Flow cytometric analysis of normal and osteoarthritic chondrocytes with lectins
January 11, 2013
Flow cytometric analysis of normal and osteoarthritic chondrocytes with lectins
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Title: | Flow cytometric analysis of normal and osteoarthritic chondrocytes with lectins |
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Article_Title: | Flow cytometric analysis of normal and osteoarthritic chondrocytes with lectins |
Authors: | Andreea Ciotec, Ana-Maria Dobre, Alexandrina Rugina, Larisa Calu, Ligia Stan, Magdalena Lungu, Nicolae Efimov, Liana Mos, Catalin Iordachel, Daniela Bratosin |
Affiliation: | National Institute for Biological Science Research and Development, Bucharest,Romania CFR 2 Hospital, Bucharest, Romania ”Vasle Goldis” Western University of Arad, The Faculty of General Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine Arad, Romania ”Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Informatics, Arad, Romania |
Abstract: | Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common of all joint diseases, but the molecular basis of its onset and progression is controversial. One characteristic of cartilage is that some chondrocytes reside in areas rich in ECM and it is well known that glycoproteins are abundant on the cell surface and in cartilage ECM. Our working hypothesize was that modification of glycoconjugates contribute to pathogenesis of chondrocyte and we have undertaken a comparative study of normal and OA chondrocytes analysis with fluorescently labeled lectins. Our results clearly indicate that the loss of sialic acid and exposure of the penultimate β-galactose residues of OA chondrocytes glycoconjugates cell surfaces renders cells more susceptible to the membrane damage, which may trigger apoptosis. This could further clarify the relevance of the glycophenotype for chondrocyte function or its significance, if any, as a marker for the development of new chondroprotective agents. |
Keywords: | chondrocytes, osteoartritic cartilage, flow cytometric analysis, lectins |
References: | Aigner T, Soder S, Gebhard PM, Mcalinden A and Haag J, Mechanisms of Disease: role of chondrocytes in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis-structure, chaos and sesescence. Nature Clinical practice Rheumatology, 3, 391-399, 2007. Bilyy RO, Stoika RS, Lectinocytochemical detection of apoptotic murine leukemia L1210 cells. Cytometry, 56A, 89-95, 2003. Bluteau G, Conrozier T, Mathieu P, Vignon E, Herbage D, Mallein-Gerin F. Matrix metalloproteinase-1, -3, -13 and aggrecanase-1 and -2 are differentially expressed in experimental osteoarthritis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1526, 147-158, 2001. Bratosin D, Iordachel C, Rugina A, Gheorghe AM, Ciotec ACL, Efimov N, Sidoroff M, Cellular methods for in vitro engineering of human autologous cartilage. A review. Studia Universitas “Vasile Goldis” Life science series, 21, 175-181, 2011. Bratosin D, Mazurier J, Debray H, Lecocq M, Boilly B, Alonso C, Moisei M, Motas C, Montreuil J, Flow cytofluorimetric analysis of young and senescent human erythrocytes probed with lectins. Evidence that sialic acids control their life span. Glycoconj. J., 12, 258-267, 1995. Brockhausen I, Schutzbach J, Kuhns W, Glycoproteins and their relationship to human disease. Acta Anat, 161, 36–78, 1998. Delmotte P, Degroote S, Lafitte JJ, Lamblin G, Perini JP, Roussel P, Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha increases the expression of glycosyltransferases and sulfotransferases responsible for the biosynthesis of sialylated and sulfated Lewis × epitopes in the human bronchial mucosa. J. Biol. Chem., 277, 424-431, 2002. Dudhia J, Aggrecan, aging and assembly in articular cartilage. Cell. Mol. Life Sci., 62, 2241-2256, 2005. Farnum CE, Wilsman NJ, Lectin-binding histochemistry of intracellular and extracellular glycoconjugates of the reserve cell zone of growth plate cartilage. J. Orthop. Res., 6, 166-179, 1988. Gavrovic-Jankulovic M, Prodanovic R, Drug Delivery: Plant Lectins as Bioadhesive Drug Delivery Systems. Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology, 2, 614-621, 2011. Goetz W, Fischer G, Herken R, Lectin binding in the embryonal and early fetal human vertebral column, Anat. Embryol., 184, 345-353, 1991. Goldring MB, The role of the chondrocyte in osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum., 43, 1916-1926, 2000. Heyder P, Gaipl US, Beyer TD, Voll RE, Kern PM, Stach C, Kalden JR, Herrmann M, Early detection of apoptosis by staining of acid-treated apoptotic cells with FITC-labeled lectin from Narcissus pseudonarcissus. Cytometry, 55A, 86-93, 2003. Hoedt-Schmidt S, Scheid A, Kalbhen DA, Histomorphological and lectinhistochemical confirmation of the antidegenerative effect of diclofenac in experimental osteoarthrosis. Arzneim.-Forsch., 39, 1212–1219, 1989. Howard S, Anastassiades T, Differential effects of bone associated factors on newly synthesized anionic glycoconjugates by articular chondrocyte cultures from adult and immature bovines. J. Rheumatol., 20, 2083–2094, 1993. Jaeken J, Carchon H, Congenital disorders of glycosylation: the rapidly growing tip of the iceberg. Curr. Opin. Neurol., 14, 811-815, 2001. Knudson CB, Knudson W, Cartilage Proteoglycans. Semin. Cell. Dev. Biol., 12, 69-78, 2001. Kobata A, Structure and function of the sugar chains of glycoprotein. Eur. J. Biochem., 209, 483-501, 1992. Landberg E, Pahlsson P, Lundblad A, Arnetorp A, Jeppsson JO, Carbohydrate composition of serum transferrin isoforms from patients with high alcohol consumption. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 210, 267-274, 1995. Liener IE, Sharon N, Goldstein IJ, The Lectins, Properties, Functions, and Applications in Biology and Medicine. Academic Press., Orlando, FA, 1986. Martel-Pelletier J, Boileau C, Pelletier JP, Roughley JP, Cartilage in normal and osteoarthritis conditions. Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology, 22, 351-384, 2008. Matsuhashi T, Iwasaki N, Nakagawa H, Hato M, Kurogochi M, Majima T, Minami A, Nishimura SI, Alteration of Nglycans related to articular cartilage deterioration after anterior cruciate ligament transection in rabbits. Osteoarthr. Cartilage, 16, 772-778, 2008. Mitrovic D, Quintero M, Starkovic A, Ryckeweart A, Cell density of adult human femural condylar articular surface in joints with normal and fibrillated surface. Lab Invest, 49, 309-316, 1983. Montreuil J, Spatial conformation of glycans and glycoproteins. Biology of the Cell, 51, 115-131, 1984. Muir H, The chondrocyte, architect of cartilage. Biomechanics, structure, function and molecular biology of cartilage matrix macromolecules. Bioessays, 17, 1039-1048, 1995. Nicoll SB, Barak O, Csóka AB, Bhatnagar RS, Stern R, Hyaluronidases and CD44 undergo differential modulation during chondrogenesis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 292, 819-825, 2002. Reitter JN, Means RE, Desrosiers RC, A role for carbohydrates in immune evasion in AIDS. Nat. Med., 4, 679-684, 1998. Schuenke M, Schumacher U, Tillmann B, Lectin-binding in normal and fibrillated articular cartilage of human patellae. Virchows Arch. A., 407, 221–231, 1985. Silaghi C. N., Craciun A. M., Cristea V., Matrix Gla protein: the inhibitor of vascular and osteoarticular calcifications. Human & Veterinary Medicine 3(3), 178-190, 2011. Takacs-Buia L, Bratosin D, Gheorghe AM, Iordachel C, Efimov N, Caloianu M, Montreuil J, Flow cytometric analysis of cell death and viability of ostearthritic chondrocytes cultured in presence of apoptosis inhibitors for tissue engineering. Studia Universitas “Vasile Goldis”, Life science series, 19, 7-13, 2009. Takacs-Buia L, Iordachel C, Efimov N, Caloianu M, Montreuil J, Bratosin D, Pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis: Chondrocyte Replicative Senescence or Apoptosis?. Cytometry Part B, 74 B, 356-362, 2008. Toegel S, Harrer N, Plattner VE, Unger FM, Viernstein H, Goldring MB, Gabor F, Wirth M, Lectin binding studies on C-28/I2 and T/C-28a2 chondrocytes provide a basis for new tissue engineering and drug delivery perspectives in cartilage research. Journal of Controlled Release, 117, 121-129, 2007. Toegel S, Plattner V E, Wu S Q, Goldring MB, Chiari C, Kolb A, Unger FM, Nehrer S, Gabor F, Viernstein H, Wirth M, Lectin binding patterns reflect the phenotypic status of in vitro chondrocyte models. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim., 45, 351-360, 2009. Vertel BM, Morrell JJ, Barkman LL, Immunofluorescence studies on cartilage matrix synthesis, Exp. Cell Res. 158 423-432, 1985. Vignon E, Arlot M, Patricot L, Vignon G, The cell density of human femoral head cartilage. Clin. Orthop., 121, 303-308, 1976. Wacker M, Linton D, Hitchen PG, Nita-Lazar M, Haslam SM, North SJ Panico M, Morris RH, Dell A, Wren WB, Aebi M, N-linked glycosylation in Campylobacter jejuni and its functional transfer into E. Coli. Science, 298, 1790-1793, 2002. Wagers AJ, Waters CM, Stoolman LM, Kansas GS, Interleukin 12 and interleukin 4 control T cell adhesion to endothelial selectins through opposite effects on alpha1, 3-fucosyltransferase VII gene expression. J. Exp. Med., 188, 2225-2231, 1998. Wang X, Inoue S, Gu J, Miyoshi E, Noda K, Li W, Mizuno-Horikawa Y, Nakano M, Asahi M, Takahashi M, Uozumi N, Ihara S, Lee SH, Ikeda Y, Yamaguchi Y, Aze Y, Tomiyama Y, Fujii J, Suzuki K, Kondo A, Shapiro SD, Lopez-Otin C, Kuwaki T, Okabe M, Honke K, Taniguchi N, Dysregulation of TGF-b1 receptor activation leads to abnormal lung development and emphysema-like phenotype in core fucose-deficient mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 102, 15791-15796, 2005. Watson M, Rudd PM, Bland M, Dwek RA, Axford JS, Sugar printing rheumatic diseases: a potential method for disease differentiation using immunoglobulin G oligosaccharides. Arthritis Rheum., 42, 1682-1690, 1999. Wong CH, Protein glycosylation: new challenges and opportunities. J. Org. Chem., 70, 4219-4225, 2005. Xiping W, Julie MD, Shuyi W, Huxiong H, Kappes JC, Xiaoyun W, Salazar-Gonzalez JF, Salazar MG, Kilby JM, Saag MS, Komarova NL, Martin AN, Hahn B, Kwongk PD, Shaw GM, Antibody neutralization and escape by HIV-1. Nature, 422, 307-312, 2003. Yamashita K, Ideo H, Ohkura T, Fukushima K, Yuasa I, Ohno K, Takeshita K, Sugar chains of serum transferrin from patients with carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome. Evidence of asparagine-N-linked oligosaccharide transfer deficiency., J. Bio. Chem., 268, 5783-5789, 1993. Yang X, Lehotay M, Anastassiades T, Harrison M, Brockhausen I, The effect of tnfalpha on glycosylation pathways in bovine synoviocytes. Biochem. Cell. Biol., 82, 559-568, 2004. Yang X, Yipa J, Anastassiades T, Harrison M, Brockhausen I, The action of tnfα and tgfβ include specific alterations of the glycosylation of bovine and human chondrocytes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1773, 264-272, 2007. Zschaebitz A, Krahn V, Gabius HJ, Weiser H, Khaw A, Biesalski HK, Stofft E, Glycoconjugate expression of chondrocytes and perichondrium during hyaline cartilage development in the rat. J. Anat., 187, 67-83, 1995. |
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Correspondence: | Bratosin Daniela, National Institute for Biological Science Research and Development, Bucharest, Romania; Splaiul Independentei no. 296, district 6, Bucharest, Romania, Tel/Fax +40-(021)-2200881, email: bratosind@yahoo.com. |
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Article Title: | Flow cytometric analysis of normal and osteoarthritic chondrocytes with lectins |
Authors: | Andreea Ciotec, Ana-Maria Dobre, Alexandrina Rugina, Larisa Calu, Ligia Stan, Magdalena Lungu, Nicolae Efimov, Liana Mos, Catalin Iordachel, Daniela Bratosin |
Affiliation: | National Institute for Biological Science Research and Development, Bucharest,Romania CFR 2 Hospital, Bucharest, Romania ”Vasle Goldis” Western University of Arad, The Faculty of General Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine Arad, Romania ”Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Informatics, Arad, Romania |
Abstract: | Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common of all joint diseases, but the molecular basis of its onset and progression is controversial. One characteristic of cartilage is that some chondrocytes reside in areas rich in ECM and it is well known that glycoproteins are abundant on the cell surface and in cartilage ECM. Our working hypothesize was that modification of glycoconjugates contribute to pathogenesis of chondrocyte and we have undertaken a comparative study of normal and OA chondrocytes analysis with fluorescently labeled lectins. Our results clearly indicate that the loss of sialic acid and exposure of the penultimate β-galactose residues of OA chondrocytes glycoconjugates cell surfaces renders cells more susceptible to the membrane damage, which may trigger apoptosis. This could further clarify the relevance of the glycophenotype for chondrocyte function or its significance, if any, as a marker for the development of new chondroprotective agents. |
Keywords: | chondrocytes, osteoartritic cartilage, flow cytometric analysis, lectins |
References: | Aigner T, Soder S, Gebhard PM, Mcalinden A and Haag J, Mechanisms of Disease: role of chondrocytes in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis-structure, chaos and sesescence. Nature Clinical practice Rheumatology, 3, 391-399, 2007. Bilyy RO, Stoika RS, Lectinocytochemical detection of apoptotic murine leukemia L1210 cells. Cytometry, 56A, 89-95, 2003. Bluteau G, Conrozier T, Mathieu P, Vignon E, Herbage D, Mallein-Gerin F. Matrix metalloproteinase-1, -3, -13 and aggrecanase-1 and -2 are differentially expressed in experimental osteoarthritis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1526, 147-158, 2001. Bratosin D, Iordachel C, Rugina A, Gheorghe AM, Ciotec ACL, Efimov N, Sidoroff M, Cellular methods for in vitro engineering of human autologous cartilage. A review. Studia Universitas “Vasile Goldis” Life science series, 21, 175-181, 2011. Bratosin D, Mazurier J, Debray H, Lecocq M, Boilly B, Alonso C, Moisei M, Motas C, Montreuil J, Flow cytofluorimetric analysis of young and senescent human erythrocytes probed with lectins. Evidence that sialic acids control their life span. Glycoconj. J., 12, 258-267, 1995. Brockhausen I, Schutzbach J, Kuhns W, Glycoproteins and their relationship to human disease. Acta Anat, 161, 36–78, 1998. Delmotte P, Degroote S, Lafitte JJ, Lamblin G, Perini JP, Roussel P, Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha increases the expression of glycosyltransferases and sulfotransferases responsible for the biosynthesis of sialylated and sulfated Lewis × epitopes in the human bronchial mucosa. J. Biol. Chem., 277, 424-431, 2002. Dudhia J, Aggrecan, aging and assembly in articular cartilage. Cell. Mol. Life Sci., 62, 2241-2256, 2005. Farnum CE, Wilsman NJ, Lectin-binding histochemistry of intracellular and extracellular glycoconjugates of the reserve cell zone of growth plate cartilage. J. Orthop. Res., 6, 166-179, 1988. Gavrovic-Jankulovic M, Prodanovic R, Drug Delivery: Plant Lectins as Bioadhesive Drug Delivery Systems. Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology, 2, 614-621, 2011. Goetz W, Fischer G, Herken R, Lectin binding in the embryonal and early fetal human vertebral column, Anat. Embryol., 184, 345-353, 1991. Goldring MB, The role of the chondrocyte in osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum., 43, 1916-1926, 2000. Heyder P, Gaipl US, Beyer TD, Voll RE, Kern PM, Stach C, Kalden JR, Herrmann M, Early detection of apoptosis by staining of acid-treated apoptotic cells with FITC-labeled lectin from Narcissus pseudonarcissus. Cytometry, 55A, 86-93, 2003. Hoedt-Schmidt S, Scheid A, Kalbhen DA, Histomorphological and lectinhistochemical confirmation of the antidegenerative effect of diclofenac in experimental osteoarthrosis. Arzneim.-Forsch., 39, 1212–1219, 1989. Howard S, Anastassiades T, Differential effects of bone associated factors on newly synthesized anionic glycoconjugates by articular chondrocyte cultures from adult and immature bovines. J. Rheumatol., 20, 2083–2094, 1993. Jaeken J, Carchon H, Congenital disorders of glycosylation: the rapidly growing tip of the iceberg. Curr. Opin. Neurol., 14, 811-815, 2001. Knudson CB, Knudson W, Cartilage Proteoglycans. Semin. Cell. Dev. Biol., 12, 69-78, 2001. Kobata A, Structure and function of the sugar chains of glycoprotein. Eur. J. Biochem., 209, 483-501, 1992. Landberg E, Pahlsson P, Lundblad A, Arnetorp A, Jeppsson JO, Carbohydrate composition of serum transferrin isoforms from patients with high alcohol consumption. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 210, 267-274, 1995. Liener IE, Sharon N, Goldstein IJ, The Lectins, Properties, Functions, and Applications in Biology and Medicine. Academic Press., Orlando, FA, 1986. Martel-Pelletier J, Boileau C, Pelletier JP, Roughley JP, Cartilage in normal and osteoarthritis conditions. Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology, 22, 351-384, 2008. Matsuhashi T, Iwasaki N, Nakagawa H, Hato M, Kurogochi M, Majima T, Minami A, Nishimura SI, Alteration of Nglycans related to articular cartilage deterioration after anterior cruciate ligament transection in rabbits. Osteoarthr. Cartilage, 16, 772-778, 2008. Mitrovic D, Quintero M, Starkovic A, Ryckeweart A, Cell density of adult human femural condylar articular surface in joints with normal and fibrillated surface. Lab Invest, 49, 309-316, 1983. Montreuil J, Spatial conformation of glycans and glycoproteins. Biology of the Cell, 51, 115-131, 1984. Muir H, The chondrocyte, architect of cartilage. Biomechanics, structure, function and molecular biology of cartilage matrix macromolecules. Bioessays, 17, 1039-1048, 1995. Nicoll SB, Barak O, Csóka AB, Bhatnagar RS, Stern R, Hyaluronidases and CD44 undergo differential modulation during chondrogenesis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 292, 819-825, 2002. Reitter JN, Means RE, Desrosiers RC, A role for carbohydrates in immune evasion in AIDS. Nat. Med., 4, 679-684, 1998. Schuenke M, Schumacher U, Tillmann B, Lectin-binding in normal and fibrillated articular cartilage of human patellae. Virchows Arch. A., 407, 221–231, 1985. Silaghi C. N., Craciun A. M., Cristea V., Matrix Gla protein: the inhibitor of vascular and osteoarticular calcifications. Human & Veterinary Medicine 3(3), 178-190, 2011. Takacs-Buia L, Bratosin D, Gheorghe AM, Iordachel C, Efimov N, Caloianu M, Montreuil J, Flow cytometric analysis of cell death and viability of ostearthritic chondrocytes cultured in presence of apoptosis inhibitors for tissue engineering. Studia Universitas “Vasile Goldis”, Life science series, 19, 7-13, 2009. Takacs-Buia L, Iordachel C, Efimov N, Caloianu M, Montreuil J, Bratosin D, Pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis: Chondrocyte Replicative Senescence or Apoptosis?. Cytometry Part B, 74 B, 356-362, 2008. Toegel S, Harrer N, Plattner VE, Unger FM, Viernstein H, Goldring MB, Gabor F, Wirth M, Lectin binding studies on C-28/I2 and T/C-28a2 chondrocytes provide a basis for new tissue engineering and drug delivery perspectives in cartilage research. Journal of Controlled Release, 117, 121-129, 2007. Toegel S, Plattner V E, Wu S Q, Goldring MB, Chiari C, Kolb A, Unger FM, Nehrer S, Gabor F, Viernstein H, Wirth M, Lectin binding patterns reflect the phenotypic status of in vitro chondrocyte models. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim., 45, 351-360, 2009. Vertel BM, Morrell JJ, Barkman LL, Immunofluorescence studies on cartilage matrix synthesis, Exp. Cell Res. 158 423-432, 1985. Vignon E, Arlot M, Patricot L, Vignon G, The cell density of human femoral head cartilage. Clin. Orthop., 121, 303-308, 1976. Wacker M, Linton D, Hitchen PG, Nita-Lazar M, Haslam SM, North SJ Panico M, Morris RH, Dell A, Wren WB, Aebi M, N-linked glycosylation in Campylobacter jejuni and its functional transfer into E. Coli. Science, 298, 1790-1793, 2002. Wagers AJ, Waters CM, Stoolman LM, Kansas GS, Interleukin 12 and interleukin 4 control T cell adhesion to endothelial selectins through opposite effects on alpha1, 3-fucosyltransferase VII gene expression. J. Exp. Med., 188, 2225-2231, 1998. Wang X, Inoue S, Gu J, Miyoshi E, Noda K, Li W, Mizuno-Horikawa Y, Nakano M, Asahi M, Takahashi M, Uozumi N, Ihara S, Lee SH, Ikeda Y, Yamaguchi Y, Aze Y, Tomiyama Y, Fujii J, Suzuki K, Kondo A, Shapiro SD, Lopez-Otin C, Kuwaki T, Okabe M, Honke K, Taniguchi N, Dysregulation of TGF-b1 receptor activation leads to abnormal lung development and emphysema-like phenotype in core fucose-deficient mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 102, 15791-15796, 2005. Watson M, Rudd PM, Bland M, Dwek RA, Axford JS, Sugar printing rheumatic diseases: a potential method for disease differentiation using immunoglobulin G oligosaccharides. Arthritis Rheum., 42, 1682-1690, 1999. Wong CH, Protein glycosylation: new challenges and opportunities. J. Org. Chem., 70, 4219-4225, 2005. Xiping W, Julie MD, Shuyi W, Huxiong H, Kappes JC, Xiaoyun W, Salazar-Gonzalez JF, Salazar MG, Kilby JM, Saag MS, Komarova NL, Martin AN, Hahn B, Kwongk PD, Shaw GM, Antibody neutralization and escape by HIV-1. Nature, 422, 307-312, 2003. Yamashita K, Ideo H, Ohkura T, Fukushima K, Yuasa I, Ohno K, Takeshita K, Sugar chains of serum transferrin from patients with carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome. Evidence of asparagine-N-linked oligosaccharide transfer deficiency., J. Bio. Chem., 268, 5783-5789, 1993. Yang X, Lehotay M, Anastassiades T, Harrison M, Brockhausen I, The effect of tnfalpha on glycosylation pathways in bovine synoviocytes. Biochem. Cell. Biol., 82, 559-568, 2004. Yang X, Yipa J, Anastassiades T, Harrison M, Brockhausen I, The action of tnfα and tgfβ include specific alterations of the glycosylation of bovine and human chondrocytes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1773, 264-272, 2007. Zschaebitz A, Krahn V, Gabius HJ, Weiser H, Khaw A, Biesalski HK, Stofft E, Glycoconjugate expression of chondrocytes and perichondrium during hyaline cartilage development in the rat. J. Anat., 187, 67-83, 1995. |
*Correspondence: | Bratosin Daniela, National Institute for Biological Science Research and Development, Bucharest, Romania; Splaiul Independentei no. 296, district 6, Bucharest, Romania, Tel/Fax +40-(021)-2200881, email: bratosind@yahoo.com. |