Biochemical determinations made on african violets (Saintpaulia Ionantha) exvitroplantlets, being illuminated during their acclimatization to a septic medium, with different types of light
October 11, 2012
Biochemical determinations made on african violets (Saintpaulia Ionantha) exvitroplantlets, being illuminated during their acclimatization to a septic medium, with different types of light
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Title: | Biochemical determinations made on african violets (Saintpaulia Ionantha) exvitroplantlets, being illuminated during their acclimatization to a septic medium, with different types of light |
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Article_Title: | Biochemical determinations made on african violets (Saintpaulia Ionantha) exvitroplantlets, being illuminated during their acclimatization to a septic medium, with different types of light |
Authors: | Adriana Petruş-Vancea, Dorina Cachiţă-Cosma |
Affiliation: | 1 Biology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Oradea 2 "Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Romania, Faculty of Natural Sciences |
Abstract: | In the current experiment we wanted to study the effect of lighting the African violets exvitroplantlets, with fluorescent light of different nature, namely: white (400 nm), red (660 nm), yellow (580 nm), blue (430 nm) and green (544 nm), of the quantity of assimilating pigments from the leaflets, as a meter of the photosynthesis process intensity, and also of the peroxidazic activity at the rootlets level, as a marker of rizogenezis process, both phenomena (photosynthesis and rizogenezis) having a definite role during the acclimatization period of the plantlets cultivated in vitro, to the conditions of a septic medium. After 30 days from the acclimatization of the African violets exvitroplantlets, in “Top soil” and perlite substratum, with a 3:1 report, the carried out biochemical determinations have shown that, red light illumination have determined the stimulation of creating assimilating pigments, especially of chlorophyll a, at the still living plantlets (half of the plantlets maintained under this type of light faded), on the other hand the peroxidazic activity was stimulated at all four experimental variants, reaching statistically significant values, expressed in percent with 20% plusses, in the case of the exvitroplantlets rootlets illuminated with blue light, which implies an intense rizogenezis process at this batch. |
Keywords: | peroxidazic activity, chlorophyll pigments, color light, exvitroplantlets |
References: | Blidar C.F., Cachiţă C.D., Bandici G.E., Radoveţ- Salinschi D., Pop L., The reactivity of Cymbidium hybridum protocorms vitrocultivated under white fluorescent or natural light illumination. Annals of the University of Craiova, vol. XII (XLVIII), Craiova, pp. 287-294, 2007 Cachiţă C.D., Culturile de ţesuturi şi celule la plante – modele experimentale în biologia vegetală. In: Lucrările celui de al IX-lea Simpozion Naţional de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale, “Actualităţi şi perspective în biotehnologia vegetală”. Cachiţă C.D., Bavaru A., Brezeanu A. (eds.), Constanţa, “Ovidius” University Press, pp. 31-40, 2000 Gaspar T., Keveres C., Hausman J.F., Berthon J.Y., Ripetti V., Uses of peroxidase activity as a predictive merker of rooting performance of micropropagated shoots, Agronomie, 12, pp. 757– 65, 1992 Lück H., Peroxidaza, In: Methods of Enzimatic Analysis, Bergmeyer HU (ed.), Ed. Academic Press, New-York, pp. 895-897, 1974 Moran R., Porath D., Chlorophyll determination in intact tissue using N,N-dimetylformamide, Plant Physiol., 65, pp. 487-479, 1980 Murashige T., Skoog F., A revised medium for rapid growth bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures, Physiol. Plant., 15, pp. 473–497, 1962 Petruş – Vancea A, Cercetări privind procesele morfofiziologice şi biochimice care au loc în decursul aclimatizării plantulelor generate „in vitro”, la viaţa în mediul septic. Teză de doctorat, 2007. Petruş-Vancea A., Cachiţă C.D., Studierea influenţei exercitate de natura luminii în aclimatizarea exvitroplantulelor. In: Lucrările celui de al XIII -lea Simpozion Naţional de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale, „Vitroculturile la cormofite, modele experimentale în cercetările de biologie”, Cachiţă C.D., Ardelean A. (eds.), Satu-Mare, Editura Bion, pp. 138–151, 2005 Petruş-Vancea A., Cachiţă C.D., Şipoş M., Activitatea peroxidazică în rădăciniţele vitro- şi exvitroplantulelor de crizanteme, violete africane şi de cymbidium, Analele SNBC Vol. IX, Nr. 1., CAP. III – Biologie celulară vegetală, pp. 392–395, 2004 Pop L., Cachiţă C.D., Preliminary research concerning the reactions of Sequoia sempervirens vitrocultures to „high brightness” LED illumination, Annals of the University of Craiova, vol. XII (XLVIII), Craiova, pp. 215–219, 2007 Radoveţ-Salinschi D., Cachiţă C.D., Conţinutul în pigmenţi asimilatori în frunzuliţele vitroplantulelor de Coleus blumei Benth., culturi iluminate cu lumină de culori variate. Analale Societăţii Naţionale de Biologie Celulară. Vol. IX nr. 1, Crăciun C, Ardelean A (eds.), Cluj – Napoca, Editura Risoprint, pp. 387–391, 2004 Şipoş M., Chiriac C., Floriş C., Activitatea peroxidazică în embrionii şi în plantulele de grâu (Triticum aestivum L. soiul Turda) rezultate prin germinaţia cariopselor submersate, în prealabil, în azot lichid (-196ºC). Analele Univ. Oradea, Fasc. Biologie, Tom X, pp. 315-320, 2003 a. Şipoş M., Chiriiac C., Floriş C., Activitatea peroxidazică în cariopsele de grâu (Triticum aestivum L. soiul Turda) după submersarea acestora în azot lichid (-196ºC), Analele Univ. Oradea, Fasc. Biologie, Tom X, pp. 333-342, 2003 b Şipos M., Samuel A.D., Bandici G.E., Peroxidases activity in the barley caryopses after cryopreservation, Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Vol. XII (XLVIII) Seria Biologie, pp. 241-245, 2007 Vancea A, Cachiţă CD, Aclimatizarea vitroplantulelor de Saintpaulia ionantha, prin plantarea acestora pe substraturi neconvenţionale. In: Lucrările celui de al X-lea Simpozion Naţional de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale, „25 de ani de culturi de ţesuturi vegetale în România”, Cachiţă CD, Rakosy TL, Ardelean A (eds.), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 310–315, 2002 Vancea A., Cachiţă C.D., Floriş C., Blidar C.F., Studii preliminare privind aclimatizarea vitroplantulelor de crizanteme, la mediul septic de viaţă, Analele Univ. Oradea, Fasc. Biologie, Tom. VII, pp. 283–294, 2000 |
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Correspondence: | Adriana Petruş-Vancea, University of Oradea,Faculty of Science, Biology Department Universitatii Str., no 1, 410087, Oradea, Bihor, Romania, fax (Dean Secretary) +40.259.408.461, tel. +40.259.408.278, GSM (Vodafone) +40.723.143.399, E-mail: |
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Article Title: | Biochemical determinations made on african violets (Saintpaulia Ionantha) exvitroplantlets, being illuminated during their acclimatization to a septic medium, with different types of light |
Authors: | Adriana Petruş-Vancea, Dorina Cachiţă-Cosma |
Affiliation: | 1 Biology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Oradea 2 "Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Romania, Faculty of Natural Sciences |
Abstract: | In the current experiment we wanted to study the effect of lighting the African violets exvitroplantlets, with fluorescent light of different nature, namely: white (400 nm), red (660 nm), yellow (580 nm), blue (430 nm) and green (544 nm), of the quantity of assimilating pigments from the leaflets, as a meter of the photosynthesis process intensity, and also of the peroxidazic activity at the rootlets level, as a marker of rizogenezis process, both phenomena (photosynthesis and rizogenezis) having a definite role during the acclimatization period of the plantlets cultivated in vitro, to the conditions of a septic medium. After 30 days from the acclimatization of the African violets exvitroplantlets, in “Top soil” and perlite substratum, with a 3:1 report, the carried out biochemical determinations have shown that, red light illumination have determined the stimulation of creating assimilating pigments, especially of chlorophyll a, at the still living plantlets (half of the plantlets maintained under this type of light faded), on the other hand the peroxidazic activity was stimulated at all four experimental variants, reaching statistically significant values, expressed in percent with 20% plusses, in the case of the exvitroplantlets rootlets illuminated with blue light, which implies an intense rizogenezis process at this batch. |
Keywords: | peroxidazic activity, chlorophyll pigments, color light, exvitroplantlets |
References: | Blidar C.F., Cachiţă C.D., Bandici G.E., Radoveţ- Salinschi D., Pop L., The reactivity of Cymbidium hybridum protocorms vitrocultivated under white fluorescent or natural light illumination. Annals of the University of Craiova, vol. XII (XLVIII), Craiova, pp. 287-294, 2007 Cachiţă C.D., Culturile de ţesuturi şi celule la plante – modele experimentale în biologia vegetală. In: Lucrările celui de al IX-lea Simpozion Naţional de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale, “Actualităţi şi perspective în biotehnologia vegetală”. Cachiţă C.D., Bavaru A., Brezeanu A. (eds.), Constanţa, “Ovidius” University Press, pp. 31-40, 2000 Gaspar T., Keveres C., Hausman J.F., Berthon J.Y., Ripetti V., Uses of peroxidase activity as a predictive merker of rooting performance of micropropagated shoots, Agronomie, 12, pp. 757– 65, 1992 Lück H., Peroxidaza, In: Methods of Enzimatic Analysis, Bergmeyer HU (ed.), Ed. Academic Press, New-York, pp. 895-897, 1974 Moran R., Porath D., Chlorophyll determination in intact tissue using N,N-dimetylformamide, Plant Physiol., 65, pp. 487-479, 1980 Murashige T., Skoog F., A revised medium for rapid growth bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures, Physiol. Plant., 15, pp. 473–497, 1962 Petruş – Vancea A, Cercetări privind procesele morfofiziologice şi biochimice care au loc în decursul aclimatizării plantulelor generate „in vitro”, la viaţa în mediul septic. Teză de doctorat, 2007. Petruş-Vancea A., Cachiţă C.D., Studierea influenţei exercitate de natura luminii în aclimatizarea exvitroplantulelor. In: Lucrările celui de al XIII -lea Simpozion Naţional de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale, „Vitroculturile la cormofite, modele experimentale în cercetările de biologie”, Cachiţă C.D., Ardelean A. (eds.), Satu-Mare, Editura Bion, pp. 138–151, 2005 Petruş-Vancea A., Cachiţă C.D., Şipoş M., Activitatea peroxidazică în rădăciniţele vitro- şi exvitroplantulelor de crizanteme, violete africane şi de cymbidium, Analele SNBC Vol. IX, Nr. 1., CAP. III – Biologie celulară vegetală, pp. 392–395, 2004 Pop L., Cachiţă C.D., Preliminary research concerning the reactions of Sequoia sempervirens vitrocultures to „high brightness” LED illumination, Annals of the University of Craiova, vol. XII (XLVIII), Craiova, pp. 215–219, 2007 Radoveţ-Salinschi D., Cachiţă C.D., Conţinutul în pigmenţi asimilatori în frunzuliţele vitroplantulelor de Coleus blumei Benth., culturi iluminate cu lumină de culori variate. Analale Societăţii Naţionale de Biologie Celulară. Vol. IX nr. 1, Crăciun C, Ardelean A (eds.), Cluj – Napoca, Editura Risoprint, pp. 387–391, 2004 Şipoş M., Chiriac C., Floriş C., Activitatea peroxidazică în embrionii şi în plantulele de grâu (Triticum aestivum L. soiul Turda) rezultate prin germinaţia cariopselor submersate, în prealabil, în azot lichid (-196ºC). Analele Univ. Oradea, Fasc. Biologie, Tom X, pp. 315-320, 2003 a. Şipoş M., Chiriiac C., Floriş C., Activitatea peroxidazică în cariopsele de grâu (Triticum aestivum L. soiul Turda) după submersarea acestora în azot lichid (-196ºC), Analele Univ. Oradea, Fasc. Biologie, Tom X, pp. 333-342, 2003 b Şipos M., Samuel A.D., Bandici G.E., Peroxidases activity in the barley caryopses after cryopreservation, Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Vol. XII (XLVIII) Seria Biologie, pp. 241-245, 2007 Vancea A, Cachiţă CD, Aclimatizarea vitroplantulelor de Saintpaulia ionantha, prin plantarea acestora pe substraturi neconvenţionale. In: Lucrările celui de al X-lea Simpozion Naţional de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale, „25 de ani de culturi de ţesuturi vegetale în România”, Cachiţă CD, Rakosy TL, Ardelean A (eds.), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 310–315, 2002 Vancea A., Cachiţă C.D., Floriş C., Blidar C.F., Studii preliminare privind aclimatizarea vitroplantulelor de crizanteme, la mediul septic de viaţă, Analele Univ. Oradea, Fasc. Biologie, Tom. VII, pp. 283–294, 2000 |
*Correspondence: | Adriana Petruş-Vancea, University of Oradea,Faculty of Science, Biology Department Universitatii Str., no 1, 410087, Oradea, Bihor, Romania, fax (Dean Secretary) +40.259.408.461, tel. +40.259.408.278, GSM (Vodafone) +40.723.143.399, E-mail: |