Historical records of Colias from the region Crişana


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Article Title: Historical records of Colias from the region Crişana
Authors: Bálint Zs, Katona G.
Affiliation: Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum
Abstract: Occurrence data of the species Colias chrysotheme (Esper, 1781) and C. palaeno europeme (Esper, 1778) for the region Crişana based on historical specimens curated in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Budapest) are given. The specimens are documented and the data are discussed.
Keywords: Carpatho-Pannonian region, fluctuation, migration, Region Crişana, old specimens, type locality.
*Correspondence: Bálint, Zs., Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Baross u. 13., H – 1088, Budapest, Hungary; email: balint.zsolt@nhmus.hu