdti2010-12-24 10:54:31Research regarding the germination process in Ocimum basilicum L. in an experimental environmentdti2010-12-24 10:51:25Behavior of different potato varieties on seed production process, using of different culture…dti2010-12-23 21:45:48Plant extracts from meristematic tissues (foliar buds and shoots)dti2010-12-23 19:41:08Assessing the health condition of students with sports program by anthropometric nutritiondti2010-12-23 19:38:30The effect of indoor biggame keeping on forest vegetationdti2010-12-23 19:36:41Indirect determination of sulphur dioxide and sulphuric acid by flame atomic absorption spectrometrydti2010-12-23 19:34:38Contributions to the study of the corticolous lichen vegetation of the Padurea Craiului Mountains…dti2010-12-23 19:20:58Land historical evaluation of the Erdospusztak region of Eastern Hungary by using GIS methods…dti2010-12-23 17:17:02ADAM17 gene expression in laser-capture microdissected breast cancersdti2010-12-23 15:43:30