The formulation and pharmacotechnical characterisation of fast dispersing tablets with acetaminophen

The formulation and pharmacotechnical characterisation of fast dispersing tablets with acetaminophen

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Title: The formulation and pharmacotechnical characterisation of fast dispersing tablets with acetaminophen
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Article_Title: The formulation and pharmacotechnical characterisation of fast dispersing tablets with acetaminophen
Authors: Mircea Hîrjău, Dumitru Lupuleasa
Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Carol Davila” Bucharest, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of
Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics
Abstract: The present study has been carried out for the formulation and characterisation of orodispersible acetaminophen tablets. This type of tablet offers certain advantages over conventional tablets, being suitable for administration to patients with difficulties in swallowing, such as elderly and pediatric patients, their main characteristic – a fast disintegration in the saliva – conveying an improved compliance and improved bioavailability. Acetaminophen was selected as active pharmaceutical ingredient because it is an analgesic antipyretic drug used in the treatment of moderate pains, fever and other symptoms that request a rapid onset of the therapeutic effect. The formulations were prepared by direct compression or after wet granulation and various/different superdisintegrants were employed/ used (in the different formulations, the aim being) to obtain tablets with suitable tensile strength/ hardness and a fast disintegration. The pharmacotechnical characterization of the formulations has revealed that the optimal formulas resulted by associating sodium starch glycolate with sodium carboxymethylcellulose,( an optimal balance between the disintegration time and the tablet hardness).
Keywords: acetaminophen, direct compression, superdisintegrants, orodispersible tablets, disintregration time
References: Ansel H.C. , Cholas L.V., Popovich G., Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms And Drug Delivery Systems, 7th ed., ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999, 540-541;
Cristea A. N., Tratat de Farmacologie, Editia I , Editura Medicala, Bucuresti, 2005, 199-200;
Dobetti L., Fast-melting tablets: developing and technologies, FarmTechEur, 2000, 12, 9, 32-42;
Hirjau V., Hirjau M. in Popovici I., Lupuleasa D., Tehnologie farmaceutică, vol. 3, ed. Polirom, 2009, 645-647;
Popa G., Gafiteanu E., Comprimate orodispersabile – forma farmaceutica moderna, RevMedChir, Soc. Med. Nat., Iasi, 2003, 107, 2, 337-342;
Sreenivas SA, Dandagi PM, Gadad AP, Godbloe AM, Hiremath SP, Mastiholimath VS. Oro-dispersible tablets: New-fangled drug delivery systems – A review. Indian J Pharm Educ Res, 2005; 39(4): 177-181;
*** Romanian Pharmacopoeia Xth edition, 2004 Supplement;
*** European Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition.
Read_full_article: pdf/23-2013/23-1-2013/SU23-1-2013-Hirjau.pdf
Correspondence: Mircea Hîrjău, „Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, Traian Vuia Str., no. 6, 020956, Bucharest, Romania, email:

Read full article
Article Title: The formulation and pharmacotechnical characterisation of fast dispersing tablets with acetaminophen
Authors: Mircea Hîrjău, Dumitru Lupuleasa
Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Carol Davila” Bucharest, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of
Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics
Abstract: The present study has been carried out for the formulation and characterisation of orodispersible acetaminophen tablets. This type of tablet offers certain advantages over conventional tablets, being suitable for administration to patients with difficulties in swallowing, such as elderly and pediatric patients, their main characteristic – a fast disintegration in the saliva – conveying an improved compliance and improved bioavailability. Acetaminophen was selected as active pharmaceutical ingredient because it is an analgesic antipyretic drug used in the treatment of moderate pains, fever and other symptoms that request a rapid onset of the therapeutic effect. The formulations were prepared by direct compression or after wet granulation and various/different superdisintegrants were employed/ used (in the different formulations, the aim being) to obtain tablets with suitable tensile strength/ hardness and a fast disintegration. The pharmacotechnical characterization of the formulations has revealed that the optimal formulas resulted by associating sodium starch glycolate with sodium carboxymethylcellulose,( an optimal balance between the disintegration time and the tablet hardness).
Keywords: acetaminophen, direct compression, superdisintegrants, orodispersible tablets, disintregration time
References: Ansel H.C. , Cholas L.V., Popovich G., Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms And Drug Delivery Systems, 7th ed., ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999, 540-541;
Cristea A. N., Tratat de Farmacologie, Editia I , Editura Medicala, Bucuresti, 2005, 199-200;
Dobetti L., Fast-melting tablets: developing and technologies, FarmTechEur, 2000, 12, 9, 32-42;
Hirjau V., Hirjau M. in Popovici I., Lupuleasa D., Tehnologie farmaceutică, vol. 3, ed. Polirom, 2009, 645-647;
Popa G., Gafiteanu E., Comprimate orodispersabile – forma farmaceutica moderna, RevMedChir, Soc. Med. Nat., Iasi, 2003, 107, 2, 337-342;
Sreenivas SA, Dandagi PM, Gadad AP, Godbloe AM, Hiremath SP, Mastiholimath VS. Oro-dispersible tablets: New-fangled drug delivery systems – A review. Indian J Pharm Educ Res, 2005; 39(4): 177-181;
*** Romanian Pharmacopoeia Xth edition, 2004 Supplement;
*** European Pharmacopoeia, 6th edition.
*Correspondence: Mircea Hîrjău, „Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, Traian Vuia Str., no. 6, 020956, Bucharest, Romania, email: