Considerations regarding the nature reserves in the Natural Depression of Maramures and their environmental importance
September 13, 2012
Considerations regarding the nature reserves in the Natural Depression of Maramures and their environmental importance
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Title: | Considerations regarding the nature reserves in the Natural Depression of Maramures and their environmental importance |
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Article_Title: | Considerations regarding the nature reserves in the Natural Depression of Maramures and their environmental importance |
Authors: | Ileana Vasilescu |
Affiliation: | |
Abstract: | The environment is the world around us, including everything we see or feel, wherever we are. It is continuous in space and time – in space as a series of physical and social events, and in time as a continuation of these events that constantly cause changes. The environmental approach of nature reserves is basically considered to imply four main stages: knowledge ( the study of reserves as central elements of the environment), perception (through the entire complex of environmental relationships), attitude (with reference to the building-up of an intensely positive attitude towards the importance of nature reserves in preserving environmental balance in entertainment, knowledge and research), and behaviour (as definite response in which a body answers to an experience according to environmental stimuli).The nature reserves in the Maramures Natural Depression are strikingly rich and diverse, being of real scientific, landscape and touristic value; however, in relationship with the present potential, the number of protected natural areas and conservation sites is fairly small. By virtue of this research which I conducted, i.e. through the administration of questionnaires (352 people interviewed) and, consequently, through the interpretation of the results and their analysis, several important issues have been outlined regarding the environmental value of nature reserves and the interest in their integration in the life of the local communities in Maramures. |
Keywords: | environment, nature reserves, perception, attitude, behaviour, integration |
References: | Ardelean, G., Beres 1.(2000)- Fauna de vertebrate a Maramureşului, Editura Dacia, Cluj Napoca; Beres I., Istvan D.,Pop I.,(2000) – Inventarul obiectivelor turistice naturale din zona periurbană a municipiului Sighetu – Marmaţiei. Bleahu, M., Moţoiu Maria Dana, (2002), Jurisdicţia privind ariile protejate şi protecţia naturii în România, studii şi cercetări de geografie, t. XLIX, Bucureşti.Gâştescu P., (2000), managementul mediului, Editura Sfinx, Bucureşti Cristea G., Dancus M.(2000)-Maramureş, un muzeu viu in centrul Europei, Editura Fundaţiei CulturaleRomane, Bucureşti; Cristea, V., Simone D., Herremans J.P., Goia Irina, 1996, Ocrotirea naturii şi protecţia mediului înconjurător, Editura University Press, Cluj napoca. Deffontaines P., (1932), L’homme et la foret, Paris, Gallimard. Demangeot, J., (1990), Les milieux ,,naturels” du globe, Masson, Paris-Milan-Barcelone-Mexico. François Terrasson La Peur de la nature, Sang de la Terre (Paris) : 1922 Nădişan, I. şi colab., (1976), Monumente ale naturii din Maramureş, Bucureşti Mac, I. (2000), Geografie generală, Editura Europontic, Cluj Napoca; Mac, I. (2003), Ştiinţa mediului, Editura Europontic, Cluj Napoca. Moser, G. & Weiss, K. (2003). Espaces de vie: Aspects de la relation homme environnement. Paris : A. Colin, Collection «Regards », 402 pp. Pop, E., 1929, Analize de polen în turba Carpaţilor Orientali (Dorna-Lucina), Bul. Grăd. Bot., Cluj, IX, (3-4):81-210. Pop, E., 1939, “Evolutia stiintelor biologice în Ardeal de la Unire până azi”, Rev. “Gând românesc”, Cluj, nr. 7-9, p. 3-15. Pop, E., 1942, Contribuţii la istoria pădurilor din nordul Transilvaniei, Bul. Grăd. Bot., Cluj, XXII, (1-4): 101-177 Savu, Al., (1973), Depresiunea Maramureş, Terra/1, Bucureşti. Tuan, Yi-Fu, (1974), Topophilia: a study of environmental perception, attitudes, and values, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. .*** (1994), Caiet final al taberei internationale de protecţie a mediului, Nires. ***(1996), Caiet final al taberei internationale de protecţie a mediului, Colibi. ***Le petit Larousse illustre, 2001 ***Le grand Robert de la Langue française, Robert, Paris, 2001 ***www. Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society |
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Article Title: | Considerations regarding the nature reserves in the Natural Depression of Maramures and their environmental importance |
Authors: | Ileana Vasilescu |
Affiliation: | |
Abstract: | The environment is the world around us, including everything we see or feel, wherever we are. It is continuous in space and time – in space as a series of physical and social events, and in time as a continuation of these events that constantly cause changes. The environmental approach of nature reserves is basically considered to imply four main stages: knowledge ( the study of reserves as central elements of the environment), perception (through the entire complex of environmental relationships), attitude (with reference to the building-up of an intensely positive attitude towards the importance of nature reserves in preserving environmental balance in entertainment, knowledge and research), and behaviour (as definite response in which a body answers to an experience according to environmental stimuli).The nature reserves in the Maramures Natural Depression are strikingly rich and diverse, being of real scientific, landscape and touristic value; however, in relationship with the present potential, the number of protected natural areas and conservation sites is fairly small. By virtue of this research which I conducted, i.e. through the administration of questionnaires (352 people interviewed) and, consequently, through the interpretation of the results and their analysis, several important issues have been outlined regarding the environmental value of nature reserves and the interest in their integration in the life of the local communities in Maramures. |
Keywords: | environment, nature reserves, perception, attitude, behaviour, integration |
References: | Ardelean, G., Beres 1.(2000)- Fauna de vertebrate a Maramureşului, Editura Dacia, Cluj Napoca; Beres I., Istvan D.,Pop I.,(2000) – Inventarul obiectivelor turistice naturale din zona periurbană a municipiului Sighetu – Marmaţiei. Bleahu, M., Moţoiu Maria Dana, (2002), Jurisdicţia privind ariile protejate şi protecţia naturii în România, studii şi cercetări de geografie, t. XLIX, Bucureşti.Gâştescu P., (2000), managementul mediului, Editura Sfinx, Bucureşti Cristea G., Dancus M.(2000)-Maramureş, un muzeu viu in centrul Europei, Editura Fundaţiei CulturaleRomane, Bucureşti; Cristea, V., Simone D., Herremans J.P., Goia Irina, 1996, Ocrotirea naturii şi protecţia mediului înconjurător, Editura University Press, Cluj napoca. Deffontaines P., (1932), L’homme et la foret, Paris, Gallimard. Demangeot, J., (1990), Les milieux ,,naturels” du globe, Masson, Paris-Milan-Barcelone-Mexico. François Terrasson La Peur de la nature, Sang de la Terre (Paris) : 1922 Nădişan, I. şi colab., (1976), Monumente ale naturii din Maramureş, Bucureşti Mac, I. (2000), Geografie generală, Editura Europontic, Cluj Napoca; Mac, I. (2003), Ştiinţa mediului, Editura Europontic, Cluj Napoca. Moser, G. & Weiss, K. (2003). Espaces de vie: Aspects de la relation homme environnement. Paris : A. Colin, Collection «Regards », 402 pp. Pop, E., 1929, Analize de polen în turba Carpaţilor Orientali (Dorna-Lucina), Bul. Grăd. Bot., Cluj, IX, (3-4):81-210. Pop, E., 1939, “Evolutia stiintelor biologice în Ardeal de la Unire până azi”, Rev. “Gând românesc”, Cluj, nr. 7-9, p. 3-15. Pop, E., 1942, Contribuţii la istoria pădurilor din nordul Transilvaniei, Bul. Grăd. Bot., Cluj, XXII, (1-4): 101-177 Savu, Al., (1973), Depresiunea Maramureş, Terra/1, Bucureşti. Tuan, Yi-Fu, (1974), Topophilia: a study of environmental perception, attitudes, and values, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. *** (1994), Caiet final al taberei internationale de protecţie a mediului, Nires. ***(1996), Caiet final al taberei internationale de protecţie a mediului, Colibi. ***Le petit Larousse illustre, 2001 ***Le grand Robert de la Langue française, Robert, Paris, 2001 ***www. Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society |
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