SEM and EDAX morphological observation of three ornamental species of the Genus Magnolia
November 14, 2014
SEM and EDAX morphological observation of three ornamental species of the Genus Magnolia
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Title: | SEM and EDAX morphological observation of three ornamental species of the Genus Magnolia |
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Article_Title: | SEM and EDAX morphological observation of three ornamental species of the Genus Magnolia |
Authors: | Nicoleta-Valentina Groza, Ciprian-Valentin Mihali, Violeta Turcus, Aurel Ardelean |
Affiliation: | Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Informatics, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania Institute of Life Science, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania |
Abstract: | The purpose of this study is to reveal certain preliminary aspects related to the morphology and ultrastructure of vegetative and reproductive organs in three species of Magnolia. The study will be extended by quantifying the particles of dust or other impurities adhering to the leaves, so as to show the amount of pollution characteristic of the areas from which the plant materials were sampled and are to be investigated. For that purpose, we will proceed by identifying the presence of certain reference metals by means of EDAX analyses. The detailed description of both structure and ultrastructure in Magnolia species is intended as relevant so as to enable a comparison to previous researches regarding the decorative trees/shrubs in question. Its purpose is to facilitate communication among researchers and practitioners, in the event that they wish to undertake studies at tissue, cell or even molecular level. For the purposes of generating a detailed description, several studies were carried out via optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) will allow for in-depth study, resulting in an ample examination of the structure of vegetative and reproductive organs of trees yielding special ornamental value. This preliminary study is to be completed by pursuing the analysis of the other vegetative organs. The Magnolia kobus flower has much more particularities than that of the hybrids: a greater number of stamens, carpels, ovary chambers, pollen grains; this species also presents with poorly pigmented reproductive organs. Following the micro-elemental EDAX analysis of organic matter represented by leaves collected from different species of the genus Magnolia – Magnolia kobus, Magnolia x soulangeana, Magnolia liliiflora -, we were able to determine the presence or absence of those chemical elements which present a potential polluting effect. The chemical elements of significance in urban pollution which were determined by EDAX analysis were Al and Cl. |
Keywords: | Magnolia kobus, Magnolia x soulangeana, Magnolia x “Susan”, Magnolia liliiflora, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), EDAX |
References: | Ardelean, A., Mohan, G., Botanicǎ sistematicǎ, Vasile Goldiş Press, Arad, 2006. Arunachalam K.D., Annamalai S.K., Chrysopogon zizanioides aqueous extract mediated synthesis, characterization of crystalline silver and gold nanoparticles for biomedical applications, In: Int J Nanomedicine, 8, 2375-2384, 2013. Azuma, H., Toyota, M., Asakawa, Y., lntraspecific Variation of Floral Scent Chemistry in Magnolia kobus DC. (Magnoliaceae), J. Plant Res., 114, 411-422, 2001. Badri K, Narayanan L., Sakthivel N., Coriander leaf mediated biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles, In: Materials Letters, 62, 4588–4590, 2008. Crăciun, C., Crăciun, V., Ardelean, A., Soran,V., Cercetãri electrono- microscopice asupra celulelor şi cloroplastelor din organele aeriene ale ghiocelului (Galanthus nivalis), În: Bul. SNBC, nr. 24, 199, 1996. Coandă, C., Radu, S., – Arboretumului Simeria. Monografie – Editura Tehnică Silvică, 2006. Dirr, A., M.,– Manual of Woody Landscape Plants – Edition Fifth, Georgia, 1998. Dumitru – Tătăreanu, I., et al. – “Arbori şi arbuşti forestieri şi ornamentali cultivaţi în R.P.R.” – Edit. Agro-Silvică, Bucureşti, 1960. Erbar, C., Current opinions in flower development and the evo-devo approach in plant phylogeny, Pl Syst Evol., 269, 107–132, 2007. Fernando D.R., Bakkaus E.J., Perrier N., Baker A.J.M., Woodrow I.E., Batianoff G.N., Collins R.N., Manganese accumulation in the leaf mesophyll of four tree species: a PIXE/EDAX localization study, In: NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 171, 751 – 758, 2006. Gilman, F. E., Watson, G. D., Magnolia x soulangiana, Saucer Magnolia, Forest Service, Fact Sheet ST-386, October 1994. Groza, V. N., “Studiul fenologic si capacitatea germinativa a speciilor de Magnolia din “Arboretumul Simeria”, lucrare de dizertaţie, Fac. de Agricultură, USAMVBT, 2010. Hug, H.J., Meyer, E., Scanning Probe Microscopy: The Lab on a Tip. Springer, 2003. Ianovici N., “The principal airborne and allergenic pollen species in Timişoara”, Annals of West University of Timişoara, ser. Biology, 10, 11-26, 2007. Ianovici N., Aerobiological monitoring of allergenic flora in Timisoara,Lucrări ştiinţifice, Seria Horticultură, 51, 131-136, 2008. Ianovici N., Biologie vegetală – lucrări practice de citohistologie şi organografie, Ed. Mirton, Timişoara, 205, 2009. Ianovici N., Sinitean A., Faur A. Anatomical properties of Plantago arenaria, Annals of West University of Timişoara, ser. Biology, 14, 23-34, 2011. Kerton M., Newbury H.J., Hand D., Pritchard J., Accumulation of calcium in the centre of leaves of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is due to an uncoupling of water and ion transport, In: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, 60, 227 – 235, 2009. Leins, P., Erbar, C., Blüte und Frucht. Morphologie, Entwicklungsgeschichte, Phylogenie, Funktion und Ökologie. 2. Aufl. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 2007. Mohan, GH., Ardelean, A., Enciclopedia plantelor decorative, Vol II: Parcuri şi grǎdini, Edit. All, Bucureşti, 2010. Paşcovschi, S., Purcelan, S.T., Spârchez, Z., Ocskay, S., Beldie, A.L., Rădulescu, S., Cocalcu, T., Cultura speciilor lemnoase exotice, Editura Agro- Silvică de stat, Bucureşti,1954. Song J.Y, Jang H-K., Kim B.S., Biological synthesis of gold nanoparticles using Magnolia kobus and Diopyros kaki leaf extracts, In: Process Biochemistry 44, 1133–1138, 2009. Stănescu, V., Şofletea, N., Popescu, O., Flora forestieră lemnoasă a României, Editura Ceres, Bucureşti, 1997. Stokes, D.J., Principles and Practice of Variable Pressure/Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (VP-ESEM), John Wiley & Sons, 2008. Tomasević M, Vukmirović Z, Rajsić S, Tasić M, Stevanović B., Characterization of trace metal particles deposited on some deciduous tree leaves in an urban area, In: Chemosphere, 61(6), 753-760, 2005. Xu, F., Rudall, P. J., Comparative floral anatomy and ontogeny in Magnoliaceae, Pl. Syst. Evol, 258: 1–15, 2006. Yarmolinsky D., Brychkova G., Fluhr R., Sagi M., Sulfite reductase protects plants against sulfite toxicity, In: Plant Physiol.,161(2), 725-743,2013. Zanoschi V., Sârbu I., Toniuc A., Flora lemnoasă spontană şi cultivată din România. Vol. I. Iaşi: Edit. „Glasul Bucovinei”, 1996. Zeng J., Zhang G., Bao L., Long S., Tan M., Li Y., Ma C., Zhao Y., Sulfur speciation and bioaccumulation in camphor tree leaves as atmospheric sulfur indicator analyzed by synchrotron radiation XRF and XANES, In: J Environ Sci (China), 25(3), 605-612, 2013. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/23-2013/23-3-2013/SU23-3-2013-Groza.pdf |
Correspondence: | Groza N. V., Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Informatics, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania, |
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Article Title: | SEM and EDAX morphological observation of three ornamental species of the Genus Magnolia |
Authors: | Nicoleta-Valentina Groza, Ciprian-Valentin Mihali, Violeta Turcus, Aurel Ardelean |
Affiliation: | Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Informatics, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania Institute of Life Science, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania |
Abstract: | The purpose of this study is to reveal certain preliminary aspects related to the morphology and ultrastructure of vegetative and reproductive organs in three species of Magnolia. The study will be extended by quantifying the particles of dust or other impurities adhering to the leaves, so as to show the amount of pollution characteristic of the areas from which the plant materials were sampled and are to be investigated. For that purpose, we will proceed by identifying the presence of certain reference metals by means of EDAX analyses. The detailed description of both structure and ultrastructure in Magnolia species is intended as relevant so as to enable a comparison to previous researches regarding the decorative trees/shrubs in question. Its purpose is to facilitate communication among researchers and practitioners, in the event that they wish to undertake studies at tissue, cell or even molecular level. For the purposes of generating a detailed description, several studies were carried out via optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) will allow for in-depth study, resulting in an ample examination of the structure of vegetative and reproductive organs of trees yielding special ornamental value. This preliminary study is to be completed by pursuing the analysis of the other vegetative organs. The Magnolia kobus flower has much more particularities than that of the hybrids: a greater number of stamens, carpels, ovary chambers, pollen grains; this species also presents with poorly pigmented reproductive organs. Following the micro-elemental EDAX analysis of organic matter represented by leaves collected from different species of the genus Magnolia – Magnolia kobus, Magnolia x soulangeana, Magnolia liliiflora -, we were able to determine the presence or absence of those chemical elements which present a potential polluting effect. The chemical elements of significance in urban pollution which were determined by EDAX analysis were Al and Cl. |
