Vegetation specific to the sands from the research stations Sanislău” Mlaştina Vermeş (Vermes Marsh)” and Urziceni ″Grădina Cailor (Horses Garden)″

Vegetation specific to the sands from the research stations Sanislău” Mlaştina Vermeş (Vermes Marsh)” and Urziceni ″Grădina Cailor (Horses Garden)″

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Title: Vegetation specific to the sands from the research stations Sanislău” Mlaştina Vermeş (Vermes Marsh)” and Urziceni ″Grădina Cailor (Horses Garden)″
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Article_Title: Vegetation specific to the sands from the research stations Sanislău” Mlaştina Vermeş (Vermes Marsh)” and Urziceni ″Grădina Cailor (Horses Garden)″
Authors: Adriana Oprea, Aurel Ardelean
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” West University Arad, Romania
Abstract: In the Northern part of continental sands of Nirului Plain there are two representative research
stations, especially by the variety of the vegetal layer of the interdune lands and sand dunes: Sanislău Marsh “Vermeş” and Urziceni pasture ″Horses Garden″. The great diversity of phytocenoses is explained by the specific pedological conditions, diverse topoclimate and varied microrelief conditions. The associations from “Vermeş” populate damp stations, some of the associations having a relictary character. On the sand dunes from the reseach station “Grădina Cailor” a sparse vegetal layer forms, made up of shorter plants, with a well developed system. At Urziceni in the structure of psamosoils, limonite bands contribute to the storage of a sufficient quantity of water in the upper layers of the soil. In the marshy lands of interdunes from Sanislău Marsh “Vermeş”, the decisive factor in the biodiversity of cenoses is the excess of edaphic humidity.
Keywords: Sand dunes, interdunes, psamosoils, environmental indices, ruderal plants
References: ARDELEAN A., MOHAN GH., 2008 – Flora medicinală a României, Ed. All, Bucureşti
ARDELEAN G., KARÁCSONYI C., (2005), Flora, vegetaţia, fauna şi ecologia nisipurilor din nord-vestul
României, Ed. Daya, Satu Mare.
BARKMAN J J., MORAVEC J., RAUSCHERT S., 1986 – Code of phytosociological nomenclature, Vegetatio, Upsala, 67 (3)); 145 – 197.
BRAUN-BLANQUET J., (1964), Pflanzensoziologie. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
BURESCU P., 2003 – Flora şi vegetaţia terenurilor umede din nord-vestul României. Ed. Academiei Române, Bucureşti.
CIOCÂRLAN V., 2009 – Flora ilustrată a României, Pterydophyta et Spermatophyta. Ed. Ceres, Bucuresti.
CRISTEA V., GAFTA D., PEDROTTI, 2004 – Fitosiociologie. Ed. Presa Univ. Clujeana, Cluj – Napoca.
COLDEA G, SANDA V., POPESCU A., ŞTEFAN N., (1997), Les assotiations végétales de la Roumanie, tom.
I., Les associations herbacees naturelles, Presses Universitaries Cluj-Napoca
IVAN D., DONIŢĂ N., COLDEA G., SANDA V., POPESCU A., CHIFTU T., BOŞCAIU N., MITITELU D., PAUCĂ COMĂRNESCU M., (1993), Végétation potentielle de la Roumanie.Braun-Blanquetia, 9: 1-79.
KARÁCSONYI C., (2000a), Asociaţiile vegetale de pe nisipurile continentale din nordvestul
României, Satu Mare, St. Com., Şt. nat., I, 125-134.
RAŢIU Flavia, MUNTEANU D., TEODOREANU M., (2000), Mlaştinile de interdune „Vermeş” (com. Sanislău, jud. Satu Mare), Satu Mare, St. Com., Seria st. nat., I, 409-412.
RAŢIU Flavia, MUNTEANU D., TEODOREANU M., (2000), Nisipurile „Grădina Cailor”com. Urziceni şi dunele de nisip de la Foieni, Satu Mare, St. Com. Seria şt. nat., I, 405-408.
TUTIN T. G., (1964-1980), Flora Europaea, I-V, University Press, Cambridge
KREBS C. J., (1998), Ecological methodology. Harper Collins, New York.
*** – 1952-1976, Flora R.P.R./ R.S.R., Vol. I-XIII, Ed. Academiei, Bucureşti.
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Correspondence: Adriana Oprea, “Mihai Eminescu” National College Satu Mare, 5 Mihai Eminescu Street, Satu Mare, Tel. 0361-417074, e-mail:

Read full article
Article Title: Vegetation specific to the sands from the research stations Sanislău” Mlaştina Vermeş (Vermes Marsh)” and Urziceni ″Grădina Cailor (Horses Garden)″
Authors: Adriana Oprea, Aurel Ardelean
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” West University Arad, Romania
Abstract: In the Northern part of continental sands of Nirului Plain there are two representative research
stations, especially by the variety of the vegetal layer of the interdune lands and sand dunes: Sanislău Marsh “Vermeş” and Urziceni pasture ″Horses Garden″. The great diversity of phytocenoses is explained by the specific pedological conditions, diverse topoclimate and varied microrelief conditions. The associations from “Vermeş” populate damp stations, some of the associations having a relictary character. On the sand dunes from the reseach station “Grădina Cailor” a sparse vegetal layer forms, made up of shorter plants, with a well developed system. At Urziceni in the structure of psamosoils, limonite bands contribute to the storage of a sufficient quantity of water in the upper layers of the soil. In the marshy lands of interdunes from Sanislău Marsh “Vermeş”, the decisive factor in the biodiversity of cenoses is the excess of edaphic humidity.
Keywords: Sand dunes, interdunes, psamosoils, environmental indices, ruderal plants
References: ARDELEAN A., MOHAN GH., 2008 – Flora medicinală a României, Ed. All, Bucureşti
ARDELEAN G., KARÁCSONYI C., (2005), Flora, vegetaţia, fauna şi ecologia nisipurilor din nord-vestul
României, Ed. Daya, Satu Mare.
BARKMAN J J., MORAVEC J., RAUSCHERT S., 1986 – Code of phytosociological nomenclature, Vegetatio, Upsala, 67 (3)); 145 – 197.
BRAUN-BLANQUET J., (1964), Pflanzensoziologie. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
BURESCU P., 2003 – Flora şi vegetaţia terenurilor umede din nord-vestul României. Ed. Academiei Române, Bucureşti.
CIOCÂRLAN V., 2009 – Flora ilustrată a României, Pterydophyta et Spermatophyta. Ed. Ceres, Bucuresti.
CRISTEA V., GAFTA D., PEDROTTI, 2004 – Fitosiociologie. Ed. Presa Univ. Clujeana, Cluj – Napoca.
COLDEA G, SANDA V., POPESCU A., ŞTEFAN N., (1997), Les assotiations végétales de la Roumanie, tom.
I., Les associations herbacees naturelles, Presses Universitaries Cluj-Napoca
IVAN D., DONIŢĂ N., COLDEA G., SANDA V., POPESCU A., CHIFTU T., BOŞCAIU N., MITITELU D., PAUCĂ COMĂRNESCU M., (1993), Végétation potentielle de la Roumanie.Braun-Blanquetia, 9: 1-79.
KARÁCSONYI C., (2000a), Asociaţiile vegetale de pe nisipurile continentale din nordvestul
României, Satu Mare, St. Com., Şt. nat., I, 125-134.
RAŢIU Flavia, MUNTEANU D., TEODOREANU M., (2000), Mlaştinile de interdune „Vermeş” (com. Sanislău, jud. Satu Mare), Satu Mare, St. Com., Seria st. nat., I, 409-412.
RAŢIU Flavia, MUNTEANU D., TEODOREANU M., (2000), Nisipurile „Grădina Cailor”com. Urziceni şi dunele de nisip de la Foieni, Satu Mare, St. Com. Seria şt. nat., I, 405-408.
TUTIN T. G., (1964-1980), Flora Europaea, I-V, University Press, Cambridge
KREBS C. J., (1998), Ecological methodology. Harper Collins, New York.
*** – 1952-1976, Flora R.P.R./ R.S.R., Vol. I-XIII, Ed. Academiei, Bucureşti.
*Correspondence: Adriana Oprea, “Mihai Eminescu” National College Satu Mare, 5 Mihai Eminescu Street, Satu Mare, Tel. 0361-417074, e-mail: