Physiological aspects of Orobanche species in the spontaneous flora of Romania
October 3, 2012
Physiological aspects of Orobanche species in the spontaneous flora of Romania
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Title: | Physiological aspects of Orobanche species in the spontaneous flora of Romania |
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Article_Title: | Physiological aspects of Orobanche species in the spontaneous flora of Romania |
Authors: | Ana Höniges, Aurel Ardelean, Klaus Wegmann |
Affiliation: | 1 Faculty of Natural Sciences, no. 91-93 Rebreanu St., RO-310414 Arad, Romania 2 Center of Molecular Biology of Plants, University of Tuebingen, Germany |
Abstract: | In contrast to the few weedy species most Orobanche species have remained wild flowers in the spontaneous flora. We have set up a research program considering occurrence and distribution of nonweedy Orobanche species in Romania, soil properties and climatical conditions for conditioning Orobanche seeds, germination stimulants exuded by the host plants, e.g. low or sufficient germination stimulants. The associated flora around each Orobanche spike is recorded and root exudates of the associated plants are tested for allelopathic effects, e.g. germination inhibition or inhibition of radicle exoenzymes, which are required for penetrating into the host root. We are also testing possible reasons for low viable seed production or loss of seed by insects or fungi. The results will contribute to understand ecosystems, in which non-weedy Orobanche species grow, they may deliver information, under which conditions Orobanche species may turn into weedy forms, when ecological conditions change. Moreover, they should provide a basis for fostering rare Orobanche species in Botanical Gardens for the future. Methodological approaches and observations in Romania during the past two years will be presented. |
Keywords: | Orobanche, Romanian habitats, germination, length of radiculae |
References: | Aalders A J.G. şi Pieters R. (1985), In vitro testing with 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) of O. crenata seed metabolism, FABIS Newsletter nr 13, Decembrie :35-37 Aber M., Fer A. & G. Sallé (1983), Etude du transfert des substances organiques de l’hôte (Vicia faba) vers le parasite (Orobanche crenata Forsk.)Transfer of organic substances from the host plant Vicia faba to the parasite Orobanche crenata Forsk., Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 112: 297-308 Agren J. (1996), Population size, pollinator limitation, and seed set in the self-incompatible herb Lythrum salicaria, Ecology 77: 1779-1790 Antonova T.S. (1994), Biochemical aspects of the development of new virulent forms in the Moldavian population (race C) of Orobanche cumana Wallr. against the background of resistant sunflower cultivars. În: A.H. Pieterse, J.A.C. Verkleij & S.J. ter Borg (1994) Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Orobanche and related Striga research, Amsterdam Antonova T.S., B. Schuchardt & K. Wegmann, (1996) The time course of enzymes exuded from Orobanche cumana radicles. Sixth International Symposium on Parasitic Weeds, Cordoba, Spain Ardelean A., (1999), Flora şi vegetaţia din Valea Crişului Alb- de la izvoare până la ieşirea din ţară, V.Goldiş University Press, Arad: 97 Atsatt P. R.(1983), Host parasite interactions in higher plants, în: Physiological Plant Ecology III, Ed. Springer: 519-535 Abu-Irmaileh B.E., Labrada R. (2006), The problem of Orobanche spp in Africa and Near East, în: Integrated Pest Management, Weed Management: 1-10 Baumann I. (1996), Exoenzyme der Keimschläuche der parasitischen Samenpflanzen Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. und Orobanche ramosa L. (Scrophulariaceae). Diplom-Arbeit Tübingen (Supervisor: Prof. Wegmann) Beldie Al. (1979), Flora României, Determinator ilustrat al plantelor vasculare, II, Ed. Academiei R.S.R.:120-123 Ben-Hod G., Bar-Nun N., Tsaban S. & Mayer A.M.,(1997) Inhibitors of polygalacturonase in calli of Orobanche aegyptiaca, in Phytochemistry 45: 1115-1121 Bergmann C., (1992) Allelopatische Induction der Keimung von Orobanche crenata , Doktorarbeit Univ. Tübingen: 45 Berner D.K., Winslow M.D., Awad A.E.,Cardwell K.F., Mohan Raj D.R., Kim S.K. (1997), Striga Research Methods- A manual, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria:25-35 Bischof F., (1984), Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung der Keimfähigkeit von Samen einiger Orobanche –Arten, Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft X105-107 Bischoff F. & Koch W., (1973), Comparative studies of extracellular fungal laccases, Appl. Environ. Micobiol., 48: 848-854 Boşcaiu N., Coldea GH., Horeanu C. (1994), Lista roşie a plantelor vasculare dispărute, periclitate, vulnerabile şi rare din flora României, în Ocrotirea naturii şi mediului înconjurător, t. 38, nr.1, Bucureşti: 45-56 Brooks M.E.(1995), Untersuchungen zur Enzymausschüttung der Keimschläuche der parasitischen Blütenpflanzen Orobanche crenata Forsk. und Striga hermonthica L. Kuntze (Scrophulariaceae) Diploma Thesis Tuebingen Brooks W.D., Bevinaketti H.S. şi Powell D.R. (1985), The absolute structure of (+)-strigol. Journal of Organic Chemistry 50: 3779-3781 Cezard R. (1973), Quelques aspects particuliers de la biologie des Orobanches, în: Proceedings, Symposium on Parasitic Weeds, Malta: 55-67 Croes A.F., Schapendonk W., Jansen F., Stommen P., Bentsink L., Zwanenburg B. & Wullems (1994), Germination of Orobanche aegyptiaca and Orobanche crenata stimulated in vitro by isolated roots: a comparative study, în Pieterse A. H., Verkleij J.A.C. & Borg S.J. (eds) Proceedings, Third International Workshop on Orobanche and Related Striga Research, Amsterdam: 157-168 Demuth S. (1992), Über einige seltene Orobanche – Arten (Orobanchacea) in Baden-Württemberg, in Carolinea, 50, Karlsruhe: 57-66 Demuth S., Kleinsteuber A., Lange D., Philippi G., Siegmund S., Voggesberger M., Wörz A.(1996), Die Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Baden- Wüttembergs, volumul 5, Editura Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germania: 361-399 Dirar H.A. (1995), Bacteria that scavange germination stimulants? , Haustorium Nr. 30: 1 Dor E., Lati R. & Hershenhorn J. (2006), Interaction between F. oxysporum f. sp. orthoceras and Fusarium solani- two Orobanche cumana biocontrol agents, în Abstracts, COST 849 meeting, Oeiras, Portugalia: 21 Drăgulescu C. (2003), Cormoflora judeţului Sibiu, Ed. Pelecanus, Braşov: 313-314 Economou G., Lyra D. (2006), Marine algae as a means for Orobanche biocontrol , în Abstracts, COST 849 meeting, 23.11. 2006, Oeiras, Portugalia: 38 Economou G., Lyra D., Shirakoglou K. şi Fasseas K., (2006), Induced germination of Orobanche ramosa seeds by Ascophyllum nodosum , Phytoparasitica Griggs R.F. (1940), The ecology of rare plants, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 67: 575-594 Hershenhorn J., Dor E., Alperin B., Lati R., Eizenberg H., Lande T., Acdary G., Graph S., Kapulnik Y. & Vininger S. (2006), Integrated broomrape control-resistant lines, chemical and biological control and sanitation- can be combine them together? in Abstracts, COST 849 meeting, Oeiras, Portugalia: 36 Jinga V., Iliescu H., Stănescu V. & Grădilă M. (2006), Control of broomrape on tabacco crops in Romania, in Abstracts, COST 849 meeting, Oeiras, Portugalia: 39-40 Joel D.M., Back A., Kleifeld Y. & Gepstein S.(1989), Seed conditioning and ist role in Orobanche seed germination: Inhibition by paclobutrazol, în: K. Wegmann & L.J. Musselman (eds), Progress in Orobanche Research. Proceedings of the International Workshop, Obermarchtal, pp. 147-156. Jones M. (1989), Studies into the Pollination of Orobanche Species in the British Isles, Lambs Lane, Buckley: 6-17 Linke K.-H., Sauerborn J., Saxena M. (1989), Orobanche Field Guide, F. & T., University of Hohenheim N. Zermane, J. Kroschel & T. Souissi (2003), Natural antagonists of Orobanche spp. in Tunisia with potential as biocontrol agents, Universität Kassel , COST ACTION 849 Oltean M., Negrean G., Popescu A., Roman N., Dihoru G., Sanda V., Mihăilescu S., (1994), Lista roşie a plantelor superioare din România, în Studii, sinteze, documentaţii de ecologie, , academia Română-Institutul de Biologie, Bucureşti: 5-52 Păcureanu – Joiţa M., Procopovici E. & Raranciuc S. (2006), Resistance and the development of virulent Orobanche cumana races in sunflower crop in Romania, in Abstracts, COST 849 meeting, Oeiras, Portugalia: 17 Peréz-de-Luque A., González-Verdejo C.I., Lozano M.D., Dita M.A., Cubero J.I., González-Melandi P., Risueno M.C. & Rubiales D. (2006), Protein cross-linkiing, peroxidase and ß- 1,3-endoglucanase involved in resistance of pea against Orobanche crenata, Journal of Experimental Botany Pop I. (1978), Flora şi vegetaţia munţilor Zărand- Ioan, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca Racovită A.(1959), Contribuţii la cunoaşterea plantelor gazdă şi stimulente ale lupoaiei ramificate (O.ramosa L), Lucr.Inst. de Cercet Alim., Bucureşti, IV Rogojanu V., Perju T. (1979), Determinator pentru recunoaşterea dăunătorilor plantelor cultivate, Editura Ceres, Bucureşti: 23, 143-160 RomanovaV., Teryokhin E. &. Wegmann K., (2001): Investigation of intraspecific taxonomy in O. cernua Loef. by the metod of biological tests, in: A. Fer, P. Thalouarn, D. M. Joel, L. J. Musselmann, C: Parker & J.A. C. Verkleij (eds), Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Parasitic Weeds, Nantes: 80 Săvulescu T., Nyarady E. I., ş. a.(1961) Flora R.P.R., vol.VIII, Ed. Academiei R.P.R.:33-72 Shomer-Ilan A. (1993), Germinating seeds of the root parasite Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers. excrete enzymes with carbohydrase activity. Symbiosis 15: 61-70 Shomer-Ilan A. (1999), Proteolytic activity of germinating Orobanche aegyptiaca seeds controls the degrading level of its own excreted pectinase and cellulose. Phytoparasitica 27: 111 Shomer-Ilan A. (1992), Enzymes with pectinolytic and cellulolytic activity are excreted by the haustorium of Orobanche aegyptiaca. Phytoparasitica 20: 343 Shomer-Ilan A. (1994), Enzymes that degrade cell wall components are excreted by the haustorium of Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers.In: A.H. Pieterse, J.A.C. Verkleij & S. ter Borg (eds) Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Orobanche and related Striga research, Amsterdam: 255-260 Simionescu I. (1947), Flora României, Ed. Albatros: 298-299 Ştefureac Tr., Ungurean L.(1985), Consideration critiques sur quelqes taxone du genre Orobanche L. Revue romaine de Biologie, S.,de biol. Vegetale, t. 30,nr.1 Tarnavschi I. T., Serbănescu-Jitariu G., mitroi- Rădulescu N., Rădulescu D., (1990), Monografia polenului florei din România, vol. III, Editura Acedemiei Române: planşe şi 63-64 Teryokhin E.S. (1995), Weed Broomrapes systematics – ontogenesis – biology – evolution Aufstieg- Verlag, Augsburg, Germany Treuren R., Bijlsma R., Delden W. & Ouborg N.J. (1991), the significance of genetic erosion in the process of extinction, Genetic differentiation in Salvia pratensis and Scabiosa columbaria in relation to population size, în Heredity 66: 181-189. Tutin T., ş.a. (ed.) (2001), Flora Europaea, vol. 3, Cambridge University Press, Soft ware: 283-293 Uhlich H., Pusch J., Barthel K. J. (1995) Die Sommerwurzarten Europas, Ed. Westarp Wissenschaften, Magdeburg Ungurean L. (1985), Cercetătri monografice asupra speciilor genului Orobanche din România, Teză de Doctorat, Universitatea din Bucureşti Ungurean L., Serbănescu Jitaru G. (1973), Some morphoanatomical aspects of Orobanche ramosa. Offprint from Symposium on Parasitic weeds. E.W.R.C., Malta, Univ.Press : 132-139 Ungurean L., Serbănescu Jitaru G., Mitroiu N. (1981), Contributions a l‘organogenese florale et la microsporogenese chez Orobanche ramosa Revue roumaine de Biologie, serie de biologie vegetale,,ed.Acad.R.S.R.: 41-43 Wegmann K. (2004), Ecological Biochemistry, curs la Univ. de Vest “V. Goldiş” Arad Wegmann K. (1994), Physiology of host/Orobanche interactions în: A.H.Pieterse, J.A.C. Verkleij & S.J. ter Borg (eds), Biology and Management of Orobanche, Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam C.: 49-56 Wegmann K. (1986), Biochemistry and osmoregulation and possible biochemical reasons of resistance against Orobanche în: S.J. ter Borg (ed), Proceedings of a Workshop on Biology and Control of Orobanche, LH/VPO Wageningen, The Netherlands: 107-113 Wegmann K. (1996), Biochemistry of host/parasite relations in: M.T. Moreno, J.I. Cubero, D. Berner, D. Joel, L.J. Musselman & C. Parker (eds), Advances in Parasitic Plant Research, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Parasitic Weeds, Cordoba Wegmann K. (1999), Die Orobanche und Möglichkeit der Bekämpfung im deutschen Tabakbau. Der Deutsche Tabakbau 78(6):11-13 Wegmann K., Musselman L.J. (eds) (1991), Progress in Orobanche Research, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Orobanche Research, Obermarchtal, Germany Wegmann, K., (1991), Von Elert E., Harloff J., Stadler M., Tolerance and resistance to Orobanche, in: K. Wegmann & L.J. Musselman (eds), Progress in Orobanche Research, pag. 318-321 Wegmann, K., Von Elert E., Bergman C.,(1989), Biochemistry of Orobanche-host systems, Integrated Pest Management in Tropical and Subtropical Cropping Systems, 8.-15.2., Bad Dürkheim, Germany: 619-624 Zlatan M., Brebu P., Bârliba L. L., (2004), Sistem de poziţionare geodesic, Ed. Politehnica, Timişoara, 2004: 1-50. |
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Correspondence: | Ana Hoeniges, Vasile Goldis Western University, Arad, Romania, Faculty of Natural Sciences No. 91-93 Rebreanu St., RO-310414 Arad, Romania, tel/fax +40-257-228622, |
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Article Title: | Physiological aspects of Orobanche species in the spontaneous flora of Romania |
Authors: | Ana Höniges, Aurel Ardelean, Klaus Wegmann |
Affiliation: | 1 Faculty of Natural Sciences, no. 91-93 Rebreanu St., RO-310414 Arad, Romania 2 Center of Molecular Biology of Plants, University of Tuebingen, Germany |
Abstract: | In contrast to the few weedy species most Orobanche species have remained wild flowers in the spontaneous flora. We have set up a research program considering occurrence and distribution of nonweedy Orobanche species in Romania, soil properties and climatical conditions for conditioning Orobanche seeds, germination stimulants exuded by the host plants, e.g. low or sufficient germination stimulants. The associated flora around each Orobanche spike is recorded and root exudates of the associated plants are tested for allelopathic effects, e.g. germination inhibition or inhibition of radicle exoenzymes, which are required for penetrating into the host root. We are also testing possible reasons for low viable seed production or loss of seed by insects or fungi. The results will contribute to understand ecosystems, in which non-weedy Orobanche species grow, they may deliver information, under which conditions Orobanche species may turn into weedy forms, when ecological conditions change. Moreover, they should provide a basis for fostering rare Orobanche species in Botanical Gardens for the future. Methodological approaches and observations in Romania during the past two years will be presented. |
Keywords: | Orobanche, Romanian habitats, germination, length of radiculae |
References: | Aalders A J.G. şi Pieters R. (1985), In vitro testing with 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) of O. crenata seed metabolism, FABIS Newsletter nr 13, Decembrie :35-37 Aber M., Fer A. & G. Sallé (1983), Etude du transfert des substances organiques de l’hôte (Vicia faba) vers le parasite (Orobanche crenata Forsk.)Transfer of organic substances from the host plant Vicia faba to the parasite Orobanche crenata Forsk., Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 112: 297-308 Agren J. (1996), Population size, pollinator limitation, and seed set in the self-incompatible herb Lythrum salicaria, Ecology 77: 1779-1790 Antonova T.S. (1994), Biochemical aspects of the development of new virulent forms in the Moldavian population (race C) of Orobanche cumana Wallr. against the background of resistant sunflower cultivars. În: A.H. Pieterse, J.A.C. Verkleij & S.J. ter Borg (1994) Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Orobanche and related Striga research, Amsterdam Antonova T.S., B. Schuchardt & K. Wegmann, (1996) The time course of enzymes exuded from Orobanche cumana radicles. Sixth International Symposium on Parasitic Weeds, Cordoba, Spain Ardelean A., (1999), Flora şi vegetaţia din Valea Crişului Alb- de la izvoare până la ieşirea din ţară, V.Goldiş University Press, Arad: 97 Atsatt P. R.(1983), Host parasite interactions in higher plants, în: Physiological Plant Ecology III, Ed. Springer: 519-535 Abu-Irmaileh B.E., Labrada R. (2006), The problem of Orobanche spp in Africa and Near East, în: Integrated Pest Management, Weed Management: 1-10 Baumann I. (1996), Exoenzyme der Keimschläuche der parasitischen Samenpflanzen Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. und Orobanche ramosa L. (Scrophulariaceae). Diplom-Arbeit Tübingen (Supervisor: Prof. Wegmann) Beldie Al. (1979), Flora României, Determinator ilustrat al plantelor vasculare, II, Ed. Academiei R.S.R.:120-123 Ben-Hod G., Bar-Nun N., Tsaban S. & Mayer A.M.,(1997) Inhibitors of polygalacturonase in calli of Orobanche aegyptiaca, in Phytochemistry 45: 1115-1121 Bergmann C., (1992) Allelopatische Induction der Keimung von Orobanche crenata , Doktorarbeit Univ. Tübingen: 45 Berner D.K., Winslow M.D., Awad A.E.,Cardwell K.F., Mohan Raj D.R., Kim S.K. (1997), Striga Research Methods- A manual, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria:25-35 Bischof F., (1984), Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung der Keimfähigkeit von Samen einiger Orobanche –Arten, Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft X105-107 Bischoff F. & Koch W., (1973), Comparative studies of extracellular fungal laccases, Appl. Environ. Micobiol., 48: 848-854 Boşcaiu N., Coldea GH., Horeanu C. (1994), Lista roşie a plantelor vasculare dispărute, periclitate, vulnerabile şi rare din flora României, în Ocrotirea naturii şi mediului înconjurător, t. 38, nr.1, Bucureşti: 45-56 Brooks M.E.(1995), Untersuchungen zur Enzymausschüttung der Keimschläuche der parasitischen Blütenpflanzen Orobanche crenata Forsk. und Striga hermonthica L. Kuntze (Scrophulariaceae) Diploma Thesis Tuebingen Brooks W.D., Bevinaketti H.S. şi Powell D.R. (1985), The absolute structure of (+)-strigol. Journal of Organic Chemistry 50: 3779-3781 Cezard R. (1973), Quelques aspects particuliers de la biologie des Orobanches, în: Proceedings, Symposium on Parasitic Weeds, Malta: 55-67 Croes A.F., Schapendonk W., Jansen F., Stommen P., Bentsink L., Zwanenburg B. & Wullems (1994), Germination of Orobanche aegyptiaca and Orobanche crenata stimulated in vitro by isolated roots: a comparative study, în Pieterse A. H., Verkleij J.A.C. & Borg S.J. (eds) Proceedings, Third International Workshop on Orobanche and Related Striga Research, Amsterdam: 157-168 Demuth S. (1992), Über einige seltene Orobanche – Arten (Orobanchacea) in Baden-Württemberg, in Carolinea, 50, Karlsruhe: 57-66 Demuth S., Kleinsteuber A., Lange D., Philippi G., Siegmund S., Voggesberger M., Wörz A.(1996), Die Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Baden- Wüttembergs, volumul 5, Editura Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germania: 361-399 Dirar H.A. (1995), Bacteria that scavange germination stimulants? , Haustorium Nr. 30: 1 Dor E., Lati R. & Hershenhorn J. (2006), Interaction between F. oxysporum f. sp. orthoceras and Fusarium solani- two Orobanche cumana biocontrol agents, în Abstracts, COST 849 meeting, Oeiras, Portugalia: 21 Drăgulescu C. (2003), Cormoflora judeţului Sibiu, Ed. Pelecanus, Braşov: 313-314 Economou G., Lyra D. (2006), Marine algae as a means for Orobanche biocontrol , în Abstracts, COST 849 meeting, 23.11. 2006, Oeiras, Portugalia: 38 Economou G., Lyra D., Shirakoglou K. şi Fasseas K., (2006), Induced germination of Orobanche ramosa seeds by Ascophyllum nodosum , Phytoparasitica Griggs R.F. (1940), The ecology of rare plants, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 67: 575-594 Hershenhorn J., Dor E., Alperin B., Lati R., Eizenberg H., Lande T., Acdary G., Graph S., Kapulnik Y. & Vininger S. (2006), Integrated broomrape control-resistant lines, chemical and biological control and sanitation- can be combine them together? in Abstracts, COST 849 meeting, Oeiras, Portugalia: 36 Jinga V., Iliescu H., Stănescu V. & Grădilă M. (2006), Control of broomrape on tabacco crops in Romania, in Abstracts, COST 849 meeting, Oeiras, Portugalia: 39-40 Joel D.M., Back A., Kleifeld Y. & Gepstein S.(1989), Seed conditioning and ist role in Orobanche seed germination: Inhibition by paclobutrazol, în: K. Wegmann & L.J. Musselman (eds), Progress in Orobanche Research. Proceedings of the International Workshop, Obermarchtal, pp. 147-156. Jones M. (1989), Studies into the Pollination of Orobanche Species in the British Isles, Lambs Lane, Buckley: 6-17 Linke K.-H., Sauerborn J., Saxena M. (1989), Orobanche Field Guide, F. & T., University of Hohenheim N. Zermane, J. Kroschel & T. Souissi (2003), Natural antagonists of Orobanche spp. in Tunisia with potential as biocontrol agents, Universität Kassel , COST ACTION 849 Oltean M., Negrean G., Popescu A., Roman N., Dihoru G., Sanda V., Mihăilescu S., (1994), Lista roşie a plantelor superioare din România, în Studii, sinteze, documentaţii de ecologie, , academia Română-Institutul de Biologie, Bucureşti: 5-52 Păcureanu – Joiţa M., Procopovici E. & Raranciuc S. (2006), Resistance and the development of virulent Orobanche cumana races in sunflower crop in Romania, in Abstracts, COST 849 meeting, Oeiras, Portugalia: 17 Peréz-de-Luque A., González-Verdejo C.I., Lozano M.D., Dita M.A., Cubero J.I., González-Melandi P., Risueno M.C. & Rubiales D. (2006), Protein cross-linkiing, peroxidase and ß- 1,3-endoglucanase involved in resistance of pea against Orobanche crenata, Journal of Experimental Botany Pop I. (1978), Flora şi vegetaţia munţilor Zărand- Ioan, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca Racovită A.(1959), Contribuţii la cunoaşterea plantelor gazdă şi stimulente ale lupoaiei ramificate (O.ramosa L), Lucr.Inst. de Cercet Alim., Bucureşti, IV Rogojanu V., Perju T. (1979), Determinator pentru recunoaşterea dăunătorilor plantelor cultivate, Editura Ceres, Bucureşti: 23, 143-160 RomanovaV., Teryokhin E. &. Wegmann K., (2001): Investigation of intraspecific taxonomy in O. cernua Loef. by the metod of biological tests, in: A. Fer, P. Thalouarn, D. M. Joel, L. J. Musselmann, C: Parker & J.A. C. Verkleij (eds), Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Parasitic Weeds, Nantes: 80 Săvulescu T., Nyarady E. I., ş. a.(1961) Flora R.P.R., vol.VIII, Ed. Academiei R.P.R.:33-72 Shomer-Ilan A. (1993), Germinating seeds of the root parasite Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers. excrete enzymes with carbohydrase activity. Symbiosis 15: 61-70 Shomer-Ilan A. (1999), Proteolytic activity of germinating Orobanche aegyptiaca seeds controls the degrading level of its own excreted pectinase and cellulose. Phytoparasitica 27: 111 Shomer-Ilan A. (1992), Enzymes with pectinolytic and cellulolytic activity are excreted by the haustorium of Orobanche aegyptiaca. Phytoparasitica 20: 343 Shomer-Ilan A. (1994), Enzymes that degrade cell wall components are excreted by the haustorium of Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers.In: A.H. Pieterse, J.A.C. Verkleij & S. ter Borg (eds) Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Orobanche and related Striga research, Amsterdam: 255-260 Simionescu I. (1947), Flora României, Ed. Albatros: 298-299 Ştefureac Tr., Ungurean L.(1985), Consideration critiques sur quelqes taxone du genre Orobanche L. Revue romaine de Biologie, S.,de biol. Vegetale, t. 30,nr.1 Tarnavschi I. T., Serbănescu-Jitariu G., mitroi- Rădulescu N., Rădulescu D., (1990), Monografia polenului florei din România, vol. III, Editura Acedemiei Române: planşe şi 63-64 Teryokhin E.S. (1995), Weed Broomrapes systematics – ontogenesis – biology – evolution Aufstieg- Verlag, Augsburg, Germany Treuren R., Bijlsma R., Delden W. & Ouborg N.J. (1991), the significance of genetic erosion in the process of extinction, Genetic differentiation in Salvia pratensis and Scabiosa columbaria in relation to population size, în Heredity 66: 181-189. Tutin T., ş.a. (ed.) (2001), Flora Europaea, vol. 3, Cambridge University Press, Soft ware: 283-293 Uhlich H., Pusch J., Barthel K. J. (1995) Die Sommerwurzarten Europas, Ed. Westarp Wissenschaften, Magdeburg Ungurean L. (1985), Cercetătri monografice asupra speciilor genului Orobanche din România, Teză de Doctorat, Universitatea din Bucureşti Ungurean L., Serbănescu Jitaru G. (1973), Some morphoanatomical aspects of Orobanche ramosa. Offprint from Symposium on Parasitic weeds. E.W.R.C., Malta, Univ.Press : 132-139 Ungurean L., Serbănescu Jitaru G., Mitroiu N. (1981), Contributions a l‘organogenese florale et la microsporogenese chez Orobanche ramosa Revue roumaine de Biologie, serie de biologie vegetale,,ed.Acad.R.S.R.: 41-43 Wegmann K. (2004), Ecological Biochemistry, curs la Univ. de Vest “V. Goldiş” Arad Wegmann K. (1994), Physiology of host/Orobanche interactions în: A.H.Pieterse, J.A.C. 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*Correspondence: | Ana Hoeniges, Vasile Goldis Western University, Arad, Romania, Faculty of Natural Sciences No. 91-93 Rebreanu St., RO-310414 Arad, Romania, tel/fax +40-257-228622, |