In vitro conservation of some potato genotypes to improve the ecoeconomic impact of plant biotechnology
January 14, 2013
In vitro conservation of some potato genotypes to improve the ecoeconomic impact of plant biotechnology
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Title: | In vitro conservation of some potato genotypes to improve the ecoeconomic impact of plant biotechnology |
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Article_Title: | In vitro conservation of some potato genotypes to improve the ecoeconomic impact of plant biotechnology |
Authors: | Dorina Radoveț-Salinschi, Dorina Cahiță-Cosma |
Affiliation: | Environmental Protection Agency of Bihor County and postdoctoral researcher at „Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad, Romania, „Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad, Romania |
Abstract: | In plant ”living collection” for micropropagation optimization of potato local variety we used a slow growth technique, for this purpose we used 2 systems: the double layer system (using a basal agarised medium and as supernatant a second layer with silicone oil or paraffin oil, or castor oil), and a normal medium – single layer – by adding in culture media: manithol, sorbithol, AgNO3 or B9. For the double layer system the vitroplantlets were inoculated on simple MS media, without growth regulators, and after 2 weeks – when the plantlet manifests a caulo- and rizogenetic process, we covered the basal agarised medium with a second layer – the oil; for the normal medium – the growth inhibitors were integrated in aseptic MS nutritive medium. This is on going experiment, until this moment the plantlets were vitroconservated 24 weeks in „living collection”; the control lot was subcultived already 2 times: after 12 and 24 weeks of vitroculture. In 24 weeks of vitroplantlets slow growth in „living collection„ did not reach the growth values which control lot achieved in 12 weeks of vitroculture – this showing the efficiency of the presented system. |
Keywords: | potato, Solanum tuberosum, slow growth, Living Collection, double layer system |
References: | Antofie MM, Questionnaire for investigating on farm conservation status of old crops varieties – developing method. Analele Universităţii din Oradea Fascicula: Ecotoxicologie, Zootehnie și Tehnologii de Industrie Alimentară, IX, 1019-1026, 2010. Antofie MM, Constantinovici D, Pop MR, Iagrăru P, Sand C, Ciotea G, Theoretical methodology for assessing the status of conservation of crop landraces in Romania. Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Fascicula Biologie, XVII (2), 313-317, 2010 a. Antofie MM, Pop MR, Sand C, Ciotea G, Iagrăru P, Data sheet model for developing a red list regarding crop landraces in Romania. Annals. Food Science and Technology, 11(1), 45-49, 2010 b. Atanassov A, Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). In: Bajaj YPS (ed.), Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 2: Crops I, Springer – Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 462–470, 1986. Bajaj YPS, Tuberization in potato plants regenerated from freezed preserved meristems. Crop Improvement, 5, 137-141, 1978. Bogdan AT, Ipate I, Bara V, Diaconescu D, Purcărea C, Strateanu AG, Ecoeconomic and bioeconomic impact of food safety and security in perspective increased consumption of food and feed during 2030-2100. Analele Universităţii din Oradea Fascicula: Ecotoxicologie, Zootehnie și Tehnologii de Industrie Alimentară, IX, 1044–1057, 2010. Blas R. H. S., Petrescu D. C., Potato production and its constraints in Peru. AAB Bioflux 1(2), 53-57, 2009. Cachiță CD, Constantinovici D, Conservarea resurselor vegetale în Băncile de Gene sub formă de fitoinoculi, Biotehnologii vegetale pentru Secolul XXI. Lucrările celui de al XVI-lea Simpozion Național de Culturi de Țesuturi și Celule Vegetale. București 2007. edit coord. Cachiță CD, Brezeanu A, Ardelean A, Ed. Risoprint Cluj-Napoca, 15-61, 2008. Cachiță CD, Sand C, Biodiversitatea și băncile de gene, 147, 2011. Constantinovici D, Studii privind efectul acţiunii „in vitro” a mediilor de cultură, cu diferite balanţe hormonale, asupra unor categorii de explante la Beta vulgaris L.. Cercet. Agr. în Mold., 110, 71–79, 1997. Constantinovici D, Cachiţă CD, Multiplicarea la sfecla de zahăr (Beta vulgaris) pe medii de cultură solidificate cu agar-agar substituit, parţial, cu amidon. In: Cachiţă CD, Ardelean A, Crăciun C (eds.), Lucrările reunite ale celui de al VII-lea şi al VIII-lea Simpozion de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale, Arad 1997 şi Buziaş 1998, intitulat “Culturi in vitro la cormofite”, Editura Risoprint Cluj-Napoca, 162–173, 1999. Dhital SP, Manandhar HK, Lim HT, Preservation of In Vitro Grown Shoot Tips of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) by Different Methods of Cryopreservation. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 10, 15-20, 2009. Dobranszki J, Magyar-Tabori K, Takacs-Hudak A, Growth and development responses of potato to osmotic stress under in vitro conditions, Acta Biologica Hungarica, 54 (3-4), 356-372, 2003. FAO,, The 2012 edition of the FAO Statistical Yearbook, 2012. Goncalves S, Romano A, In vitro minimum growth for conservation of Drosera lusitanicum. Biologia Plantarum, 51, 795-798, 2007. Gopal J, Sukh Chauhan N, Slow growth in vitro conservation of potato germplasm at low temperature. Potato Research, 53 (3), 141-149, 2010. Helliot B, Madur D, Drilewagner E, De Boucaud MT, Evaluation of genetic stability in cryopreserved Prunus. In Vitro Cellular Developmental Biology, 38, 493-500, 2002. Ipate I, Bogdan AT, Paraschivescu M, Sandu M, Ivana S, Ipate N, Strateanu AG, Toba G, Enache M, Use rare breed for genuine foods in Romanian rural tourism and possibility of traceability the traditional products. Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 67(1-2), 225-230, 2010. Kaczmarczyk A, Rokka V, Keller ERJ, Potato Shoot Tip Cryopreservation. A Review. Potato Research, 54 (1), 45-79, 2011. Murashige T, Skoog F, A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physologia Plantarum, 15, 473-497, 1962. Ogbu JU, Essien BA, Essien JB, Anaele MU, Conservation and management of genetics resources of horticultural crops in Nigeria. Issue and biotechnological staregies. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 2 (9), 214-222, 2010. Petruş VA, New methods to improve the bioeconomic and ecoeconomic impact by plant biotechnology Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii, 21 (3), 587-591, 2011. Purcǎrea C, Borbëly MV, Salicilyc acid involvement in wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings response to salt stress. Scientific Papers, UASVM Bucharest, Series A, LIV, 451-456, 2011. Radoveț SD, Cachiță CD, In vitro conservation of Solanum tuberosum var. Gersa, Analele Universităţii din Oradea-Fascicula: Protecţia Mediului, XIX (17), 110-117, 2012a. Radoveț SD, Cachiță CD, Testing the regenerative capacity of Solanum tuberosum var. Gersa explants after 24 weeks storage in living collection, Analele Universităţii din Oradea-Fascicula: Protecţia Mediului, XIX (17), 102-109, 2012b. Radoveț SD, Cachiță CD, Petruș VA, The micropropagation of Coleus blumei Benth. vitrocultures under different paraffin or silicon oil stratums, Analele Universității din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie, XIV, 81-90, 2007. Radoveț SD, Cachiță CD, Petruș VA, The micropropagation of Coleus hybridus Jupiter vitrocultures under different paraffin or silicon oil stratums, Studia Universitatis, Life Science Series, 18, 61-70, 2008. Roşu M, Sărăndan H, Jula A, Sarandan R, Ognean L, The Environmental Pollution Level with Excretory Phosphorus at Laying Hens in Romania. Bulletin University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca 2012, 69, (1-21PRTNT ISSN 1943-5270, ELECTRONIG ISSN 1843.5378, 2012. Scherwinski PJE, Costa FHS, Camillo J, Silva DB, Alves RBN, Vieira RF, Tissue culture strorage of Brazilian medicinal plnts germplasm. Acta Horticulturae, 860, 211-214, 2010. Tabori KM, Dobranszki J, Ferenczy A, Effects of culture density of growth and in vitro tuberization capacity of potato plantlets, Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 48 (2), 185-189, 2000. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/22-2012/22-4-2012/SU22-4-2012-Radovet.pdf |
Correspondence: | Radoveț Dorina, Environmental Protection Agency of Bihor County, Protected Areas Department, 25A Dacia Boulevard, Oradea, Romania, Tel. +40-(259)-444590, Fax. +40-(259)-406588, Mobil phone. +40-726 289 789, email: |
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Article Title: | In vitro conservation of some potato genotypes to improve the ecoeconomic impact of plant biotechnology |
Authors: | Dorina Radoveț-Salinschi, Dorina Cahiță-Cosma |
Affiliation: | Environmental Protection Agency of Bihor County and postdoctoral researcher at „Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad, Romania, „Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad, Romania |
Abstract: | In plant ”living collection” for micropropagation optimization of potato local variety we used a slow growth technique, for this purpose we used 2 systems: the double layer system (using a basal agarised medium and as supernatant a second layer with silicone oil or paraffin oil, or castor oil), and a normal medium – single layer – by adding in culture media: manithol, sorbithol, AgNO3 or B9. For the double layer system the vitroplantlets were inoculated on simple MS media, without growth regulators, and after 2 weeks – when the plantlet manifests a caulo- and rizogenetic process, we covered the basal agarised medium with a second layer – the oil; for the normal medium – the growth inhibitors were integrated in aseptic MS nutritive medium. This is on going experiment, until this moment the plantlets were vitroconservated 24 weeks in „living collection”; the control lot was subcultived already 2 times: after 12 and 24 weeks of vitroculture. In 24 weeks of vitroplantlets slow growth in „living collection„ did not reach the growth values which control lot achieved in 12 weeks of vitroculture – this showing the efficiency of the presented system. |
Keywords: | potato, Solanum tuberosum, slow growth, Living Collection, double layer system |
References: | Antofie MM, Questionnaire for investigating on farm conservation status of old crops varieties – developing method. Analele Universităţii din Oradea Fascicula: Ecotoxicologie, Zootehnie și Tehnologii de Industrie Alimentară, IX, 1019-1026, 2010. Antofie MM, Constantinovici D, Pop MR, Iagrăru P, Sand C, Ciotea G, Theoretical methodology for assessing the status of conservation of crop landraces in Romania. Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Fascicula Biologie, XVII (2), 313-317, 2010 a. Antofie MM, Pop MR, Sand C, Ciotea G, Iagrăru P, Data sheet model for developing a red list regarding crop landraces in Romania. Annals. Food Science and Technology, 11(1), 45-49, 2010 b. Atanassov A, Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). In: Bajaj YPS (ed.), Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 2: Crops I, Springer – Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 462–470, 1986. Bajaj YPS, Tuberization in potato plants regenerated from freezed preserved meristems. Crop Improvement, 5, 137-141, 1978. Bogdan AT, Ipate I, Bara V, Diaconescu D, Purcărea C, Strateanu AG, Ecoeconomic and bioeconomic impact of food safety and security in perspective increased consumption of food and feed during 2030-2100. Analele Universităţii din Oradea Fascicula: Ecotoxicologie, Zootehnie și Tehnologii de Industrie Alimentară, IX, 1044–1057, 2010. Blas R. H. S., Petrescu D. C., Potato production and its constraints in Peru. AAB Bioflux 1(2), 53-57, 2009. Cachiță CD, Constantinovici D, Conservarea resurselor vegetale în Băncile de Gene sub formă de fitoinoculi, Biotehnologii vegetale pentru Secolul XXI. Lucrările celui de al XVI-lea Simpozion Național de Culturi de Țesuturi și Celule Vegetale. București 2007. edit coord. Cachiță CD, Brezeanu A, Ardelean A, Ed. Risoprint Cluj-Napoca, 15-61, 2008. Cachiță CD, Sand C, Biodiversitatea și băncile de gene, 147, 2011. Constantinovici D, Studii privind efectul acţiunii „in vitro” a mediilor de cultură, cu diferite balanţe hormonale, asupra unor categorii de explante la Beta vulgaris L.. Cercet. Agr. în Mold., 110, 71–79, 1997. Constantinovici D, Cachiţă CD, Multiplicarea la sfecla de zahăr (Beta vulgaris) pe medii de cultură solidificate cu agar-agar substituit, parţial, cu amidon. In: Cachiţă CD, Ardelean A, Crăciun C (eds.), Lucrările reunite ale celui de al VII-lea şi al VIII-lea Simpozion de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale, Arad 1997 şi Buziaş 1998, intitulat “Culturi in vitro la cormofite”, Editura Risoprint Cluj-Napoca, 162–173, 1999. Dhital SP, Manandhar HK, Lim HT, Preservation of In Vitro Grown Shoot Tips of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) by Different Methods of Cryopreservation. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 10, 15-20, 2009. Dobranszki J, Magyar-Tabori K, Takacs-Hudak A, Growth and development responses of potato to osmotic stress under in vitro conditions, Acta Biologica Hungarica, 54 (3-4), 356-372, 2003. FAO,, The 2012 edition of the FAO Statistical Yearbook, 2012. Goncalves S, Romano A, In vitro minimum growth for conservation of Drosera lusitanicum. Biologia Plantarum, 51, 795-798, 2007. Gopal J, Sukh Chauhan N, Slow growth in vitro conservation of potato germplasm at low temperature. Potato Research, 53 (3), 141-149, 2010. Helliot B, Madur D, Drilewagner E, De Boucaud MT, Evaluation of genetic stability in cryopreserved Prunus. In Vitro Cellular Developmental Biology, 38, 493-500, 2002. Ipate I, Bogdan AT, Paraschivescu M, Sandu M, Ivana S, Ipate N, Strateanu AG, Toba G, Enache M, Use rare breed for genuine foods in Romanian rural tourism and possibility of traceability the traditional products. Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies, 67(1-2), 225-230, 2010. Kaczmarczyk A, Rokka V, Keller ERJ, Potato Shoot Tip Cryopreservation. A Review. Potato Research, 54 (1), 45-79, 2011. Murashige T, Skoog F, A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physologia Plantarum, 15, 473-497, 1962. Ogbu JU, Essien BA, Essien JB, Anaele MU, Conservation and management of genetics resources of horticultural crops in Nigeria. Issue and biotechnological staregies. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 2 (9), 214-222, 2010. Petruş VA, New methods to improve the bioeconomic and ecoeconomic impact by plant biotechnology Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii, 21 (3), 587-591, 2011. Purcǎrea C, Borbëly MV, Salicilyc acid involvement in wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings response to salt stress. Scientific Papers, UASVM Bucharest, Series A, LIV, 451-456, 2011. Radoveț SD, Cachiță CD, In vitro conservation of Solanum tuberosum var. Gersa, Analele Universităţii din Oradea-Fascicula: Protecţia Mediului, XIX (17), 110-117, 2012a. Radoveț SD, Cachiță CD, Testing the regenerative capacity of Solanum tuberosum var. Gersa explants after 24 weeks storage in living collection, Analele Universităţii din Oradea-Fascicula: Protecţia Mediului, XIX (17), 102-109, 2012b. Radoveț SD, Cachiță CD, Petruș VA, The micropropagation of Coleus blumei Benth. vitrocultures under different paraffin or silicon oil stratums, Analele Universității din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie, XIV, 81-90, 2007. Radoveț SD, Cachiță CD, Petruș VA, The micropropagation of Coleus hybridus Jupiter vitrocultures under different paraffin or silicon oil stratums, Studia Universitatis, Life Science Series, 18, 61-70, 2008. Roşu M, Sărăndan H, Jula A, Sarandan R, Ognean L, The Environmental Pollution Level with Excretory Phosphorus at Laying Hens in Romania. Bulletin University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca 2012, 69, (1-21PRTNT ISSN 1943-5270, ELECTRONIG ISSN 1843.5378, 2012. Scherwinski PJE, Costa FHS, Camillo J, Silva DB, Alves RBN, Vieira RF, Tissue culture strorage of Brazilian medicinal plnts germplasm. Acta Horticulturae, 860, 211-214, 2010. Tabori KM, Dobranszki J, Ferenczy A, Effects of culture density of growth and in vitro tuberization capacity of potato plantlets, Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 48 (2), 185-189, 2000. |
*Correspondence: | Radoveț Dorina, Environmental Protection Agency of Bihor County, Protected Areas Department, 25A Dacia Boulevard, Oradea, Romania, Tel. +40-(259)-444590, Fax. +40-(259)-406588, Mobil phone. +40-726 289 789, email: |