Modifications in the quantitative structure of Barcău river’s fish fauna under anthropogenic pressure
March 12, 2014
Modifications in the quantitative structure of Barcău river’s fish fauna under anthropogenic pressure
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Title: | Modifications in the quantitative structure of Barcău river’s fish fauna under anthropogenic pressure |
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Article_Title: | Modifications in the quantitative structure of Barcău river’s fish fauna under anthropogenic pressure |
Authors: | Doru Ioan Ardelean |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad |
Abstract: | As a consequence of carrying on this study, the following conclusions have been possible on the Barcau ichitiofauna: a) 34 species of fish were identified, most of them in the inferior course; b) 8-12 species are found in the area Suplac – Marghita, where the trophic impact is the most severe, and no species on a distance of approximately 2 kilometers are found immediately downstream from the refinery from Suplac; c) the number of fish individuals captured varies from one collecting point to another (48-78 individuals), being bigger at the exits from the country; d) most of the fish populations (80%) are small, in danger of extinction; e) the total fish biomass on Barcău is modest, 17,6 kg/100 m2; f) only 1/3 of the fish total are mature, which does not ensure a good reproduction; g) the number of species with economic value is small (2-4 species) and because of this Barcău is not interesting as far as fishing is concerned; h) the diversity coefficient is generally small in most sections, proving that the aquatic systems from Barcău are unbalanced. |
Keywords: | water quality, pollution with petroleum, fish fauna, qualitative structure of the fish fauna |
References: | Administraţia bazinală de apă Crişuri, The synthesis of the quality of the waters from Crişuri hidrographical basin (1993 – 2009), 2010. Andrikovics S., Kriska Gy., Móga J., A Berettyó vízgyűjtőjének felszínalaktani, hidrológiai és hidrobiológiai vizsgálata. A Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia tudományos közleményei, pp. 3-11, 2001. Andrişca Simona-Gabriela, The state of the water qualitz in the Barcău hidrographical basin. The summary of the doctoral thesis (coord. şt. N. Josan, Universitatea Oradea), pp. 7-24, 2011. Ardelean D.I., Financial implications of the ecological reconstruction of Ier’s Valley (the counties Satu Mare and Bihor – Romania, Bihar – Hungary), „Vasile Goldiş” University Press, Arad, pp. 95-307, 2011. Battes K.W., Pricope F., Ureche D., Stoica I., Battes Karina, Program-Frame regarding the researches of the ichtiocenoses from the natural and anthropic ecosystems from Romania in view of thei restauration and conservation. Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldiş” Arad, Ser. Şt. Vieţii, 14, pp. 25-28, 2004. Bănărescu P., Pisces Osteichthyes, Fauna R.P.R. XIII, The Academy’s Publishing House R.P.R., Bucharest, 1964. Bănărescu P., The fish fauna of the Crişurilor basin in the general frame of the Danube Basin. Nymphaea, Oradea, VIII-IX, 475-481, 1980-1981. Direcţia Apelor Crişuri, notes from 18.07.2011 regarding „Barcău River – close to an ecological disaster”, pp. 1-2. Gomoiu M-Tr., Ardelean A., Ardelean G., Ardelean D.I., Onciu T.M., Skolka M., Karácsonyi K., The wet zones. Ecological approach, The House of the Science Book Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 257-419, 2009. Harka Á., Györe K., Sallai Z., Wilhelm S., A Berettyó halfaunája a forrástól a torkolatig, Halászat 91/2: 67-74, 1998. Harka şi colab., A Berettyó halfaunája a forrástól a torkolatig, Halászat, 91/2, p. 68, 1998. István G., The integrated monitoringul of the ecological systems from the Crişuri hidrographical space (summary of the doctoral thesis, coordinated bz L. Oprea), „Dunărea de Jos” University, Galaţi, pp. 1-45, 2010. Marosi S., Szilárd J., A tiszai Alföld – Magyarország tájföldrajza, 2, Budapest, pp. 1-5, 1969. Order number 44/2004 for the approval of the regulation regarding the monitoring of the quality of waters for prioritary dangerous substances, 14 p. Pricope F., Battes K., Ureche D., Stoica I., The methodology of monitoring of the fish fauna from the natural and anthropic aquatic basins. Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldiş” Arad, The Series Sciences of Life, 14, pp. 27-33, 2004. Radu Gh., Evaluation guide of the stocks of fish, Ex Ponto Publishing House, Constanţa, pp. 52-53, 118-119, 122-126, 2006. Sárkány-Kiss E., Sîrbu I., Kalivoda B., A Berettyó. In: A Körös-medence természeti állapota. Szolnok-Târgu Mureş, 144-150, 1999. SR ISO 5667-1: 198/A99:2002. The water quality Şumălan V., Valea Barcăului – morphohidrological study (summary of the doctoral thesis, coordinated by Şt. N. Josan), Univ. Oradea, pp. 1-21, 2010. Ujvari I., The geography of Romania’s waters, The Scientific Publishing House, Bucharest, 244-277, 1972. Wilhelm S., A Bisztra-patak halfaunája, különös tekintettel a Berettyó folyó halfaunájával való kapcsolatára. Múzeumi Füzetek, Az Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület Természettudományi és Matematikai Szakosztályának Közleménye, Kolozsvár. 11.73-78, 2002. Wilhelm S., A 2005. évi nyári árhullámok hatása az Iza, Túr és Berettyó folyók halfaunájára, Biologia / Acta Scientiarum Transylvanica – Múzeumi Füzetek, Kolozsvár, 14/1: 69-78, 2005-2006. Wilhelm S., A Berettyó és mellékvizei halfaunájának változásai, Magyar Haltani Konferencia, Debreceni Szimpozium, Pisces Hungarici I, pp. 106-112, 2005. Wilhelm S., A Berettyó és mellékvizei halfaunájának változásai, Pisces Hungarici I. Debrecen, 106-112, 2007. Wilhelm S., A tervezett Berettyó-széplak – Márkaszéki viztározó várható hatása a Berettyó halfaunájára, III. Kárpát-Medencei Környezettudományi Konferencia, Kolozsvár, 129-135, 2007. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/23-2013/23-2-2013/SU23-2-2013-ArdeleanD2.pdf |
Correspondence: | Doru Ioan Ardelean, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad |
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Article Title: | Modifications in the quantitative structure of Barcău river’s fish fauna under anthropogenic pressure |
Authors: | Doru Ioan Ardelean |
Affiliation: | “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad |
Abstract: | As a consequence of carrying on this study, the following conclusions have been possible on the Barcau ichitiofauna: a) 34 species of fish were identified, most of them in the inferior course; b) 8-12 species are found in the area Suplac – Marghita, where the trophic impact is the most severe, and no species on a distance of approximately 2 kilometers are found immediately downstream from the refinery from Suplac; c) the number of fish individuals captured varies from one collecting point to another (48-78 individuals), being bigger at the exits from the country; d) most of the fish populations (80%) are small, in danger of extinction; e) the total fish biomass on Barcău is modest, 17,6 kg/100 m2; f) only 1/3 of the fish total are mature, which does not ensure a good reproduction; g) the number of species with economic value is small (2-4 species) and because of this Barcău is not interesting as far as fishing is concerned; h) the diversity coefficient is generally small in most sections, proving that the aquatic systems from Barcău are unbalanced. |
Keywords: | water quality, pollution with petroleum, fish fauna, qualitative structure of the fish fauna |
References: | Administraţia bazinală de apă Crişuri, The synthesis of the quality of the waters from Crişuri hidrographical basin (1993 – 2009), 2010. Andrikovics S., Kriska Gy., Móga J., A Berettyó vízgyűjtőjének felszínalaktani, hidrológiai és hidrobiológiai vizsgálata. A Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia tudományos közleményei, pp. 3-11, 2001. Andrişca Simona-Gabriela, The state of the water qualitz in the Barcău hidrographical basin. The summary of the doctoral thesis (coord. şt. N. Josan, Universitatea Oradea), pp. 7-24, 2011. Ardelean D.I., Financial implications of the ecological reconstruction of Ier’s Valley (the counties Satu Mare and Bihor – Romania, Bihar – Hungary), „Vasile Goldiş” University Press, Arad, pp. 95-307, 2011. Battes K.W., Pricope F., Ureche D., Stoica I., Battes Karina, Program-Frame regarding the researches of the ichtiocenoses from the natural and anthropic ecosystems from Romania in view of thei restauration and conservation. Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldiş” Arad, Ser. Şt. Vieţii, 14, pp. 25-28, 2004. Bănărescu P., Pisces Osteichthyes, Fauna R.P.R. XIII, The Academy’s Publishing House R.P.R., Bucharest, 1964. Bănărescu P., The fish fauna of the Crişurilor basin in the general frame of the Danube Basin. Nymphaea, Oradea, VIII-IX, 475-481, 1980-1981. Direcţia Apelor Crişuri, notes from 18.07.2011 regarding „Barcău River – close to an ecological disaster”, pp. 1-2. Gomoiu M-Tr., Ardelean A., Ardelean G., Ardelean D.I., Onciu T.M., Skolka M., Karácsonyi K., The wet zones. Ecological approach, The House of the Science Book Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 257-419, 2009. Harka Á., Györe K., Sallai Z., Wilhelm S., A Berettyó halfaunája a forrástól a torkolatig, Halászat 91/2: 67-74, 1998. Harka şi colab., A Berettyó halfaunája a forrástól a torkolatig, Halászat, 91/2, p. 68, 1998. István G., The integrated monitoringul of the ecological systems from the Crişuri hidrographical space (summary of the doctoral thesis, coordinated bz L. Oprea), „Dunărea de Jos” University, Galaţi, pp. 1-45, 2010. Marosi S., Szilárd J., A tiszai Alföld – Magyarország tájföldrajza, 2, Budapest, pp. 1-5, 1969. Order number 44/2004 for the approval of the regulation regarding the monitoring of the quality of waters for prioritary dangerous substances, 14 p. Pricope F., Battes K., Ureche D., Stoica I., The methodology of monitoring of the fish fauna from the natural and anthropic aquatic basins. Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldiş” Arad, The Series Sciences of Life, 14, pp. 27-33, 2004. Radu Gh., Evaluation guide of the stocks of fish, Ex Ponto Publishing House, Constanţa, pp. 52-53, 118-119, 122-126, 2006. Sárkány-Kiss E., Sîrbu I., Kalivoda B., A Berettyó. In: A Körös-medence természeti állapota. Szolnok-Târgu Mureş, 144-150, 1999. SR ISO 5667-1: 198/A99:2002. The water quality Şumălan V., Valea Barcăului – morphohidrological study (summary of the doctoral thesis, coordinated by Şt. N. Josan), Univ. Oradea, pp. 1-21, 2010. Ujvari I., The geography of Romania’s waters, The Scientific Publishing House, Bucharest, 244-277, 1972. Wilhelm S., A Bisztra-patak halfaunája, különös tekintettel a Berettyó folyó halfaunájával való kapcsolatára. Múzeumi Füzetek, Az Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület Természettudományi és Matematikai Szakosztályának Közleménye, Kolozsvár. 11.73-78, 2002. Wilhelm S., A 2005. évi nyári árhullámok hatása az Iza, Túr és Berettyó folyók halfaunájára, Biologia / Acta Scientiarum Transylvanica – Múzeumi Füzetek, Kolozsvár, 14/1: 69-78, 2005-2006. Wilhelm S., A Berettyó és mellékvizei halfaunájának változásai, Magyar Haltani Konferencia, Debreceni Szimpozium, Pisces Hungarici I, pp. 106-112, 2005. Wilhelm S., A Berettyó és mellékvizei halfaunájának változásai, Pisces Hungarici I. Debrecen, 106-112, 2007. Wilhelm S., A tervezett Berettyó-széplak – Márkaszéki viztározó várható hatása a Berettyó halfaunájára, III. Kárpát-Medencei Környezettudományi Konferencia, Kolozsvár, 129-135, 2007. |
*Correspondence: | Doru Ioan Ardelean, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad |