The neutralisation of waste waters containing strong inorganic toxicants

The neutralisation of waste waters containing strong inorganic toxicants

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Article_Title: The neutralisation of waste waters containing strong inorganic toxicants
Authors: Georgeta Gavriş, Alina Cărăban, Ioana Tomulescu, Vasilica Merca, Edith Radoviciu Mihaela
Affiliation: Department of Chemistry, University of Oradea, Romania
Abstract: This paper presents neutralization of residual waste waters containing trivalent iron cyanide
complex in alkaline solution by chemical oxidation with hypochlorite. Reactive reagent is sodium hypochlorite with 13% free chlorine and sodium hydroxide, necessary for alkaline pH, 11-12. There are different sources waste waters containing K3[Fe(CN)6]: like: inorganic industries, thermal steel treatment, pigments, photographic industries. The method is based on decomplexation reaction between trivalent iron cyanide complex potassium salt and sodium hypochlorite at 70°C when K 3 [Fe(CN6] become not dangerous red – brown ferric oxihydroxide in form of α FeO(OH). Residual content of total cyanide was determined photometrical according to SR ISO 8466-1, at 578 nm. Efficiency of chemical oxidation was evaluated by chemical volumetric analysis of iron content in FeO(OH) extracted, in the same time with trivalent iron cyanide complex destruction.
Keywords: oxidation, waste waters, chlorine, cyanide
References: Alloway BJ, Ayres DC. Chemical principles of environmental pollution, Blackie Academic & Professional, London, p. 288 (1993).
Burtică G, Pode R, The treatment technologies for waste waters, Tehnical Ed., Timişoara , p. 472
Gavriş G., Cozma A, Sebeşan M. The neutralization of solid waste from the thermal treatment of steel, the installation and the technological equipment, Annals of the Oradea University , Vol.(X), pp 79-85 (2004).
Gavriş, G, The neutralization of cyanides solide wastes, The 2th National Chemistry Congress,
Bucharest, p 685 (1981).
Mogoş G Sitcai N. Clinical Toxicology, Medical Edition, Bucureşti, p. 375 (1990).
Merck, E . Complexometric assay methods with Titriplex, Darmstadt, Germany, p. 96, 1988
Merck E. The testing of water Darmstadt, Germany, p. 224, 1988
Todor D N .The thermal analysis of minerals, Technical Ed. Bucureşti, p. 288, 1972
Read_full_article: pdf/18-2008/SU08Gavris1.pdf
Correspondence: Georgeta Gavris, University of Oradea , Faculty of Sciences, Univeersity street, no.1 Oradea,
Romania, email:

Read full article
Article Title: The neutralisation of waste waters containing strong inorganic toxicants
Authors: Georgeta Gavriş, Alina Cărăban, Ioana Tomulescu, Vasilica Merca, Edith Radoviciu Mihaela
Affiliation: Department of Chemistry, University of Oradea, Romania
Abstract: This paper presents neutralization of residual waste waters containing trivalent iron cyanide
complex in alkaline solution by chemical oxidation with hypochlorite. Reactive reagent is sodium hypochlorite with 13% free chlorine and sodium hydroxide, necessary for alkaline pH, 11-12. There are different sources waste waters containing K3[Fe(CN)6]: like: inorganic industries, thermal steel treatment, pigments, photographic industries. The method is based on decomplexation reaction between trivalent iron cyanide complex potassium salt and sodium hypochlorite at 70°C when K 3 [Fe(CN6] become not dangerous red – brown ferric oxihydroxide in form of α FeO(OH). Residual content of total cyanide was determined photometrical according to SR ISO 8466-1, at 578 nm. Efficiency of chemical oxidation was evaluated by chemical volumetric analysis of iron content in FeO(OH) extracted, in the same time with trivalent iron cyanide complex destruction.
Keywords: oxidation, waste waters, chlorine, cyanide
References: Alloway BJ, Ayres DC. Chemical principles of environmental pollution, Blackie Academic & Professional, London, p. 288 (1993).
Burtică G, Pode R, The treatment technologies for waste waters, Tehnical Ed., Timişoara , p. 472
Gavriş G., Cozma A, Sebeşan M. The neutralization of solid waste from the thermal treatment of steel, the installation and the technological equipment, Annals of the Oradea University , Vol.(X), pp 79-85 (2004).
Gavriş, G, The neutralization of cyanides solide wastes, The 2th National Chemistry Congress,
Bucharest, p 685 (1981).
Mogoş G Sitcai N. Clinical Toxicology, Medical Edition, Bucureşti, p. 375 (1990).
Merck, E . Complexometric assay methods with Titriplex, Darmstadt, Germany, p. 96, 1988
Merck E. The testing of water Darmstadt, Germany, p. 224, 1988
Todor D N .The thermal analysis of minerals, Technical Ed. Bucureşti, p. 288, 1972
*Correspondence: Georgeta Gavris, University of Oradea , Faculty of Sciences, Univeersity street, no.1 Oradea,
Romania, email: