Contribution to the knowledge of amphipods (crustacea, amphipoda) from Sălaj county, Romania

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Article Title: Contribution to the knowledge of amphipods (crustacea, amphipoda) from Sălaj county, Romania
Authors: Angyal D.
Affiliation: Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Abstract: The author presents here amphipod records from 16 sampling sites from Sălaj County, Romania. The found species belong to two Amphipoda families: Niphargidae and Gammaridae. This is the first record of Niphargus elegans Garbini, 1894 from the county. The widely distributed Gammarus cf. balcanicus Schäferna, 1922 was found in 15 localities. Comments on the species’ taxonomy and illustrations of their main morphological traits are given in present study. Further collection in additional sampling sites would be necessary to complete our knowledge on the amphipod diversity of Sălaj County.
Keywords: Amphipoda, Niphargus, Gammarus, Romania, Sălaj County, faunistical data
*Correspondence: Dorottya Angyal, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology, H-1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13., Hungary, E-mail: