Toxicological studies of the lagenaria siceraria seed oil
December 5, 2012
Toxicological studies of the lagenaria siceraria seed oil
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Article_Title: | Toxicological studies of the lagenaria siceraria seed oil |
Authors: | Hassan Lawai Gusau, Sani Nasiru Alhaji, Dangoggo Sani Mohammed, Ladan Mukhtar Jangebe, Umar Kabiru Jega |
Affiliation: | Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Department of Biochemistry, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. |
Abstract: | The toxicological effect of feeding rats with 5% L. siceraria seed oilfor the period of eight weeks was studied. Biochemical and haematological parameters examined in the animal shows normal values except for some enzymes activities and blood count which were below the normal range for rats. The oil appeared to have some hypocholesterol activity suggesting it to be heart friendly. Histological features of heart and kidney are normal except for nonspecific mild infiltration and necrosis.The oil may therefore be employed as supplement to conventional edible ones. |
Keywords: | oil, seed, lagenaria siceraria, toxicological effect, rats |
References: | Adeyeye EA, Ajibade PA, Temola AF, Met ! Concentration In Cocoa Seed Shell Ash, Liqmd Effluent, Soil Sediments and Associated Plants In Cocoa Processing Industry In Nigeria, International Journal of Environmental Studies 62(2):171-180,2005 Ajayi IA, Oderinde RA, Ogunkoya BO, Egunyomi A, Taiwo VO, Chemical Analysis and Preliminary Toxicological Evaluation of Garcinia Mangostana Seeda and Seed Oil, Feed, 101:999-1004,2007. Anosike CA, Ugwu UB, Nwakamna 0, Effect ofEthanol Extract of Pyrenacantha Staudtii Leaves on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity In Rats.Biokemistri, 20(1): 17-22,2008. Ashafa AOT, Yakubu MT, Grierson DS, Afolayan AJ, Toxicological Evaluation of the Aqueous Extract of Felicia muricuta thunb Leaves in Wistar Rats, African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(6): 949-954,2009. Boonprong S, Srighen C, Choo esa A, Parvizi N: Vajrabukka C, Blood Chexmcal Profiles of Thm Indigenous and Sinxmental Bralxman Crossbred Cattle In The Central Thailand, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 13: 99-100, 2007. Cheesbrough M, Medical Laboratory Manna! for Tropical Countries.Vol.ll. 2″ Edition, ELSB. Cambridge.PP508-511, 1991. Doumas BT, Watson WA, Biggs HG, Clinical chemistry. In Randox (1999): Laboratory Operation Manual for Albumin estimation. Cat. No.AB 362,AB 361, AB 360, 1971. Epler P, Borowiec F, Sokolowska-Mikolajczyk M, G r P, Effect ofFeeding Sunflower and Linseed Oil m Pelleted Mixtures on Chemical Composition of Carp Meat and Fatty Acid Profile. AACL Bioflux 3(1):43-50, 2010. Eromosele CO, Eromosele, IC, Fatty Acids Compositions of Seed Oils of Haematostaphis baxteri and Ximena Americana. Bioresources Technology, 82:303-304,2002. Gandhi VM, Cberian KM, Mulky MJ, Toxicological Studies on Ratanjyot Oil. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 33(1):39-42, 1995. Hassan LG, Sani NA, Dangoggo SM, Laden MJ., Nutitional Value of Bottle Gourd (Lagenana siceraria) Seed, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 14 (3): 301-306,2008. Hassan LG, Sani NA, Dangoggo SM, Ladan MJ, Umar KJ’ Fatty acids composition of three.varieties of Lagcnaria siccratia seeds. Procccdmgs of 33 Auoual international conference of the chemical society ofNigeria, Ogun, Nigeria, 20l 0. Henry RJ, Determination of Serum Creatinine, Clinical Chemistry, Principle and techniques, 2″‘ Edition, HmperRow,pp525, 1974. Kroes R, Ernst J, Schaefer R, Squire A, Williams GM, A Review of the Safety of DHA45-oil, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 41: 1433-1446,2003. Manorama N, Chinnasamy N, Rukmini C, Multigeneration Studies on Red Pahn Oil and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Containing Mahua Oil, Food and Chemical Toxicology 31(5):369-375,1993. Mano J, The Birth of the pills Chemistry World. 7(9):56-59,2010. McDonaldP, Edwards RA, GreenhalghFD, Morgan CA, Animal Nutrition Prentices Hall, London. Pp 1-90,1995. Ochei J, Kolhatkar A, Medical Labomtory Science “Theory and Practice” 1ot Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, India, pp 274-275,2000. Phillips D, “Active Ingredient” The new RSC President Anticipates Future Opportunities to Support and Develop the Chemical Science. RSC News Scprembcr2010,pp 8-9,2010. . Radu Cl, Cri an DA, Grigorescu M, How Can We Predict Steatosis Using Biochemical Markers (SteatoTest and Fatty Liver Index)? Human & Veterinary Medicine 3(2):89-96, 2011. Randox, Laboratory Operation Manual for Bilirubin estimation. Cat. No. BR 411, BR 412, BR428, BR429,BR426,BR,427, 1997. Reitman NR, Frankel S.A Colourimetric Method for the Detennination of Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic and Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase, American Journal of Clinical Pathology 28: 56-63, 1957. Rukmini C, Chemical, Nutritional and Toxicological Studies of Rice Brand Oil, Food Chemistry, 30:257-268,1988. Rukmini C, Reproductive Toxicology and Reproductive Studies on Mahua Oil (Madhuca latifolia), Food and Toxicology, 28: 601- 605, 1990. Cited In: Manora1na N, Chlnnasamy N, Rukmini C, Multigeneration Studies on Red Pahn oil and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Containing Mahua oil, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 31(5):369-375,1993. The rat fan club,Normal Lab Values, Retrieved on 17″January, 2010 from Umar KJ, Nutritional, Toxicological and Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis of Some Wild Leafy vegetables. Ph.D. Thesis, Postgraduate School, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (unpublished), 2010. Wiboho S,Savant V, Cherian G, Savage TF, Velazquez G, Torres JA, A Feeing Study to Assess Nutritional Quality and Safety ofSurimi Wash Water Proteins Recovered by a Chltosan-Alginate Complex. JownalofFoodscience.72 (3):179-184,2007. Yalrubu MT, Adesokan AA, Akanji MA, Biochemical Changes in Liver Kidney and Serum Following Chronic Administration of Cimetidine, African Journal of Biomedical Research, 9:213-218,2006. Zilva JF, Panna!!PR, Clinical Chemistry in Diagoosis and Treatment, Second edition. Lloyd-Luke (medical Book LTD, 49 Newman street, pp 346-3, 1978. |
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Article Title: | Toxicological studies of the lagenaria siceraria seed oil |
Authors: | Hassan Lawai Gusau, Sani Nasiru Alhaji, Dangoggo Sani Mohammed, Ladan Mukhtar Jangebe, Umar Kabiru Jega |
Affiliation: | Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Department of Biochemistry, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. |
Abstract: | The toxicological effect of feeding rats with 5% L. siceraria seed oilfor the period of eight weeks was studied. Biochemical and haematological parameters examined in the animal shows normal values except for some enzymes activities and blood count which were below the normal range for rats. The oil appeared to have some hypocholesterol activity suggesting it to be heart friendly. Histological features of heart and kidney are normal except for nonspecific mild infiltration and necrosis.The oil may therefore be employed as supplement to conventional edible ones. |
Keywords: | oil, seed, lagenaria siceraria, toxicological effect, rats |
References: | Adeyeye EA, Ajibade PA, Temola AF, Met ! Concentration In Cocoa Seed Shell Ash, Liqmd Effluent, Soil Sediments and Associated Plants In Cocoa Processing Industry In Nigeria, International Journal of Environmental Studies 62(2):171-180,2005 Ajayi IA, Oderinde RA, Ogunkoya BO, Egunyomi A, Taiwo VO, Chemical Analysis and Preliminary Toxicological Evaluation of Garcinia Mangostana Seeda and Seed Oil, Feed, 101:999-1004,2007. Anosike CA, Ugwu UB, Nwakamna 0, Effect ofEthanol Extract of Pyrenacantha Staudtii Leaves on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity In Rats.Biokemistri, 20(1): 17-22,2008. Ashafa AOT, Yakubu MT, Grierson DS, Afolayan AJ, Toxicological Evaluation of the Aqueous Extract of Felicia muricuta thunb Leaves in Wistar Rats, African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(6): 949-954,2009. Boonprong S, Srighen C, Choo esa A, Parvizi N: Vajrabukka C, Blood Chexmcal Profiles of Thm Indigenous and Sinxmental Bralxman Crossbred Cattle In The Central Thailand, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 13: 99-100, 2007. Cheesbrough M, Medical Laboratory Manna! for Tropical Countries.Vol.ll. 2″ Edition, ELSB. Cambridge.PP508-511, 1991. Doumas BT, Watson WA, Biggs HG, Clinical chemistry. In Randox (1999): Laboratory Operation Manual for Albumin estimation. Cat. No.AB 362,AB 361, AB 360, 1971. Epler P, Borowiec F, Sokolowska-Mikolajczyk M, G r P, Effect ofFeeding Sunflower and Linseed Oil m Pelleted Mixtures on Chemical Composition of Carp Meat and Fatty Acid Profile. AACL Bioflux 3(1):43-50, 2010. Eromosele CO, Eromosele, IC, Fatty Acids Compositions of Seed Oils of Haematostaphis baxteri and Ximena Americana. Bioresources Technology, 82:303-304,2002. Gandhi VM, Cberian KM, Mulky MJ, Toxicological Studies on Ratanjyot Oil. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 33(1):39-42, 1995. Hassan LG, Sani NA, Dangoggo SM, Laden MJ., Nutitional Value of Bottle Gourd (Lagenana siceraria) Seed, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 14 (3): 301-306,2008. Hassan LG, Sani NA, Dangoggo SM, Ladan MJ, Umar KJ’ Fatty acids composition of three.varieties of Lagcnaria siccratia seeds. Procccdmgs of 33 Auoual international conference of the chemical society ofNigeria, Ogun, Nigeria, 20l 0. Henry RJ, Determination of Serum Creatinine, Clinical Chemistry, Principle and techniques, 2″‘ Edition, HmperRow,pp525, 1974. Kroes R, Ernst J, Schaefer R, Squire A, Williams GM, A Review of the Safety of DHA45-oil, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 41: 1433-1446,2003. Manorama N, Chinnasamy N, Rukmini C, Multigeneration Studies on Red Pahn Oil and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Containing Mahua Oil, Food and Chemical Toxicology 31(5):369-375,1993. Mano J, The Birth of the pills Chemistry World. 7(9):56-59,2010. McDonaldP, Edwards RA, GreenhalghFD, Morgan CA, Animal Nutrition Prentices Hall, London. Pp 1-90,1995. Ochei J, Kolhatkar A, Medical Labomtory Science “Theory and Practice” 1ot Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, India, pp 274-275,2000. Phillips D, “Active Ingredient” The new RSC President Anticipates Future Opportunities to Support and Develop the Chemical Science. RSC News Scprembcr2010,pp 8-9,2010. . Radu Cl, Cri an DA, Grigorescu M, How Can We Predict Steatosis Using Biochemical Markers (SteatoTest and Fatty Liver Index)? Human & Veterinary Medicine 3(2):89-96, 2011. Randox, Laboratory Operation Manual for Bilirubin estimation. Cat. No. BR 411, BR 412, BR428, BR429,BR426,BR,427, 1997. Reitman NR, Frankel S.A Colourimetric Method for the Detennination of Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic and Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase, American Journal of Clinical Pathology 28: 56-63, 1957. Rukmini C, Chemical, Nutritional and Toxicological Studies of Rice Brand Oil, Food Chemistry, 30:257-268,1988. Rukmini C, Reproductive Toxicology and Reproductive Studies on Mahua Oil (Madhuca latifolia), Food and Toxicology, 28: 601- 605, 1990. Cited In: Manora1na N, Chlnnasamy N, Rukmini C, Multigeneration Studies on Red Pahn oil and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Containing Mahua oil, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 31(5):369-375,1993. The rat fan club,Normal Lab Values, Retrieved on 17″January, 2010 from Umar KJ, Nutritional, Toxicological and Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis of Some Wild Leafy vegetables. Ph.D. Thesis, Postgraduate School, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (unpublished), 2010. Wiboho S,Savant V, Cherian G, Savage TF, Velazquez G, Torres JA, A Feeing Study to Assess Nutritional Quality and Safety ofSurimi Wash Water Proteins Recovered by a Chltosan-Alginate Complex. JownalofFoodscience.72 (3):179-184,2007. Yalrubu MT, Adesokan AA, Akanji MA, Biochemical Changes in Liver Kidney and Serum Following Chronic Administration of Cimetidine, African Journal of Biomedical Research, 9:213-218,2006. Zilva JF, Panna!!PR, Clinical Chemistry in Diagoosis and Treatment, Second edition. Lloyd-Luke (medical Book LTD, 49 Newman street, pp 346-3, 1978. |
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