The non-discrimination principles – component of the implementation of longlife learning program. Implementation specificity for pharmaceutical field

The non-discrimination principles – component of the implementation of longlife learning program. Implementation specificity for pharmaceutical field

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Title: The non-discrimination principles – component of the implementation of longlife learning program. Implementation specificity for pharmaceutical field
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Article_Title: The non-discrimination principles – component of the implementation of longlife learning program. Implementation specificity for pharmaceutical field
Authors: Doina Draganescu, Dumitru Lupuleasa, Ion Bogdan Dumitrescu, Adriana Elena Taerel, Dragos Florian Ciolan
Affiliation: Pharmaceutical Phyisics and Informatics Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania
College of Pharmacists of Romania
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
Pharmaceutical Management, Marketing and Legislation Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
Abstract: Objectives: The objective of our study is to present the essential aspects of implementing a project developed as a result of a grant, human resource development (Operational Program Human Resources Development) oriented, and an analysis of the way in which it was observed and applied the principle of equal opportunities information and the results of the practical application of the principle of equal opportunities. The project took place at national level, the continuing education courses were organized with addressability to all pharmacists. Materials and methods: The target group consists of over 1,000 pharmacists who work in all areas applicable to the profession of pharmacy: pharmacies, warehouses and production laboratories, academia, multinational distribution companies, etc. The participants were supported with continuous training programs nationwide, all courses being accredited by the College of Pharmacists of Romania. The topics covered in these programs were diverse: healthcare management, information technology and communication and specialized courses: clinical pharmacology, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical marketing and communications. Results: Indicators of achieving the objectives were: participation with equal oportunities for all the pharmacists. We intend to present the impact of the information campaign on the principle of equal opportunities among pharmacists, how the campaign was conducted and its results. Conclusions: This project for pharmacists managed to achieve and exceed all indicators originally proposed, both in terms of students certified in pharmaceutical management and improvement of skills in using new technologies. The project allowed the application of non-discrimination principles on all members of the professional community.
Keywords: equal opportunities, human resource development, continuing education of pharmacists
References: V. Astarastoae, C. Gavrilovici, M. Vicol, D. Gergely, S. Ion – Etica si non-discriminarea grupurilor vulnerabile in sistemul de sanatate, Editura Gr. T. Popa, UMF Iasi, 2011, ISBN 978-606-544-063-0
Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 Guidlines (POSDRU), approved by the EC decision nr. 5811/22.11.2007
EC Regulation nr. 1083/2006, regarding the general provisions for the European Fund for Regional Development, European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund, with the subsequent amendments
Financing Contract E5254/30.06.2012
Technical and Financial Report nr 8/2013, part of the POSDRU Project 81/3.2/S/58708, entitled: “Eficientizarea activitatii farmacistilor prin formare in noile tehnologii, inclusiv TIC”
Read_full_article: pdf/23-2013/23-3-2013/SU23-3-2013-Draganescu.pdf
Correspondence: Ion Bogdan Dumitrescu, Pharmaceutical Phyisics and Informatics Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania

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Article Title: The non-discrimination principles – component of the implementation of longlife learning program. Implementation specificity for pharmaceutical field
Authors: Doina Draganescu, Dumitru Lupuleasa, Ion Bogdan Dumitrescu, Adriana Elena Taerel, Dragos Florian Ciolan
Affiliation: Pharmaceutical Phyisics and Informatics Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania
College of Pharmacists of Romania
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
Pharmaceutical Management, Marketing and Legislation Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
Abstract: Objectives: The objective of our study is to present the essential aspects of implementing a project developed as a result of a grant, human resource development (Operational Program Human Resources Development) oriented, and an analysis of the way in which it was observed and applied the principle of equal opportunities information and the results of the practical application of the principle of equal opportunities. The project took place at national level, the continuing education courses were organized with addressability to all pharmacists. Materials and methods: The target group consists of over 1,000 pharmacists who work in all areas applicable to the profession of pharmacy: pharmacies, warehouses and production laboratories, academia, multinational distribution companies, etc. The participants were supported with continuous training programs nationwide, all courses being accredited by the College of Pharmacists of Romania. The topics covered in these programs were diverse: healthcare management, information technology and communication and specialized courses: clinical pharmacology, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical marketing and communications. Results: Indicators of achieving the objectives were: participation with equal oportunities for all the pharmacists. We intend to present the impact of the information campaign on the principle of equal opportunities among pharmacists, how the campaign was conducted and its results. Conclusions: This project for pharmacists managed to achieve and exceed all indicators originally proposed, both in terms of students certified in pharmaceutical management and improvement of skills in using new technologies. The project allowed the application of non-discrimination principles on all members of the professional community.
Keywords: equal opportunities, human resource development, continuing education of pharmacists
References: V. Astarastoae, C. Gavrilovici, M. Vicol, D. Gergely, S. Ion – Etica si non-discriminarea grupurilor vulnerabile in sistemul de sanatate, Editura Gr. T. Popa, UMF Iasi, 2011, ISBN 978-606-544-063-0
Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 Guidlines (POSDRU), approved by the EC decision nr. 5811/22.11.2007
EC Regulation nr. 1083/2006, regarding the general provisions for the European Fund for Regional Development, European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund, with the subsequent amendments
Financing Contract E5254/30.06.2012
Technical and Financial Report nr 8/2013, part of the POSDRU Project 81/3.2/S/58708, entitled: “Eficientizarea activitatii farmacistilor prin formare in noile tehnologii, inclusiv TIC”
*Correspondence: Ion Bogdan Dumitrescu, Pharmaceutical Phyisics and Informatics Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania