The micropropagation of Coleus hybridus Jupiter vitrocultures under different paraffin or silicon oil stratums
October 11, 2012
The micropropagation of Coleus hybridus Jupiter vitrocultures under different paraffin or silicon oil stratums
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Title: | The micropropagation of Coleus hybridus Jupiter vitrocultures under different paraffin or silicon oil stratums |
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Article_Title: | The micropropagation of Coleus hybridus Jupiter vitrocultures under different paraffin or silicon oil stratums |
Authors: | Dorina Radoveţ, Dorina Cachiţă-Cosma, Adriana Petruş |
Affiliation: | 1 Nature Protection Department, Enviromnental Protection Agency of Bihor County, Romania 2 ”Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania 3 Biology Department, University of Oradea, Romania |
Abstract: | In the framework of this experiment was the study of the reaction of Coleus hybridus Jupiter vitrocultures in hypoxic conditions, using vitroplantlets having 2 weeks from initiation whereupon them was applied an oil stratum: paraffin or silicon oil. The oil stratum was of 1 cm3, 2 cm3 or 5 cm3, the witness – lot vitroplantlets bare of oil. In the moment when the vitroplantlets surpassed the oil stratum was initiated a subculture bare of oil. After each 4 weeks the vitroplantlets was analyzed and was determined the assimilatory pigments in leafs. After the first 12 weeks witness lot grew up comparing to oil submersed vitrocultures, the witness lot over 48 experimental weeks were subcultivated 3 times. Using a stratum of 1 cm3 of paraffin or silicon oil, after 24 of weeks in double stratum culture, the vitroplantlets surpassed the oil stratum, at this faze was no observed eminent inhibitory reaction. Covering the vitrocultures with a stratum of 2 cm3 of paraffin or silicon oil, it was noted an inhibition of increase on a period of 32 of weeks, the content of assimilatory pigments being with 8,9 % lower than that earmarked to the witness lot to 4 weeks from inoculation (vitroplantule bare of oil). In this case – in subculture – was observed an inhibitory reaction for 9 weeks. Covering the vitroplantlets with 5 cm3 of paraffin oil or silicon stratum was observed a prolongation of grow inhibition until 44 weeks (paraffin oil submersion) and 48 weeks (in silicon oil submention) – which determine a stronger inhibition in subcultures for 24 weeks. For inducing a long time grow inhibition – even in subculture – on Coleus hybridus Jupiter vitrocultures the best solution is using paraffin or silicon oil in a 5 cm3 stratum of paraffin or silicon oil, the vitroplantlets reaction being similar. |
Keywords: | hypoxic conditions, oil stratum, paraffin oil, silicon oil, Coleus hybridus Jupiter |
References: | Bajaj Y.P.S., Automated micropropagation for en masse production of plants, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Vol. 17. High-Tech and Micropropagation Vol.I, Eds. Y.P.S. Bajaj, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heindelberg New York, pp. 3-16, 1991 Blidar, C.F., Cachiţă-Cosma, D., Studierea efectelor exercitate de apa sărăcită în deuteriu şi de apa Pi, asupra creşterii vitroculturilor de protocormi de Cymbidium hybridum. Lucrările celui de al XIV-lea Simpozion Naţional de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale: „Conservarea Vitroculturilor Vegetale”, Editori: Cachiţă-Cosma Dorina, Sand Camelia, Sibiu 9 iunie 2005, Ed. Alma Mater, Sibiu, pp. 146-157, 2006 Bolba D., In vitro conservation of two species of Lily (Liliaceae) in hypothermic and hypoxic conditions, Sumary of the Doctoral Thesis, Cluj-Napoca, p. 52, 2004 Caplin S.M., Mineral-oil overlay for conservation of plant tissue culture, Am J Bot nr. 46, pp. 324- 329, 1959 Hassan N.S., Storage of tissue under mineral oil or low temperature, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology nr. 6 (2), pp. 303-306, 2004 Henshaw G.G., Stamp J.A., Westcott R.J., Tissue culture and germplasm storage. Eds. Sala F., Parisi B., Cella R., Ciferri O. Elsevier/North Holland, Plant Cell Cultures: resulte and perspectives, Amsterdam, pp. 227-282, 1978 Jones L.H., Long term survival of emmbryoides of carrot (Daucus carota L.), Plant Science Letters nr. 2, pp. 133-140, 1974 Moran R., Porath D., Chlorophyll determination in intact tissue using N,N-dimethylformamide. Plant Physiol., 65, pp. 478-479, 1980 Murashige T., Skoog F., A revised medium for rapid growth bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant., 15, pp. 473-497, 1962 Radoveţ D., Cachiţă-Cosma D., The micropropagation of Coleus blumei Benth. vitrocultures under different paraffin or silicon oil stratums. Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie, tom XIV, pp. 81-90, 2007 Walters C., Wheeler L., Stanwood P.C., Longevity of cryogenically stored seeds, Cryobiology. no. 48(3), pp. 229-244, 2004 |
Read_full_article: | pdf/18-2008/SU08Radovet.pdf |
Correspondence: | Dorina Radoveţ, Nature Protection Department, Environmental Protection Agency of Bihor County, No. 25A Dacia Bd., 410464, Oradea, Roumania, Tel. +40-(259)-406605, Fax: +40-(259)-406588, email: |
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Article Title: | The micropropagation of Coleus hybridus Jupiter vitrocultures under different paraffin or silicon oil stratums |
Authors: | Dorina Radoveţ, Dorina Cachiţă-Cosma, Adriana Petruş |
Affiliation: | 1 Nature Protection Department, Enviromnental Protection Agency of Bihor County, Romania 2 ”Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania 3 Biology Department, University of Oradea, Romania |
Abstract: | In the framework of this experiment was the study of the reaction of Coleus hybridus Jupiter vitrocultures in hypoxic conditions, using vitroplantlets having 2 weeks from initiation whereupon them was applied an oil stratum: paraffin or silicon oil. The oil stratum was of 1 cm3, 2 cm3 or 5 cm3, the witness – lot vitroplantlets bare of oil. In the moment when the vitroplantlets surpassed the oil stratum was initiated a subculture bare of oil. After each 4 weeks the vitroplantlets was analyzed and was determined the assimilatory pigments in leafs. After the first 12 weeks witness lot grew up comparing to oil submersed vitrocultures, the witness lot over 48 experimental weeks were subcultivated 3 times. Using a stratum of 1 cm3 of paraffin or silicon oil, after 24 of weeks in double stratum culture, the vitroplantlets surpassed the oil stratum, at this faze was no observed eminent inhibitory reaction. Covering the vitrocultures with a stratum of 2 cm3 of paraffin or silicon oil, it was noted an inhibition of increase on a period of 32 of weeks, the content of assimilatory pigments being with 8,9 % lower than that earmarked to the witness lot to 4 weeks from inoculation (vitroplantule bare of oil). In this case – in subculture – was observed an inhibitory reaction for 9 weeks. Covering the vitroplantlets with 5 cm3 of paraffin oil or silicon stratum was observed a prolongation of grow inhibition until 44 weeks (paraffin oil submersion) and 48 weeks (in silicon oil submention) – which determine a stronger inhibition in subcultures for 24 weeks. For inducing a long time grow inhibition – even in subculture – on Coleus hybridus Jupiter vitrocultures the best solution is using paraffin or silicon oil in a 5 cm3 stratum of paraffin or silicon oil, the vitroplantlets reaction being similar. |
Keywords: | hypoxic conditions, oil stratum, paraffin oil, silicon oil, Coleus hybridus Jupiter |
References: | Bajaj Y.P.S., Automated micropropagation for en masse production of plants, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Vol. 17. High-Tech and Micropropagation Vol.I, Eds. Y.P.S. Bajaj, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heindelberg New York, pp. 3-16, 1991 Blidar, C.F., Cachiţă-Cosma, D., Studierea efectelor exercitate de apa sărăcită în deuteriu şi de apa Pi, asupra creşterii vitroculturilor de protocormi de Cymbidium hybridum. Lucrările celui de al XIV-lea Simpozion Naţional de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale: „Conservarea Vitroculturilor Vegetale”, Editori: Cachiţă-Cosma Dorina, Sand Camelia, Sibiu 9 iunie 2005, Ed. Alma Mater, Sibiu, pp. 146-157, 2006 Bolba D., In vitro conservation of two species of Lily (Liliaceae) in hypothermic and hypoxic conditions, Sumary of the Doctoral Thesis, Cluj-Napoca, p. 52, 2004 Caplin S.M., Mineral-oil overlay for conservation of plant tissue culture, Am J Bot nr. 46, pp. 324- 329, 1959 Hassan N.S., Storage of tissue under mineral oil or low temperature, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology nr. 6 (2), pp. 303-306, 2004 Henshaw G.G., Stamp J.A., Westcott R.J., Tissue culture and germplasm storage. Eds. Sala F., Parisi B., Cella R., Ciferri O. Elsevier/North Holland, Plant Cell Cultures: resulte and perspectives, Amsterdam, pp. 227-282, 1978 Jones L.H., Long term survival of emmbryoides of carrot (Daucus carota L.), Plant Science Letters nr. 2, pp. 133-140, 1974 Moran R., Porath D., Chlorophyll determination in intact tissue using N,N-dimethylformamide. Plant Physiol., 65, pp. 478-479, 1980 Murashige T., Skoog F., A revised medium for rapid growth bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant., 15, pp. 473-497, 1962 Radoveţ D., Cachiţă-Cosma D., The micropropagation of Coleus blumei Benth. vitrocultures under different paraffin or silicon oil stratums. Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie, tom XIV, pp. 81-90, 2007 Walters C., Wheeler L., Stanwood P.C., Longevity of cryogenically stored seeds, Cryobiology. no. 48(3), pp. 229-244, 2004 |
*Correspondence: | Dorina Radoveţ, Nature Protection Department, Environmental Protection Agency of Bihor County, No. 25A Dacia Bd., 410464, Oradea, Roumania, Tel. +40-(259)-406605, Fax: +40-(259)-406588, email: |