Morphogenesis in the culinary, apical and foliar minicuttings, of sedum telephium ssp. maximum L. In vitro on murashige – skoog (1962) medium culture with different growth regulators added

Morphogenesis in the culinary, apical and foliar minicuttings, of sedum telephium ssp. maximum L. In vitro on murashige – skoog (1962) medium culture with different growth regulators added

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Title: Morphogenesis in the culinary, apical and foliar minicuttings, of sedum telephium ssp. maximum L. In vitro on murashige – skoog (1962) medium culture with different growth regulators added
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Article_Title: Morphogenesis in the culinary, apical and foliar minicuttings, of sedum telephium ssp. maximum L. In vitro on murashige – skoog (1962) medium culture with different growth regulators added
Authors: Mirela Ardelean, Dorina Cachiţă- Cosma
Affiliation: „Vasile Goldiş” Western University from Arad, Life Sciences Institute, Vegetal Biotechnology Department, Arad, Romania
„Vasile Goldiş” Western University from Arad, Life Sciences Institute, Vegetal Biotechnology Department, Arad, Romania
Abstract: Sedum telephium ssp. maximum L. is a species crassulacee possessing a variety of active ingredients, such as flavonoids, tannins, saponins, volatile oils, alkaloids, mucilage`s, resins, chlorophyll, vitamins (A, E, C, B complex), minerals.Sedum telephium ssp. maximum it has been described since antiquity by Dioscoride, Galenos, Hippokrates, Bauhin, is a perennial plant that grows on unfavorable ground where water supplies fluctuates seasonally present napiform rhizomes, fine roots, stems, high 20-50 (70) cm, glabrous, dark green, fleshy leaves, 5-13 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, sessile or short petiolated, at base with the rosette leaves, flowers are hermaphroditic, yellow-green to the spontaneous or those growing roses, arranged in a dense terminal corymb, the fruits consisting from five follicles, 1-2 mm long seeds are shiny and brown . This ornamental species is cultivated for its evergreen, good looks, Sedum telephium ssp. maximum, known in our country as fat grass, very less came to the attention of our specialists. The present experiment aimed to study the regenerative capacity and organogenesis fragments Sedum telephium ssp. maximum L. up, used as inoculums in vitro. Regeneration of strains of type mini cuttings nodal explants taken from the seedlings of Sedum telephium ssp. maximum, obtained by micro propagation techniques, based on MS medium with the addition of auxinic or citokinine, have maximum values.
Read_full_article: pdf/22-2012/22-2-2012/SU22-2-2012-ArdeleanM.pdf
Correspondence: Mirela Ardelean, „Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad, Life Sciences Institute, Vegetal Biotechnology Department, 86, L. Rebreanu, Arad, Romania, phone: 0040257228622 fax: 0040257228622, e-mail:

Read full article
Article Title: Morphogenesis in the culinary, apical and foliar minicuttings, of sedum telephium ssp. maximum L. In vitro on murashige – skoog (1962) medium culture with different growth regulators added
Authors: Mirela Ardelean, Dorina Cachiţă- Cosma
Affiliation: „Vasile Goldiş” Western University from Arad, Life Sciences Institute, Vegetal Biotechnology Department, Arad, Romania
„Vasile Goldiş” Western University from Arad, Life Sciences Institute, Vegetal Biotechnology Department, Arad, Romania
Abstract: Sedum telephium ssp. maximum L. is a species crassulacee possessing a variety of active ingredients, such as flavonoids, tannins, saponins, volatile oils, alkaloids, mucilage`s, resins, chlorophyll, vitamins (A, E, C, B complex), minerals.Sedum telephium ssp. maximum it has been described since antiquity by Dioscoride, Galenos, Hippokrates, Bauhin, is a perennial plant that grows on unfavorable ground where water supplies fluctuates seasonally present napiform rhizomes, fine roots, stems, high 20-50 (70) cm, glabrous, dark green, fleshy leaves, 5-13 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, sessile or short petiolated, at base with the rosette leaves, flowers are hermaphroditic, yellow-green to the spontaneous or those growing roses, arranged in a dense terminal corymb, the fruits consisting from five follicles, 1-2 mm long seeds are shiny and brown . This ornamental species is cultivated for its evergreen, good looks, Sedum telephium ssp. maximum, known in our country as fat grass, very less came to the attention of our specialists. The present experiment aimed to study the regenerative capacity and organogenesis fragments Sedum telephium ssp. maximum L. up, used as inoculums in vitro. Regeneration of strains of type mini cuttings nodal explants taken from the seedlings of Sedum telephium ssp. maximum, obtained by micro propagation techniques, based on MS medium with the addition of auxinic or citokinine, have maximum values.
*Correspondence: Mirela Ardelean, „Vasile Goldiş” Western University of Arad, Life Sciences Institute, Vegetal Biotechnology Department, 86, L. Rebreanu, Arad, Romania, phone: 0040257228622 fax: 0040257228622, e-mail: