Cone beam computer tomography in maxillary cyst diagnosis – case presentation

Cone beam computer tomography in maxillary cyst diagnosis – case presentation

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Article_Title: Cone beam computer tomography in maxillary cyst diagnosis – case presentation
Authors: Gabriel Chisalita, Victor Valea, Florin Birsasteanu, Mircea Sferdian, Calin Ciobanu, Gheorghe Ciobanu
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry
Vivas Dent, Arad
“Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara
Abstract: A case report of a 34 years old patient with a giant superior left maxillary cyst (diameter of 6.5 cm/13 cm). The patient was investigated through panoramic view a CBCT. The treatment consisted in cystectomy and bone replacement by bone substitute material (Bio-OSS). The histopathology confirmed the diagnosis.
Keywords: radicular cyst, cone beam computer tomography, panoramic view, bone substitute
References: Asnani S, Mahindra U, Rudagi BM, Kini Y, Kharkar VR. Dentigerous cyst with an impacted third molar obliterating complete maxillary sinus. Indian J Dent Res. 2012 Nov-Dec;23(6):833-5
Bahadure RN, Khubchandani M, Thosar NR, Singh RK. Radicular cyst of primary tooth associated with maxillary sinus. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Jul 5; 2013.
Nagarathna C, Jaya AR, Jaiganesh I., Radicular cyst followed by incomplete pulp therapy in primary molar: A case report. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2013 Jul-Sep; 31(3):191-3
Stuart C. White, Oral Radiology, Principles and Interpretation, 6th edition, 2009
Tek M, Metin M, Sener I, Bereket C, Tokac M, Kazancioglu HO, Ezirganli S., The predominant bacteria isolated from radicular cysts. Head Face Med. 2013 Sep 5;9(1):25.
Read_full_article: pdf/23-2013/23-3-2013/SU23-3-2013-Chisalita2.pdf
Correspondence: Gabriel Chisalita, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry

Read full article
Article Title: Cone beam computer tomography in maxillary cyst diagnosis – case presentation
Authors: Gabriel Chisalita, Victor Valea, Florin Birsasteanu, Mircea Sferdian, Calin Ciobanu, Gheorghe Ciobanu
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry
Vivas Dent, Arad
“Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara
Abstract: A case report of a 34 years old patient with a giant superior left maxillary cyst (diameter of 6.5 cm/13 cm). The patient was investigated through panoramic view a CBCT. The treatment consisted in cystectomy and bone replacement by bone substitute material (Bio-OSS). The histopathology confirmed the diagnosis.
Keywords: radicular cyst, cone beam computer tomography, panoramic view, bone substitute
References: Asnani S, Mahindra U, Rudagi BM, Kini Y, Kharkar VR. Dentigerous cyst with an impacted third molar obliterating complete maxillary sinus. Indian J Dent Res. 2012 Nov-Dec;23(6):833-5
Bahadure RN, Khubchandani M, Thosar NR, Singh RK. Radicular cyst of primary tooth associated with maxillary sinus. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Jul 5; 2013.
Nagarathna C, Jaya AR, Jaiganesh I., Radicular cyst followed by incomplete pulp therapy in primary molar: A case report. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2013 Jul-Sep; 31(3):191-3
Stuart C. White, Oral Radiology, Principles and Interpretation, 6th edition, 2009
Tek M, Metin M, Sener I, Bereket C, Tokac M, Kazancioglu HO, Ezirganli S., The predominant bacteria isolated from radicular cysts. Head Face Med. 2013 Sep 5;9(1):25.
*Correspondence: Gabriel Chisalita, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry