Spring drugs of Betula pendula Roth.: biologic and pharmacognostic evaluation

Spring drugs of Betula pendula Roth.: biologic and pharmacognostic evaluation

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Title: Spring drugs of Betula pendula Roth.: biologic and pharmacognostic evaluation
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Article_Title: Spring drugs of Betula pendula Roth.: biologic and pharmacognostic evaluation
Authors: Camelia Peev1*, Cristina Dehelean1, Cristina Mogosanu2, Stefana Feflea1, Tiulea Corina1
Affiliation: 1 Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, Romania
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Abstract: The vegetal products harvested at spring time from the birch tree, known as spring elixirs, are the birch sap (Betulae limfa or succus) and the birch tree foliar buds (Betulae gemmae). This study was concerned in gathering information regarding the harvest process of the birch sap, organoleptic description of both the sap and foliar buds, as well as regarding diuretic and uricosuric activity (in vivo, on animal model) and the antiproliferative effect (phytobiologic test on Lepidium sativum grains). Diuretic and uricosuric activity of the birch sap is superior compared to the bud extracts and the antiproliferative activity evaluated through the inhibition of germination of Lepidium sativum grains, which can indicate a possible antitumoral activity of several dilutions of the birch sap and aqueous extract from birch foliar buds.
Keywords: birch, succus, buds, diuresis, Lepidium sativum
References: Antal D, Practicum de biologie vegetală farmaceutică. Editura Mirton, Timişoara, 222, 2009.
Istudor V, Farmacognozie. Fitochimie. Fitoterapie, vol. II. Editura Medicala, Bucuresti, 277-282, 2001.
Brouneton J, Pharmacognosie. Phytochimie. Plantes medicinales, 2emmeEdition, Technique et Documentation, Lavoisier, 680-697, 1993.
Pitera F, Compendiu de gemoterapie clinica. Editia a III-a. Editata de Fundatia Crestina de Homeopatie SIMILE, Constanta, 91-93, 2000.
Ciulei I, Grigorescu E, Stanescu U, Plante medicinale, fitochimie si fitoterapie, vol. I. Editura Medicala, Bucuresti, 630-695, 1993.
Dehelean CA, Peev C, Cînta-Pînzaru S, Soica C, Kaycsa A, Analizele FI-HPLC, FT-RAMAN, FT-IR şi termoanaliza betulinei într-un extract de scoarţă de mesteacăn. Revista de Chimie, 57(11), 1105-1108, 2006
Peev C, Mugurii foliari, materii prime în gemoterapie. Editura Mirton, Timişoara, 46-56, 2007.
Carole H, Shephard JD, Martínez-Vilalta J, Mencuccini M, Hand DP, A noninvasive optical system for the measurement of xylem and phloem sap flow in woody plants of small stem size. Tree Physiology, 27(2), 169-170, 2007.
*** FR X, Editura Medicala, Bucuresti, 1051-1063, 1993.
Fulda S, Betulinic acid for cancer treatment and prevention. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 9, 1096–1107, 2008.
Pisha E, Chai H, Lee IS, Discovery of betulinic acid as a selective inhibitor of human melanoma that functions by induction of apoptosis. Nature Medicine, 1, 1046–1051, 1995.
Peev C, Cînta-Pînzaru S, Vlase L, Dehelean CA, Triterpenic structures and polyphenols analysis in birch tree foliar buds. Planta medica, Book of abstracts, 57th International Congress & Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research – Gesellschaft für Arzneipflanzen-forschung, 2009.
Read_full_article: pdf/20-2010/20-3-2010/SU20-3-10Peev.pdf
Correspondence: Peev Camelia, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, Timişoara, P-ta Eftimie Murgu nr.2, 300041, cameliapeev@yahoo.com

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Article Title: Spring drugs of Betula pendula Roth.: biologic and pharmacognostic evaluation
Authors: Camelia Peev1*, Cristina Dehelean1, Cristina Mogosanu2, Stefana Feflea1, Tiulea Corina1
Affiliation: 1 Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, Romania
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Abstract: The vegetal products harvested at spring time from the birch tree, known as spring elixirs, are the birch sap (Betulae limfa or succus) and the birch tree foliar buds (Betulae gemmae). This study was concerned in gathering information regarding the harvest process of the birch sap, organoleptic description of both the sap and foliar buds, as well as regarding diuretic and uricosuric activity (in vivo, on animal model) and the antiproliferative effect (phytobiologic test on Lepidium sativum grains). Diuretic and uricosuric activity of the birch sap is superior compared to the bud extracts and the antiproliferative activity evaluated through the inhibition of germination of Lepidium sativum grains, which can indicate a possible antitumoral activity of several dilutions of the birch sap and aqueous extract from birch foliar buds.
Keywords: birch, succus, buds, diuresis, Lepidium sativum
References: Antal D, Practicum de biologie vegetală farmaceutică. Editura Mirton, Timişoara, 222, 2009.
Istudor V, Farmacognozie. Fitochimie. Fitoterapie, vol. II. Editura Medicala, Bucuresti, 277-282, 2001.
Brouneton J, Pharmacognosie. Phytochimie. Plantes medicinales, 2emmeEdition, Technique et Documentation, Lavoisier, 680-697, 1993.
Pitera F, Compendiu de gemoterapie clinica. Editia a III-a. Editata de Fundatia Crestina de Homeopatie SIMILE, Constanta, 91-93, 2000.
Ciulei I, Grigorescu E, Stanescu U, Plante medicinale, fitochimie si fitoterapie, vol. I. Editura Medicala, Bucuresti, 630-695, 1993.
Dehelean CA, Peev C, Cînta-Pînzaru S, Soica C, Kaycsa A, Analizele FI-HPLC, FT-RAMAN, FT-IR şi termoanaliza betulinei într-un extract de scoarţă de mesteacăn. Revista de Chimie, 57(11), 1105-1108, 2006
Peev C, Mugurii foliari, materii prime în gemoterapie. Editura Mirton, Timişoara, 46-56, 2007.
Carole H, Shephard JD, Martínez-Vilalta J, Mencuccini M, Hand DP, A noninvasive optical system for the measurement of xylem and phloem sap flow in woody plants of small stem size. Tree Physiology, 27(2), 169-170, 2007.
*** FR X, Editura Medicala, Bucuresti, 1051-1063, 1993.
Fulda S, Betulinic acid for cancer treatment and prevention. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 9, 1096–1107, 2008.
Pisha E, Chai H, Lee IS, Discovery of betulinic acid as a selective inhibitor of human melanoma that functions by induction of apoptosis. Nature Medicine, 1, 1046–1051, 1995.
Peev C, Cînta-Pînzaru S, Vlase L, Dehelean CA, Triterpenic structures and polyphenols analysis in birch tree foliar buds. Planta medica, Book of abstracts, 57th International Congress & Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research – Gesellschaft für Arzneipflanzen-forschung, 2009.
*Correspondence: Peev Camelia, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, Timişoara, P-ta Eftimie Murgu nr.2, 300041, cameliapeev@yahoo.com