Potato germplasm vitropreservation, using light emitting diodes as light source
November 17, 2014
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Article Title: | Potato germplasm vitropreservation, using light emitting diodes as light source |
Authors: | Pop L., Cachiţă D., Petruş-Vancea A., Purcărea C. |
Affiliation: | Western University “Vasile Goldis” – Arad, University of Oradea |
Abstract: | In this experiment we tried to reduce the consumption of electric energy used in biotechnological vitroconservation process, in order to reduce the costs of preservation in gene banks and keep the environment cleaner. To achieve this goal, we replaced CFLs with ultrabright LEDs, and, as biologic experimental model, we used Solanum tuberosum L. inocula. Within 8 weeks we found that, if illuminated with low intensity LED light, the potato inocula have registered a high growth retard, whether they were kept at +24°C, or at +4°C, the differences being minimal. This technique could be used to reduce the energy expenses and it also could be extended to any other plant. |
Keywords: | Solanum tuberosum L., “in vitro”, CFL, LED, preservation, gene bank |
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*Correspondence: | Liviu Pop, “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Arad, Romania, liviu.pop@bioresearch.ro |