The nature of disasters, major incidents and psycho-trauma of firefighters and survivors

The nature of disasters, major incidents and psycho-trauma of firefighters and survivors

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Title: The nature of disasters, major incidents and psycho-trauma of firefighters and survivors
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Article_Title: The nature of disasters, major incidents and psycho-trauma of firefighters and survivors
Authors: Gabriela Sorina Popa (Vancu), Delia Marina Podea
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad, Romania
Abstract: This article provides a summary of the nature of disasters, psycho-traumatic events, major incidents and the rationale on which the guidance and the strategic stepped model of care are founded. This article is aimed at mitigating the psychosocial effects of traumatic events on survivors and firefighters.
Keywords: the nature of disasters (floods), traumatic events, major incidents and psychosocial trauma, firefighters,poverty
References: Quarantelli EL. The disaster recovery process: what we know and do not know from research. Preliminary Paper 286. Disaster Receovery Center; 1994.
World Health Organisation (WHO), 1992 (cited by Williams R on p264. The psychosocial consequences for children of mass violence, terrorism and disasters. International Review of Psychiatry 2007; 19(3): 263-277.
Ursano RJ, Norwood AE, Holloway HH. Trauma, terrorism, and disaster. In Ursano RJ, Fullerton CS, Norwood A, (editors). Terrorism and disaster. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, p1-20
Pfefferbaum B. Caring for children affected by disaster. Child and adolescent clinics of North America; 1998; 7; 579-97.
Drury J, Cocking C; 2007
Cited in Sundes KO, Birnbaum ML. Health disaster management: guidelines for evaluation and research in the Utstein style. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 2003;17(Suppl 3):144-167.
Reacher M, McKenzie K, Lane C, Nichols T, Kedge I, Iversen A, Hepple P, Walter T, Laxton C, Simpson J. Health impacts of flooding in Lewes: a comparison of reported gastrointestinal and other illness and mental health in flooded and non-flooded households. Communication and Public Health 2004; 7(1):1-8.
For example: Gheytanchi A, Joseph L, Gierlach E, Kimpara S, Housley J, Frnaco Z, Beutler L. The Dirty Dozen, Twelve Failures of the Hurricane Katrina Response and How Psychology Can Help. American Psychologist 2007;62(2):118-130.
23 Keating JP. The myth of panic. Fire Journal. 1982:57-147.
Diagram constructed by Williams r and Kemp V after ideas contained in Layne CM, Warren JS, Watson PJ, Shalev AY. Risk, vulnerabilities, residstance and resilience: towards integrated conceptualization of posttraumatic adadptation. P 497-520 in Friedman MJ, Keand TM, Watson PA (editors). Handbook of PTSD, Science and Practice. New York: Guilford Press; 2007. This diagram is produced with permission from Guilford Press.
Read_full_article: pdf/23-2013/23-2013/SU23-2-14Vancu1.pdf
Correspondence: Gabriela Sorina Popa (Vancu), “Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad, Romania

Read full article
Article Title: The nature of disasters, major incidents and psycho-trauma of firefighters and survivors
Authors: Gabriela Sorina Popa (Vancu), Delia Marina Podea
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad, Romania
Abstract: This article provides a summary of the nature of disasters, psycho-traumatic events, major incidents and the rationale on which the guidance and the strategic stepped model of care are founded. This article is aimed at mitigating the psychosocial effects of traumatic events on survivors and firefighters.
Keywords: the nature of disasters (floods), traumatic events, major incidents and psychosocial trauma, firefighters,poverty
References: Quarantelli EL. The disaster recovery process: what we know and do not know from research. Preliminary Paper 286. Disaster Receovery Center; 1994.
World Health Organisation (WHO), 1992 (cited by Williams R on p264. The psychosocial consequences for children of mass violence, terrorism and disasters. International Review of Psychiatry 2007; 19(3): 263-277.
Ursano RJ, Norwood AE, Holloway HH. Trauma, terrorism, and disaster. In Ursano RJ, Fullerton CS, Norwood A, (editors). Terrorism and disaster. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, p1-20
Pfefferbaum B. Caring for children affected by disaster. Child and adolescent clinics of North America; 1998; 7; 579-97.
Drury J, Cocking C; 2007
Cited in Sundes KO, Birnbaum ML. Health disaster management: guidelines for evaluation and research in the Utstein style. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 2003;17(Suppl 3):144-167.
Reacher M, McKenzie K, Lane C, Nichols T, Kedge I, Iversen A, Hepple P, Walter T, Laxton C, Simpson J. Health impacts of flooding in Lewes: a comparison of reported gastrointestinal and other illness and mental health in flooded and non-flooded households. Communication and Public Health 2004; 7(1):1-8.
For example: Gheytanchi A, Joseph L, Gierlach E, Kimpara S, Housley J, Frnaco Z, Beutler L. The Dirty Dozen, Twelve Failures of the Hurricane Katrina Response and How Psychology Can Help. American Psychologist 2007;62(2):118-130.
23 Keating JP. The myth of panic. Fire Journal. 1982:57-147.
Diagram constructed by Williams r and Kemp V after ideas contained in Layne CM, Warren JS, Watson PJ, Shalev AY. Risk, vulnerabilities, residstance and resilience: towards integrated conceptualization of posttraumatic adadptation. P 497-520 in Friedman MJ, Keand TM, Watson PA (editors). Handbook of PTSD, Science and Practice. New York: Guilford Press; 2007. This diagram is produced with permission from Guilford Press.
*Correspondence: Gabriela Sorina Popa (Vancu), “Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad, Romania