The influence of modification of photomorphological parameters of Zea mays L. plant Helga type hybrid, of ozone quantity graduation and ultraviolet radiation type UV-B
March 12, 2014
The influence of modification of photomorphological parameters of Zea mays L. plant Helga type hybrid, of ozone quantity graduation and ultraviolet radiation type UV-B
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Title: | The influence of modification of photomorphological parameters of Zea mays L. plant Helga type hybrid, of ozone quantity graduation and ultraviolet radiation type UV-B |
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Article_Title: | The influence of modification of photomorphological parameters of Zea mays L. plant Helga type hybrid, of ozone quantity graduation and ultraviolet radiation type UV-B |
Authors: | Maria Orodan, Violeta Turcuş, Osser Gongyi, Aurel Ardelean |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science, Romania “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science, “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Str Liviu Rebreanu no. 91-93, Arad |
Abstract: | Ozone depletion is primarily due to chlorophores compounds released into the atmosphere due to anthropogenic activities in the latter part of the 20th century (Kerr, JB, 1993, Butler et al., 1999), and the effect of this phenomenon is very high, regarding life on Earth but also the socio-economic implications. Climate changes predicted for the future, although uncertain, are inevitable because of continue anthropogenic activities. A chronic exposure to ozone of plants for longer period of time, may cause a decrease in growth, harvest, an inhibition of photosynthesis, premature aging of leaves, a poor distribution of biomass, a damage of propagation processes etc. (Black et al., 2000, Saitanis and Karandinos, 2002 Sanderman, 1996). In the experiment we conducted in the laboratory we determined the effects of ozone together with ultraviolet radiation UV-B radiation, into a special gas room where ozone dosing was done gradually over a period of 4-10 days, following especially the number and size of the maize plants leaves, for the Helga hybrid. |
Keywords: | achondroplasia, short stature, limb-lengthening, spinal stenosis, multidisciplinary team |
References: | Ambasht, N.K., Agrawal, M., 1995. „Physiological responses of field grown Zea mays L. plants to enhanced UV-B radiation.” Biotronics 24, p.15–23. Ambasht, N.K., Agrawal, M., 1997. „Influence of supplemental UV-B radiation on photosynthetic characteristics of rice plants”. Photosynthetica 34, 401–408. Ambasht, N.K., Agrawal, M., 1998. „Physiological and biochemical responses of Sorghum vulgare plants to supplemental ultraviolet-B radiation” Can. J. Bot. 76, p.1290–1294. Black V.J., Black C.R., Roberts J.A., Stewart C.A., 2000. „Impact of ozone on the reproductive development of plants”. New. Phytol. 147, p. 421-447 Caldwell, M. M., Teramura, A. H., Tevini, M., 1989. „The changing solar ultraviolet climate and the ecological consequences for higher plants”. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 4: p.363-367 Cachita, C.D., Brezeanu A., Ardelean A. , 2008, “ Vegetable biotechnologies for XXI century” Proceedings of the XVI National Symposium of Tissue Culture and Plant Cell”, Bucharest, June2007, Risoprint Editure, Cluj- Napoca, p. 102. Dai TA, Vogelmann T.C. 1995. „Alterations in photosynthesis and pigment distribution in pea leaves following UV-B exposure”. Physiologia Plantarum 94, 433–440. Deckmyn G, Martens C., Impens I., 1994, „The importance of the ratio UV-B/photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) during leaf development as determining factor of plant sensitivity to increased UV-B irradiance: effects on growth, gas exchange and pigmentation of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Label)”. Plant Cell Environ 17: p. 295-301. Evans N.H., McAinsh M.R., Hetherington A.M., Knight M.R., 2005. „ROS perception in Arabidopsis thaliana: the ozone –induced calcium response”. Plant J., 41, p. 615-626. Kerr, J.B., McElroy, C.T., 1993. „Evidence for large upward trends of ultraviolet-B radiation linked to ozone depletion”. Science 262, p.1032–1034. Parry, M.L., Fischer, C., Livermore, M., Rosenzweig, C., Iglesias, A., 1999. „Climate change and world food security: a new assessment”. Global Environmental Change 9, p. S51–S67. Rao MV, Hale BA, Ormrod DP., 1985. ”Amelioration of Ozone-Induced Oxidative Damage in Wheat Plants Grown under High Carbon Dioxide (Role of Antioxidant Enzymes)” Plant Physiol. 109(2), p. 421–432. Rowland, R.A., 1991. „Physiological and morphological responses of snapbean plants to ozone stress as influenced by pretreatment with UV-B radiation”. In: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, p. 133–146. Sullivan, J.H., 1997. „Effects of increasing UV-B radiation and atmospheric CO2 on photosynthesis and growth: implications for terrestrial ecosystems.” Plant Ecol. 128, p. 194–206. Tanaka, A., S. A. Navasero, C. V. Garcia, F. T. Parao, and E. Ramirez. 1964. „Growth and habit of the rice plant in the tropics and its effect on nitrogen response”. The Int. Rice Res. Inst. Tech. Bull. 3. Tosserams, M., 1998. „Stratospheric ozone depletion – responses of dune grassland plants and faba bean to ultraviolet-B radiation”. Drukwerk: Ponsen & Looijen BV, Wageningen, p.3-11. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/23-2013/23-2013/SU23-2-14Orodan.pdf |
Correspondence: | Maria Orodan, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science, “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Str Liviu Rebreanu no. 91-93, Arad. |
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Article Title: | The influence of modification of photomorphological parameters of Zea mays L. plant Helga type hybrid, of ozone quantity graduation and ultraviolet radiation type UV-B |
Authors: | Maria Orodan, Violeta Turcuş, Osser Gongyi, Aurel Ardelean |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science, Romania “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science, “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Str Liviu Rebreanu no. 91-93, Arad |
Abstract: | Ozone depletion is primarily due to chlorophores compounds released into the atmosphere due to anthropogenic activities in the latter part of the 20th century (Kerr, JB, 1993, Butler et al., 1999), and the effect of this phenomenon is very high, regarding life on Earth but also the socio-economic implications. Climate changes predicted for the future, although uncertain, are inevitable because of continue anthropogenic activities. A chronic exposure to ozone of plants for longer period of time, may cause a decrease in growth, harvest, an inhibition of photosynthesis, premature aging of leaves, a poor distribution of biomass, a damage of propagation processes etc. (Black et al., 2000, Saitanis and Karandinos, 2002 Sanderman, 1996). In the experiment we conducted in the laboratory we determined the effects of ozone together with ultraviolet radiation UV-B radiation, into a special gas room where ozone dosing was done gradually over a period of 4-10 days, following especially the number and size of the maize plants leaves, for the Helga hybrid. |
Keywords: | achondroplasia, short stature, limb-lengthening, spinal stenosis, multidisciplinary team |
References: | Ambasht, N.K., Agrawal, M., 1995. „Physiological responses of field grown Zea mays L. plants to enhanced UV-B radiation.” Biotronics 24, p.15–23. Ambasht, N.K., Agrawal, M., 1997. „Influence of supplemental UV-B radiation on photosynthetic characteristics of rice plants”. Photosynthetica 34, 401–408. Ambasht, N.K., Agrawal, M., 1998. „Physiological and biochemical responses of Sorghum vulgare plants to supplemental ultraviolet-B radiation” Can. J. Bot. 76, p.1290–1294. Black V.J., Black C.R., Roberts J.A., Stewart C.A., 2000. „Impact of ozone on the reproductive development of plants”. New. Phytol. 147, p. 421-447 Caldwell, M. M., Teramura, A. H., Tevini, M., 1989. „The changing solar ultraviolet climate and the ecological consequences for higher plants”. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 4: p.363-367 Cachita, C.D., Brezeanu A., Ardelean A. , 2008, “ Vegetable biotechnologies for XXI century” Proceedings of the XVI National Symposium of Tissue Culture and Plant Cell”, Bucharest, June2007, Risoprint Editure, Cluj- Napoca, p. 102. Dai TA, Vogelmann T.C. 1995. „Alterations in photosynthesis and pigment distribution in pea leaves following UV-B exposure”. Physiologia Plantarum 94, 433–440. Deckmyn G, Martens C., Impens I., 1994, „The importance of the ratio UV-B/photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) during leaf development as determining factor of plant sensitivity to increased UV-B irradiance: effects on growth, gas exchange and pigmentation of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Label)”. Plant Cell Environ 17: p. 295-301. Evans N.H., McAinsh M.R., Hetherington A.M., Knight M.R., 2005. „ROS perception in Arabidopsis thaliana: the ozone –induced calcium response”. Plant J., 41, p. 615-626. Kerr, J.B., McElroy, C.T., 1993. „Evidence for large upward trends of ultraviolet-B radiation linked to ozone depletion”. Science 262, p.1032–1034. Parry, M.L., Fischer, C., Livermore, M., Rosenzweig, C., Iglesias, A., 1999. „Climate change and world food security: a new assessment”. Global Environmental Change 9, p. S51–S67. Rao MV, Hale BA, Ormrod DP., 1985. ”Amelioration of Ozone-Induced Oxidative Damage in Wheat Plants Grown under High Carbon Dioxide (Role of Antioxidant Enzymes)” Plant Physiol. 109(2), p. 421–432. Rowland, R.A., 1991. „Physiological and morphological responses of snapbean plants to ozone stress as influenced by pretreatment with UV-B radiation”. In: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, p. 133–146. Sullivan, J.H., 1997. „Effects of increasing UV-B radiation and atmospheric CO2 on photosynthesis and growth: implications for terrestrial ecosystems.” Plant Ecol. 128, p. 194–206. Tanaka, A., S. A. Navasero, C. V. Garcia, F. T. Parao, and E. Ramirez. 1964. „Growth and habit of the rice plant in the tropics and its effect on nitrogen response”. The Int. Rice Res. Inst. Tech. Bull. 3. Tosserams, M., 1998. „Stratospheric ozone depletion – responses of dune grassland plants and faba bean to ultraviolet-B radiation”. Drukwerk: Ponsen & Looijen BV, Wageningen, p.3-11. |
*Correspondence: | Maria Orodan, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science, “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Str Liviu Rebreanu no. 91-93, Arad. |