Comparative study on the morphology and biochemical composition of cereal species cultivated in the pedoclimatic conditions of the Crișurilor Plain



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Article Title: Comparative study on the morphology and biochemical composition of cereal species cultivated in the pedoclimatic conditions of the Crișurilor Plain
Authors: Ungureanu O.C., Stana I.O., Bota V.B., Cărăbaș M., Ungureanu E., Mathe E., Turcuş V.
Affiliation: Department of Biology and Life Sciences, “Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad
Doctoral School of Biology, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași
National Institute for Economic Research “Costin C. Kiritescu” of the Romanian Academy/ Centre for Mountain Economy (CE-MONT)
Department of Exact Sciences, “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iași University of Life Sciences
Abstract: The development of resilient crops and crop diversification strategies based on local conditions are of significant importance in the context of climate change and food security. In this study, we evaluated a series of morphological and biochemical indices, as well as the economic efficiency of 23 varieties from 4 main species of autumn cereals and 1 species of spring cereals, grown in the pedoclimatic conditions of Crișurilor Plain (Western region, Romania) during years 2018-2021. An experiment was carried out in 4 repetitions with the following species as experimental variants: V1 – winter wheat (7 varieties); V2 – autumn rye (2 varieties); V3 – autumn triticale (6 varieties); V4 – autumn barley (5 varieties); V5 – spring oats (4 varieties). The varieties included in the study are: V1 variant: Fundulea 4, Glosa, Flamura 85, Dropia, Apache, Lovrin 34, and Libelula; V2: Suceveana and Gloria; V3: Tulnic, Haiduc, Stil, Negoiu, Mv Medal and Oda Fd; V4: Amethyst, Belissa, Cardinal, Laverda, and Lucian, V5: Lovrin 1, Mureșana, Ovidiu and Jeremy. Evaluated parameters were: the height of the plants, the number of caryopses per inflorescence, Thousand Grain Weight (TGW), the hectoliter mass, the production of caryopses, the seed content in proteins, fats, and starch, and economic efficiency. The results offer a better perspective on the possibilities of expansion and diversification of cereal crops in the Western region of Romania.
Keywords: Triticum aestivum, Secale cereale, Hordeum vulgare, Triticosecale, morphology, phytochemistry, Romania.
*Correspondence: Ungureanu Ovidiu Costică, “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Departament of Biology and Life Sciences, Str. Liviu Rebreanu, No. 91-93, Arad, Romania, email: