Park in Novi Knezevac – natural and cultural heritage of Serbia
Park in Novi Knezevac – natural and cultural heritage of Serbia
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Title: | Park in Novi Knezevac – natural and cultural heritage of Serbia |
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Article_Title: | Park in Novi Knezevac – natural and cultural heritage of Serbia |
Authors: | Mirjana Popovic |
Affiliation: | Institute For Nature Conservation Of Vojvodina Province, Novi Sad |
Abstract: | Park in Novi Knezevac was established in the nineteenth century, and it surrounds the manor of Marko Djurkovic – Servijski. During the nineteenth century and early twentieth century further developing of the garden was associated with construction of the manors of Tallián, Feilitzsch and Maldeghem families. Whole park together with the manors of former aristocratic families, two of which have the status of cultural monument, makes unique ambient. Park is located in the old nucleus of Novi Knezevac. West side of park reaches the Tisa river. In this paper landscape-architectural, dendrological, cultural, historical and other values of Park in Novi Knezevac – protected natural monument of garden architecture were analyzed. Analysis of dendroflora was carried out in 2008. As a result 1137 woody plants (238 coniferous and 899 deciduous) within 56 species and lower taxa was recorded. Dendrological parameters of 38 representative trees were measured as well as their decorative features and vitality. The aforementioned parameters are given in table. Based on the analysis of the current state of the park, values, historical genesis and current needs, measures of the protection and promotion, preservation and renewal of the park were proposed. |
Keywords: | Park in Novi Knezevac, natural monument of garden architecture, cultural monuments, dendroflora, analysis |
References: | Anastasijevic, N. (2002) Creating and maintaining green areas. [Анастасијевић, Н.: Подизање и него-вање зелених површина.] Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade. [in Serbian] English heritage (2008): Conservation principles, policies and guidance for the sustainable management of the historic environment Eric P., Boskovic, P. (1998): Lawn of gardens, parks and playgrounds. [Erić, P., Bošković, P.: Travnjaci okućnica, parkova i igrališta. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad. [in Serbian] Jovanovic, B. (1967): Dendrology with the basics phytocenology. [Jovanović, B.: Dendrologija sa osnovima fitocenologije.] Scientific Book, Belgrade. [in Serbian] Krestic, V., Bugarski, D., Grcki-Stanimirov, S., Stanimirov-Grcki S., Cirković, S., Katic, S., Pejin, J., Koncar, R., Sabo, J. (2003): History of Novi Knezevac and wider area. [Крестић, В., Бугарски, Д., Грчки-Станимиров, С., Станимиров-Грчки С., Ћирковић, С., Катић, С., Пејин, Ј., Кончар, Р., Сабо, Ј.: Историја Новог Кнежевца и околине.] Novi Knezevac Ocokoljic, M., Ninic-Todorovic, J. (2003): Manual of decorative dendrology. [Ocokoljić, M., Ninić-Todorović, J.: Priručnik iz dekorativne dendrologije. Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade. [in Serbian] Parabucski, S., Jankovic, M. (1978): Attempt todetermine the potential vegetation of Vojvodina, [Па-рабућски, С., Јанковић, М.: Покушај утврђивања потенцијалне вегетације Војводине] Proceedings of the Natural Science 54, Matica Srpska, Novi Sad. [in Serbian] Petrovic, D. (1951): Exotic tree species in Serbia. [Петровић, Д.: Стране врсте дрвећа (егзоти) уСрбији] Serbian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Book, Belgrade. [in Serbian] Popovic, M., Timotic, D., Majkic, B., Calakic, D., Banjac, M., Panjkovic, B., Lukic, D., Gajin D. (2008): Natural Monument Old Park in Novi Knezevac, Proposal for protection. [Поповић, М., Тимо- тић, Д., Мајкић, Б., Чалакић, Д., Бањац, М., Пањковић, Б., Лукић, Д., Гајин, Д.: Споменик при- роде Стари парк у Новом Кнежевцу, Предлог за стављање под заштиту. Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Novi Sad. [in Serbian] Scitaroci, M.O (1992.) Croatia park heritage protection and renewal. [Šćitaroci, M. O.: Hrvatska parkovna baština, zaštita i obnova] School Book, Zagreb. [in Croatian] The trees of history (2004): Protection and exploitation of veteran trees, Proceedings of the International Congress Torino, University of Torino, Italy. Tomic, Z. (2004): Forest fytocenology. [Томић, З.: Шумарска фитоценологија. ] Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade. [in Croatian] Vukicevic, E. (1996): Decorative dendrology. [Vukićević, E. (1996): Dekorativna dendrologija] Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade. [in Serbian] Vujkovic, Lj. (2003): Landscape Architecture – Planning and Design – second edition [Vujković, Lj.: Pejzažna arhitektura – planiranje i projektovanje – II izdanje] University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade. [in Serbian] Vujković, Lj., Necak, M., Vujicic, D. (2003): Landscape design technique. [Vujković, Lj., Nećak, M., Vujičić, D.: Tehnika pejzažnog projektovanja.] University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade [in Serbian] |
Read_full_article: | pdf/22-2012/22-2-2012/SU22-2-2012-Popovic.pdf |
Correspondence: | Mirjana Popovic, Institute for Nature Conservation of Novi Sad, 21 000 Novi Sad, Serbia, Tel. +381 21 4896 308, Fax. +381 21 6616 252, e-mail: |
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Read full article |
Article Title: | Park in Novi Knezevac – natural and cultural heritage of Serbia |
Authors: | Mirjana Popovic |
Affiliation: | Institute For Nature Conservation Of Vojvodina Province, Novi Sad |
Abstract: | Park in Novi Knezevac was established in the nineteenth century, and it surrounds the manor of Marko Djurkovic – Servijski. During the nineteenth century and early twentieth century further developing of the garden was associated with construction of the manors of Tallián, Feilitzsch and Maldeghem families. Whole park together with the manors of former aristocratic families, two of which have the status of cultural monument, makes unique ambient. Park is located in the old nucleus of Novi Knezevac. West side of park reaches the Tisa river. In this paper landscape-architectural, dendrological, cultural, historical and other values of Park in Novi Knezevac – protected natural monument of garden architecture were analyzed. Analysis of dendroflora was carried out in 2008. As a result 1137 woody plants (238 coniferous and 899 deciduous) within 56 species and lower taxa was recorded. Dendrological parameters of 38 representative trees were measured as well as their decorative features and vitality. The aforementioned parameters are given in table. Based on the analysis of the current state of the park, values, historical genesis and current needs, measures of the protection and promotion, preservation and renewal of the park were proposed. |
Keywords: | Park in Novi Knezevac, natural monument of garden architecture, cultural monuments, dendroflora, analysis |
References: |
Anastasijevic, N. (2002) Creating and maintaining green areas. [Анастасијевић, Н.: Подизање и него-вање зелених површина.] Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade. [in Serbian] Ocokoljic, M., Ninic-Todorovic, J. (2003): Manual of decorative dendrology. [Ocokoljić, M., Ninić- Todorović, J.: Priručnik iz dekorativne dendrologije. Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade. [in Serbian] |
*Correspondence: | Mirjana Popovic, Institute for Nature Conservation of Novi Sad, 21 000 Novi Sad, Serbia, Tel. +381 21 4896 308, Fax. +381 21 6616 252, e-mail: |