Potato microtuberisation under the influence of certain organic acids
November 14, 2014
Potato microtuberisation under the influence of certain organic acids
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Title: | Potato microtuberisation under the influence of certain organic acids |
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Article_Title: | Potato microtuberisation under the influence of certain organic acids |
Authors: | Andreea Nistor, Nicoleta Chiru, Mihaela Cioloca, Monica Popa |
Affiliation: | NIRDPSB Brasov |
Abstract: | The use of in vitro tubers (microtubers) as the final products of potato micropropagation, has several advantages in seed tuber production. In this study we tried to produce in vitro virus free microtubers, using nodal segments. Potato microtubers are usually induced in media containing growth regulators, typically cytokinins and growth retardants. The potential acid-induction of in vitro-mass tuberization was investigated as an alternative. For this purpose: two varieties (Christian and Roclas) and three types of organic acids (iasmonic acid, acetylsalicylic and salicylic acid) were established, in comparison with a classic medium, with a content of growth regulators as kinetin and coumarin. All organic tested under the different experiments caused tuberization. The performance of the microtubers obtained, as compared to those induced under growth regulators treatments, should be investigated. |
Keywords: | microtubers, coumarin, kinetin, iasmonic acid, acetylsalicylic and salicylic, minicuttings |
References: | Baker, W.G. 1953: A method for the in vitro culturing of potato tubers. Science 118:384. Chiru, Nicoleta, 1998: Înmulţirea „in vitro" a cartofului (Solanum tuberosum L.) prin culturi de ţesuturi, Teză de doctorat, Universitatea din Oradea, Facultatea de Stiinţe, 1998; Coleman, W.K., Donnelly, D.J., Coleman, S.E., 2001: Potato microtubers as research tools: A review. American Journal of Potato Research 78, pg. 47-55; Donnelly, D. J., Coleman, W. K., Coleman, E., 2003: Potato microtuber production and performance, Amer J Potato Res. 80, pg. 103-115; Gaspar, Thomas; Kevers, Claire; Penel, Claude; Greppin, Hubert; Reid, David M. and Thorpe, Trevor A, 1996: Plant hormones and plant growth regulators in plant tissue culture. In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology Plant, vol. 32, no. 4, p. 272-289 Garner, N. and Blake, J. 1989: The induction and development of potato microtuben in vitro on media free of growth regulating substances. Ann. Bot. 63: 663-674; Koda, Y., Takahashi, K. and Kikuta, I., 1992: Potato tuber inducing activities of salicylic acid and related compounds. Journal of Plant Growth and Regulation, 11:215-219; Hussey, G. and Stacey, N. J. 1981: In vitro propagation of potato (Solanum tuberosurn L.) Ann. Bot. 48: 787-796; Koda, Y., Takahashi, K. and Kikuta, I., 1992: Potato tuber inducing activities of salicylic acid and related compounds. Journal of Plant Growth and Regulation, 11:215-219. Khuri, S., Moorby, J., 1996: Nodal segments or microtubers as explants for “in vitro” microtuber production of potato. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 45, pg. 215-222; Pruski, K., Astatkie, T., Duplessis, P., Lewis, T., Nowak, J., Struik, P.C., 2003: Use of yasmonic for conditionong of potato plantlets and microtubers in greenhouse production of minitubers. Am J Potato Res. 80, pg. 183-193; Struik, P.C., Wiersema, S.G., 1999: Seed Potato Technology. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pg. 383. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/23-2013/23-3-2013/SU23-3-2013-Nistor.pdf |
Correspondence: | NIRDPSB Brasov, Street Fundăturii no 2, City: Brasov, Postal code: 500470, Phone: 0268/476795, Fax: 0268/476608, Romania, tican_andreea@yahoo.com |
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Article Title: | Potato microtuberisation under the influence of certain organic acids |
Authors: | Andreea Nistor, Nicoleta Chiru, Mihaela Cioloca, Monica Popa |
Affiliation: | NIRDPSB Brasov |
Abstract: | The use of in vitro tubers (microtubers) as the final products of potato micropropagation, has several advantages in seed tuber production. In this study we tried to produce in vitro virus free microtubers, using nodal segments. Potato microtubers are usually induced in media containing growth regulators, typically cytokinins and growth retardants. The potential acid-induction of in vitro-mass tuberization was investigated as an alternative. For this purpose: two varieties (Christian and Roclas) and three types of organic acids (iasmonic acid, acetylsalicylic and salicylic acid) were established, in comparison with a classic medium, with a content of growth regulators as kinetin and coumarin. All organic tested under the different experiments caused tuberization. The performance of the microtubers obtained, as compared to those induced under growth regulators treatments, should be investigated. |
Keywords: | microtubers, coumarin, kinetin, iasmonic acid, acetylsalicylic and salicylic, minicuttings |
References: | Baker, W.G. 1953: A method for the in vitro culturing of potato tubers. Science 118:384. Chiru, Nicoleta, 1998: Înmulţirea „in vitro" a cartofului (Solanum tuberosum L.) prin culturi de ţesuturi, Teză de doctorat, Universitatea din Oradea, Facultatea de Stiinţe, 1998; Coleman, W.K., Donnelly, D.J., Coleman, S.E., 2001: Potato microtubers as research tools: A review. American Journal of Potato Research 78, pg. 47-55; Donnelly, D. J., Coleman, W. K., Coleman, E., 2003: Potato microtuber production and performance, Amer J Potato Res. 80, pg. 103-115; Gaspar, Thomas; Kevers, Claire; Penel, Claude; Greppin, Hubert; Reid, David M. and Thorpe, Trevor A, 1996: Plant hormones and plant growth regulators in plant tissue culture. In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology Plant, vol. 32, no. 4, p. 272-289 Garner, N. and Blake, J. 1989: The induction and development of potato microtuben in vitro on media free of growth regulating substances. Ann. Bot. 63: 663-674; Koda, Y., Takahashi, K. and Kikuta, I., 1992: Potato tuber inducing activities of salicylic acid and related compounds. Journal of Plant Growth and Regulation, 11:215-219; Hussey, G. and Stacey, N. J. 1981: In vitro propagation of potato (Solanum tuberosurn L.) Ann. Bot. 48: 787-796; Koda, Y., Takahashi, K. and Kikuta, I., 1992: Potato tuber inducing activities of salicylic acid and related compounds. Journal of Plant Growth and Regulation, 11:215-219. Khuri, S., Moorby, J., 1996: Nodal segments or microtubers as explants for “in vitro” microtuber production of potato. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 45, pg. 215-222; Pruski, K., Astatkie, T., Duplessis, P., Lewis, T., Nowak, J., Struik, P.C., 2003: Use of yasmonic for conditionong of potato plantlets and microtubers in greenhouse production of minitubers. Am J Potato Res. 80, pg. 183-193; Struik, P.C., Wiersema, S.G., 1999: Seed Potato Technology. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pg. 383. |
*Correspondence: | NIRDPSB Brasov, Street Fundăturii no 2, City: Brasov, Postal code: 500470, Phone: 0268/476795, Fax: 0268/476608, Romania, tican_andreea@yahoo.com |