Determining the amount of phosphorus (P) absorbed by roots, and the rest of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seedlings in the first days of germination, from Knopp nutrient solution
November 14, 2014
Determining the amount of phosphorus (P) absorbed by roots, and the rest of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seedlings in the first days of germination, from Knopp nutrient solution
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Title: | Determining the amount of phosphorus (P) absorbed by roots, and the rest of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seedlings in the first days of germination, from Knopp nutrient solution |
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Article_Title: | Determining the amount of phosphorus (P) absorbed by roots, and the rest of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seedlings in the first days of germination, from Knopp nutrient solution |
Authors: | Andreea Ioana Rusu, Aurel Aredelean, Violeta Turcus |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, Romania |
Abstract: | In this research, seedlings introduced in the absorption medium were not immersed in the solution used as substrate as a whole but separately the roots and in other flasks the part of the seedling above the hypocotyl that is from the basis of the radicle upwards, comprising the shoot. The determinations of the absorption of P in the seedling was done assessing the amount of P, respectively of phosphate remaining in the solution after the plant material was kept in the solution for 1 hour and the amount of P that penetrated the organs and eventually extracted from tissues or organs of seedlings was not determined. The method for determining the P from the Knopp medium, remaining after seedling organ removal was done by standard procedure EN ISO 6878 which came into effect in August 2008, imposed by current law in our country, for assessments of phosphorus in water. |
Keywords: | radioactive isotope, Knopp solution, specific absorption, total absorption |
References: | Bajenescu N., Corbeanu S., 1963, Cercetări cu p32 asupra dinamicii absorbţiei fosforului la floarea soarelui. Comunic. Acad. RPR, p. 1 3 7, 629. Bajenescu N., Corbeanu S., 1966, Studiul procesului de absorbţie a fosforului la porumb cu ajutorul P32. Anal. Inst. De cercet. Pentru cereal şi pl. tehnice Fudulea, Ser.3, p. 3 2, 123. Giurgiu M., 1966, Absorbţia fosforului în decurs de 24 ore la floarea soarelui, St. şi cerc. Boil. Ser.Bot, p.1 8, 4, 389. Ivanov E.I., 1957, Izotopii radioactivi ăn medicină şi biologie. Ed. Med. Bucureşti. Jurbiţkii Z.I., Haun Wey-Nan., 1959, Vlianie nad zemnîh organov rastenîi na pogloscenie p32 kornevoi sistemoi, Fiziol. rast, p. 6, 5, 522. Pop E., Soran V., Cosma D., 1961, Câteva date privind evoluţia capacităţii de absorbţie a cotiledoanelor. St. şi Cercet. Biol. Cluj, 12, 1, 61. SORAN V., 1959, Cercetari privind dezvoltarea regiunilor absorbante ale sistemului radical şi rolul acestora in absorbţie.-Studii şi cercetări de biologie Cluj, p.2, 241. Soran V., 1959, Delimitarea regiunilor absorbante ale rădăcinii prin metoda dozării cantitative a coloranţilor vitali absorbiţi şi acumulaţi.-Studii şi cercetări de biologie, Cluj, p.10, 33. Soran V., 1959, Cercetari privind dezvoltarea regiunilor absorbante ale sistemului radical şi rolul acestora in absorbţie.-Studii şi cercetări de biologie Cluj 10, p.246-266. Soran V., 1959, Delimitarea regiunilor absorbante ale rădăcinii prin metoda dozării cantitative a coloranţilor vitali absorbiţi şi acumulaţi.-Studii şi cercetări de biologie, Cluj.10, p.33-50. Soran V., 1960, Cercetari privind dezvoltarea regiunilor absorbante ale seminţelor în cursul germinaţiei, Stud.şi cercet. de Biologie (Cluj), 1960, 1 1, 1, 41 cu sistemul radical dezvoltat). Lucrare de dizertaţie, Univ. Babeş-Bolyai Cluj, fac. St.Naturale. Soran V., 1962, Insemnătatea rădăcinii ca organ absorbant al plantelor superioare.-Natura-seria biologie, Nr.3, p.17-23. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/23-2013/23-3-2013/SU23-3-2013-Rusu2.pdf |
Correspondence: | Andreea Ioana Rusu, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, Romania |
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Article Title: | Determining the amount of phosphorus (P) absorbed by roots, and the rest of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seedlings in the first days of germination, from Knopp nutrient solution |
Authors: | Andreea Ioana Rusu, Aurel Aredelean, Violeta Turcus |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, Romania |
Abstract: | In this research, seedlings introduced in the absorption medium were not immersed in the solution used as substrate as a whole but separately the roots and in other flasks the part of the seedling above the hypocotyl that is from the basis of the radicle upwards, comprising the shoot. The determinations of the absorption of P in the seedling was done assessing the amount of P, respectively of phosphate remaining in the solution after the plant material was kept in the solution for 1 hour and the amount of P that penetrated the organs and eventually extracted from tissues or organs of seedlings was not determined. The method for determining the P from the Knopp medium, remaining after seedling organ removal was done by standard procedure EN ISO 6878 which came into effect in August 2008, imposed by current law in our country, for assessments of phosphorus in water. |
Keywords: | radioactive isotope, Knopp solution, specific absorption, total absorption |
References: | Bajenescu N., Corbeanu S., 1963, Cercetări cu p32 asupra dinamicii absorbţiei fosforului la floarea soarelui. Comunic. Acad. RPR, p. 1 3 7, 629. Bajenescu N., Corbeanu S., 1966, Studiul procesului de absorbţie a fosforului la porumb cu ajutorul P32. Anal. Inst. De cercet. Pentru cereal şi pl. tehnice Fudulea, Ser.3, p. 3 2, 123. Giurgiu M., 1966, Absorbţia fosforului în decurs de 24 ore la floarea soarelui, St. şi cerc. Boil. Ser.Bot, p.1 8, 4, 389. Ivanov E.I., 1957, Izotopii radioactivi ăn medicină şi biologie. Ed. Med. Bucureşti. Jurbiţkii Z.I., Haun Wey-Nan., 1959, Vlianie nad zemnîh organov rastenîi na pogloscenie p32 kornevoi sistemoi, Fiziol. rast, p. 6, 5, 522. Pop E., Soran V., Cosma D., 1961, Câteva date privind evoluţia capacităţii de absorbţie a cotiledoanelor. St. şi Cercet. Biol. Cluj, 12, 1, 61. SORAN V., 1959, Cercetari privind dezvoltarea regiunilor absorbante ale sistemului radical şi rolul acestora in absorbţie.-Studii şi cercetări de biologie Cluj, p.2, 241. Soran V., 1959, Delimitarea regiunilor absorbante ale rădăcinii prin metoda dozării cantitative a coloranţilor vitali absorbiţi şi acumulaţi.-Studii şi cercetări de biologie, Cluj, p.10, 33. Soran V., 1959, Cercetari privind dezvoltarea regiunilor absorbante ale sistemului radical şi rolul acestora in absorbţie.-Studii şi cercetări de biologie Cluj 10, p.246-266. Soran V., 1959, Delimitarea regiunilor absorbante ale rădăcinii prin metoda dozării cantitative a coloranţilor vitali absorbiţi şi acumulaţi.-Studii şi cercetări de biologie, Cluj.10, p.33-50. Soran V., 1960, Cercetari privind dezvoltarea regiunilor absorbante ale seminţelor în cursul germinaţiei, Stud.şi cercet. de Biologie (Cluj), 1960, 1 1, 1, 41 cu sistemul radical dezvoltat). Lucrare de dizertaţie, Univ. Babeş-Bolyai Cluj, fac. St.Naturale. Soran V., 1962, Insemnătatea rădăcinii ca organ absorbant al plantelor superioare.-Natura-seria biologie, Nr.3, p.17-23. |
*Correspondence: | Andreea Ioana Rusu, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, Romania |