Present aspects on environment protection and sustainable development on Dobrudja Littoral zone

Present aspects on environment protection and sustainable development on Dobrudja Littoral zone

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Title: Present aspects on environment protection and sustainable development on Dobrudja Littoral zone
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Article_Title: Present aspects on environment protection and sustainable development on Dobrudja Littoral zone
Authors: Adrian Bavaru*, Rodica Bercu, Elena Bavaru, Lucica Barbeş
Affiliation: Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, “Ovidius” University, Constanţza, Romania
Abstract: The paper attempts to present some aspects concerning the natural frame of the mentioned littoral zone and some recommendations for a durable and quality development especially for pleasure and balneary tourism field. After a short description of the natural frame of the mentioned littoral zone are presented the known pollution factors especially in the north part of the investigated zone and the negative anthropic actions which affected for a long time the terrestrial and waters environment, next to the coast. The numerous constructions transformed Mamaia in a small town with negative impact on the green spaces, considerably reduced in the last years. Important is another negative impact factor, the land clearing of the Eleagnus angustifolia L. skirt from the sand beaches upper-water mark. At last are presented some concrete measures which may be taken to extend the green spaces to limit the pollutants emission in the north part of the investigated zone.
Keywords: pollution factors, durable development, civil and industrial buildings, Eleagnus angustifolia
References: Iancu M, Societatea de Stiinte Naturale si Geografie din R.S.R. 4, 125-153, 1966.
Iliescu AF, Arhitectura peisagera. Ed. Ceres, Bucuresti, 2003.
Holloway T, Kinney PL, Sauthoff A, Application of air quality models to public health analysis. Energy for Sustainable Development. IX(3), 49-57, 2005.
Pereira MC, Santos RC, Alvim-Ferraz MCM, Air quality improvements using European environment policies: a case study of SO2 in a coastal region in Portugal. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: 70, 1–5, 2007.
Pires JCM, Sousa SIV, Pereira MC, Alvim-Ferraz MCM, Martins FG, Management of Air Quality Monitoring Using Principal Component and Cluster Analysis—Part I: SO2 and PM10. In: P. Brimblecombe. C. Chan, H. Singh (Eds.) Atmospheric Environment, 42(6), 1249-1260, 2008a.
Pires JCM, Sousa SIV, Pereira MC, Alvim-Ferraz MCM, Martins FG, Management of Air Quality Monitoring Using Principal Component and Cluster Analysis – Part II: CO, NO2 and O3. In: P. Brimblecombe. C. Chan, H. Singh (Eds.) Atmospheric Environment, 42(6), 1261-1274, 2008b.
*Directive 1993/462/RO – Technical conditions concerning the atmosphere protection and the Methodological standards concerning the analysis of the atmospheric pollutants produced by stationary sources.
**Directive 2002/592/RO – the Normative for determination of the limit values, threshold values and criteria and methods for assessment of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxides, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2,5), lead, benzene, carbon monoxide and ozone in ambient air.
*** Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe.
**** Environmental Balance – level 1 and 2, Chemical Fertilizer Company- Navodari. 2006.
Read_full_article: pdf/21-2011/21-3-2011/SU21-3-2011-Bavaru.pdf
Correspondence: Adrian Bavaru, “Ovidius” University, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Botany, Aleea Universităţii nr. 1, corp B, 900470, Constanţza, Romania, e-mail:

Read full article
Article Title: Present aspects on environment protection and sustainable development on Dobrudja Littoral zone
Authors: Adrian Bavaru*, Rodica Bercu, Elena Bavaru, Lucica Barbeş
Affiliation: Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, “Ovidius” University, Constanţza, Romania
Abstract: The paper attempts to present some aspects concerning the natural frame of the mentioned littoral zone and some recommendations for a durable and quality development especially for pleasure and balneary tourism field. After a short description of the natural frame of the mentioned littoral zone are presented the known pollution factors especially in the north part of the investigated zone and the negative anthropic actions which affected for a long time the terrestrial and waters environment, next to the coast. The numerous constructions transformed Mamaia in a small town with negative impact on the green spaces, considerably reduced in the last years. Important is another negative impact factor, the land clearing of the Eleagnus angustifolia L. skirt from the sand beaches upper-water mark. At last are presented some concrete measures which may be taken to extend the green spaces to limit the pollutants emission in the north part of the investigated zone.
Keywords: pollution factors, durable development, civil and industrial buildings, Eleagnus angustifolia
References: Iancu M, Societatea de Stiinte Naturale si Geografie din R.S.R. 4, 125-153, 1966.
Iliescu AF, Arhitectura peisagera. Ed. Ceres, Bucuresti, 2003.
Holloway T, Kinney PL, Sauthoff A, Application of air quality models to public health analysis. Energy for Sustainable Development. IX(3), 49-57, 2005.
Pereira MC, Santos RC, Alvim-Ferraz MCM, Air quality improvements using European environment policies: a case study of SO2 in a coastal region in Portugal. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: 70, 1–5, 2007.
Pires JCM, Sousa SIV, Pereira MC, Alvim-Ferraz MCM, Martins FG, Management of Air Quality Monitoring Using Principal Component and Cluster Analysis—Part I: SO2 and PM10. In: P. Brimblecombe. C. Chan, H. Singh (Eds.) Atmospheric Environment, 42(6), 1249-1260, 2008a.
Pires JCM, Sousa SIV, Pereira MC, Alvim-Ferraz MCM, Martins FG, Management of Air Quality Monitoring Using Principal Component and Cluster Analysis – Part II: CO, NO2 and O3. In: P. Brimblecombe. C. Chan, H. Singh (Eds.) Atmospheric Environment, 42(6), 1261-1274, 2008b.
*Directive 1993/462/RO – Technical conditions concerning the atmosphere protection and the Methodological standards concerning the analysis of the atmospheric pollutants produced by stationary sources.
**Directive 2002/592/RO – the Normative for determination of the limit values, threshold values and criteria and methods for assessment of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxides, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2,5), lead, benzene, carbon monoxide and ozone in ambient air.
*** Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe.
**** Environmental Balance – level 1 and 2, Chemical Fertilizer Company- Navodari. 2006.
*Correspondence: Adrian Bavaru, “Ovidius” University, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Botany, Aleea Universităţii nr. 1, corp B, 900470, Constanţza, Romania, e-mail: