Antimicrobial studies of chitosan extracted from Pachygrapsus mormoratus


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Article Title: Antimicrobial studies of chitosan extracted from Pachygrapsus mormoratus
Authors: Mustafa A.,  Sirbu R., Toderescu C.D.
Affiliation: 1UMF Carol Davila Bucharest, Faculty of Pharmacy, Traian Vuia Str.Nr.6, Sec.2, Bucharest, Romania 2Ovidius University of Constanta, Faculty of Pharmacy, 900527, Constanta, Romania.
Abstract: The study and design of a new formulation based on marine resources can provide a useful alternative for the synthetic drugs with antifungal and antibiotic properties that have various side effects. The aim of this study was to analyze the physicochemical parameters of the chemicaly extracted chitosan and to test the antimicrobial activity against pathogens. The antimicrobial activity was tested against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. The results have shown that chitosan has an inhibiting property against the proliferation and development of pathogens.
Keywords: natural marine resources, chitosan, antimicrobial activity
Alef Mustafa, UMF Carol Davila Bucharest, Faculty of Pharmacy, Traian Vuia Str.Nr.6, Sec.2, Bucharest, Romania e-mail