Keywords: | Magnolia kobus, Magnolia x soulangeana, Magnolia x “Susan”, Magnolia liliiflora, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), EDAX |
References: | Ardelean, A., Mohan, G., Botanicǎ sistematicǎ, Vasile Goldiş Press, Arad, 2006. Arunachalam K.D., Annamalai S.K., Chrysopogon zizanioides aqueous extract mediated synthesis, characterization of crystalline silver and gold nanoparticles for biomedical applications, In: Int J Nanomedicine, 8, 2375-2384, 2013. Azuma, H., Toyota, M., Asakawa, Y., lntraspecific Variation of Floral Scent Chemistry in Magnolia kobus DC. (Magnoliaceae), J. Plant Res., 114, 411-422, 2001. Badri K, Narayanan L., Sakthivel N., Coriander leaf mediated biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles, In: Materials Letters, 62, 4588–4590, 2008. Crăciun, C., Crăciun, V., Ardelean, A., Soran,V., Cercetãri electrono- microscopice asupra celulelor şi cloroplastelor din organele aeriene ale ghiocelului (Galanthus nivalis), În: Bul. SNBC, nr. 24, 199, 1996. Coandă, C., Radu, S., – Arboretumului Simeria. Monografie – Editura Tehnică Silvică, 2006. Dirr, A., M.,– Manual of Woody Landscape Plants – Edition Fifth, Georgia, 1998. Dumitru – Tătăreanu, I., et al. – “Arbori şi arbuşti forestieri şi ornamentali cultivaţi în R.P.R.” – Edit. Agro-Silvică, Bucureşti, 1960. Erbar, C., Current opinions in flower development and the evo-devo approach in plant phylogeny, Pl Syst Evol., 269, 107–132, 2007. Fernando D.R., Bakkaus E.J., Perrier N., Baker A.J.M., Woodrow I.E., Batianoff G.N., Collins R.N., Manganese accumulation in the leaf mesophyll of four tree species: a PIXE/EDAX localization study, In: NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 171, 751 – 758, 2006. Gilman, F. E., Watson, G. D., Magnolia x soulangiana, Saucer Magnolia, Forest Service, Fact Sheet ST-386, October 1994. Groza, V. N., “Studiul fenologic si capacitatea germinativa a speciilor de Magnolia din “Arboretumul Simeria”, lucrare de dizertaţie, Fac. de Agricultură, USAMVBT, 2010. Hug, H.J., Meyer, E., Scanning Probe Microscopy: The Lab on a Tip. Springer, 2003. Ianovici N., “The principal airborne and allergenic pollen species in Timişoara”, Annals of West University of Timişoara, ser. Biology, 10, 11-26, 2007. Ianovici N., Aerobiological monitoring of allergenic flora in Timisoara,Lucrări ştiinţifice, Seria Horticultură, 51, 131-136, 2008. Ianovici N., Biologie vegetală – lucrări practice de citohistologie şi organografie, Ed. Mirton, Timişoara, 205, 2009. Ianovici N., Sinitean A., Faur A. Anatomical properties of Plantago arenaria, Annals of West University of Timişoara, ser. Biology, 14, 23-34, 2011. Kerton M., Newbury H.J., Hand D., Pritchard J., Accumulation of calcium in the centre of leaves of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is due to an uncoupling of water and ion transport, In: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, 60, 227 – 235, 2009. Leins, P., Erbar, C., Blüte und Frucht. Morphologie, Entwicklungsgeschichte, Phylogenie, Funktion und Ökologie. 2. Aufl. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 2007. Mohan, GH., Ardelean, A., Enciclopedia plantelor decorative, Vol II: Parcuri şi grǎdini, Edit. All, Bucureşti, 2010. Paşcovschi, S., Purcelan, S.T., Spârchez, Z., Ocskay, S., Beldie, A.L., Rădulescu, S., Cocalcu, T., Cultura speciilor lemnoase exotice, Editura Agro- Silvică de stat, Bucureşti,1954. Song J.Y, Jang H-K., Kim B.S., Biological synthesis of gold nanoparticles using Magnolia kobus and Diopyros kaki leaf extracts, In: Process Biochemistry 44, 1133–1138, 2009. Stănescu, V., Şofletea, N., Popescu, O., Flora forestieră lemnoasă a României, Editura Ceres, Bucureşti, 1997. Stokes, D.J., Principles and Practice of Variable Pressure/Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (VP-ESEM), John Wiley & Sons, 2008. Tomasević M, Vukmirović Z, Rajsić S, Tasić M, Stevanović B., Characterization of trace metal particles deposited on some deciduous tree leaves in an urban area, In: Chemosphere, 61(6), 753-760, 2005. Xu, F., Rudall, P. J., Comparative floral anatomy and ontogeny in Magnoliaceae, Pl. Syst. Evol, 258: 1–15, 2006. Yarmolinsky D., Brychkova G., Fluhr R., Sagi M., Sulfite reductase protects plants against sulfite toxicity, In: Plant Physiol.,161(2), 725-743,2013. Zanoschi V., Sârbu I., Toniuc A., Flora lemnoasă spontană şi cultivată din România. Vol. I. Iaşi: Edit. „Glasul Bucovinei”, 1996. Zeng J., Zhang G., Bao L., Long S., Tan M., Li Y., Ma C., Zhao Y., Sulfur speciation and bioaccumulation in camphor tree leaves as atmospheric sulfur indicator analyzed by synchrotron radiation XRF and XANES, In: J Environ Sci (China), 25(3), 605-612, 2013. |
*Correspondence: | Groza N. V., Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Informatics, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania, |