Macromycetes species included in the Bern Convention Appendix I in the red list in Romania and the rare presence in the Historical Maramures County
September 11, 2012
Macromycetes species included in the Bern Convention Appendix I in the red list in Romania and the rare presence in the Historical Maramures County
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Title: | Macromycetes species included in the Bern Convention Appendix I in the red list in Romania and the rare presence in the Historical Maramures County |
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Article_Title: | Macromycetes species included in the Bern Convention Appendix I in the red list in Romania and the rare presence in the Historical Maramures County |
Authors: | Marta Béres |
Affiliation: | |
Abstract: | The ground under research is situated in the North of Romania, named Historical Maramureş, on the South bank of the Tisa River and its surface is 3.375,16 km2. From geographical point of view it encloses the Depression of Maramureş and the surrounding mountains, the altitudes being situated between 204 m. and 2305 m. The protection of macromycetes became a vital issue nowadays. Based on the criteria of the International Union of Nature Conservation (IUCN), 33 species of endangered European macromycetes were included into the Bern Convention Annex, out of which 11 species are to be found in Romania too, and 2 species in the Historical Maramureş. Based on their own studies, prof. Dr. C. Tănase and Dr. A. Pop made up a Red List of rare macromycetes, endangered in Romania. Out of the 179 species to be found on the list, 24 species have been also identified on the mentioned ground taken under research by us. A list of very rarely found species is also presented (13 sp.) as well as the one containing the very first findings (5 sp.) in this county, in the Maramureş area. The presented naturalized mushrooms on the three are stored in the collection of the Maramureşului Museum in Sighetu Marmaţiei, Section of Natural Sciences, prepared using the Herpell method improved by Bohus, and some of them through drying. Causes of the imminent endangering are shown along with our suggestions for the protection of macromycetes in the studied territory. |
Keywords: | Red List National, new and rare macromycetes, historical Maramures County, Romania |
References: | ALESSIO C.L. 1969. Boletus Dill.ex L. Fungi Europaei. Libreria edit. Biella Giovanna, Saronno, 705 pp. BABOS Margit, LÁSZLÓ K. & SILAGHI G. 1968. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea macromicetelor rare din România. Stud.Cercet. Biol., ser.Bot. 20(3): 197-202. BABOS Margit, KONECSNI J.1974.Ritla és új gombáink. Búvár 29(1): 30-31 BÁNHEGYI J., BOHUS G., KALMÁR Z, UBRIZSI G. 1953.Magyarország nagygombái. Budapest:Edit. BELLU F., 1982. Contributo al genere Macrolepiota Singer -1. In Bolletino del Gruppo micologico G. Bresadola, trento, 100-121 BÉRES Marta,1995. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea macromicetelor din Rezervaţia Biosferei ˝Pietrosul Rodnei˝,.Naturalia, Stud. Cercet. (Piteşti) 1: 55-62. BÉRES Marta. 1996. Anthurus archeri (Berk) Ed. Fischer (Fam. Clathraceae) – o ciupercă rară în România. Naturalia (Piteşti) 2-3: 113-116. BÉRES Marta, 1999. Data to the vegetation of muschrooms in the Upper-Tisa Region. In: Tisia Monograf Series, The Upper Tisa Valley –Preparatory proposal from Ramsar site designation and an ecological background –Hungarian, Romanian, Slovakian and Ukrainian co-operation. Szeged, 293-307. BÉRES Marta, 2009. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea macromicetelor din Rezervaţia Biosferei Pietrosul Rodnei (II.). in De la Pietrosu Mare la Parcul Naţional Munţii Rodnei Rezervaţie aBiosferei – 75 ani -.Lucrările Simpozionului aniversar Borşa, 23 Noi. 2007. Edit.Univ. de Nord. Baia Mare, 124-136. BÉRES Marta & LÁSZLÓ K., 1980. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea macromicetelor din Depresiunea Maramureşului şi împrejurimi. Marmaţia –Anuar –Seria Şti. Nat., Muzeul judeţean Maramureş, 5-6: 120-137. BÉRES Marta & LÁSZLÓ K., 1982. Noi contribuţii la cunoaşterea macromicetelor din Depresiunea Maramureşului şi împrejurimi. Stud. Comunic. Soc. Şti. Biol. Filiala Reghin, 2:113-125. BONTEA Vera, 1985, 1986. Ciuperci parasite şi saprofite din România. Buc. Edit. Acad. Rom. II. Vol. 1, 586 pp., Vol. II. 469 pp. CETTO Br. 1979. Der Grosse Pilzführer, Band I-IV, München-Bern-Wien. CHIFU TH. & TOMA M. 1966. Macromicete noi si rare pentru micoflora E. S. România. Anal.Sti. Univ. Iaşi, ser. Nouă, Sect. II (Şt. Nat.)a Biol. 12(2): 405-406. ELIADE Eugenia, 1965. Conspectul Macromicetelor din România. Lucr. Grăd. Bot. Buc.. /1964- 1965/:185-324. HOLLÓS L. 1904. Die Gasteromyceten Ungarn. Leipzig: O. Wiegel Komm., fol., 278 pp. HOLLÓS L. 1911. Magyarország földalatti gombái, szarvasgombaféléi, A.K.M. Termtud. Társulat, Bpest, 247 pp. KONRAD P., MAUBLANC A. 1924-1937. Icones selectee Fungorum I-IV, Paris. KÜHNER R. ROMAGNESI H. 1953. Flore analytiques des champignons supérieurs. Paris, LÁSZLÓ K. & PÁZMÁNY D. 1976. Seltene Pilze aus Rumänien. Zeitschr. Pilzk. 42)B): 179-184. MICHAEL/HENNIG/KREISEL. 1971-1975.Handbuch für Pilzfreunde, I-VI. VEB.Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. MOSER, M.1978. Die Röhrlinge und Blätterpilze (in Gams, h., Kleine Kryptogamenflora, Bd.II b/2, Jena, Stuttgart, 532 pp. NEGREAN G. 2003-2004. Contribuţii la micobiota Maramureşului. In Studii si Comunic. Ser. Şt. Nat. 4-5, Satu Mare, 54-75.. PÁZMÁNY D. 1985. Die Macrolepiota-Arten in Transsilvanien (Rumänien). Zeitschr. Mykol. 51(1): 51-60. PÁZMÁNY D. 1985. a Macrolepiota nemzetség európai fajainak határozókulcsa. CLUSIANA. Mikol. Közl.3: 115-134. PÁZMÁNY D. 1998. Gombahatározó. Bon Mi Kiadó. Sepsiszentgyörgy. PÁZMÁNY D. & LÁSZLÓ K. 1979. Seltene Pilze aus Rumänien II. Notulae Bot. Horti Agrobot. Cluj-Napoca, 1ö: 59-67. PAP G., PÁZMÁNY D. & MISKY M. 1983. Neue Angaben über Unterirdische Pilze Rumäniens. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj.13: 29-38. PAP G., PÁZMÁNY D. & MISKY M. 1987. Neue angaben über unterdische Pilze Roumänien.(II.). Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj, 17: 123-130 PÁZMÁNY D. & BÉRES Marta. 1989. Une apparition intéressante de l΄espece Limacella furnacea. Not. Bot. Agrobot. Cluj-Napoca (1988-89), 18: 55-60. RIMÓCZI I. & VETTER J. (szerk.). 1990. Gombahatározó, I-II, Országos Erdészeti Egyesület Mikológiai Társasága, Bpest. I. 238 pp., II. 473 pp. SĂLĂGEANU ANIŞOARA. 1970. Cercetări floristice şi cenologice asupra macromicetelor din bazinul superior al Lăpuşului. Teză de doctorat. Cluj. SĂLĂGEANU GH. & SĂLĂGEANU Anişoara 1985. Determinator pentru recunoaşterea ciupercilor comestibile şi otrăvitoare din România. Edit. Ceres, Buc. 330 pp. SILAGHI GH. & RAŢIU O. 1960. Discomicete noi pentru micoflora R.P.R. Contrib. Bot. Cluj: 93-96. SILAGHI GH. & ŞTEFUREAC TR. 1969. Câteva macromicete din turbării noi pentru România. Contr. Bot. Cluj. 89-95. SILAGHI GH. 1966. Studiul sistematic, cenologic şi economic al macromicetelor din regiunea Cluj. Teză de doctorat. Cluj. TĂNASE C. & Pop Adriana, 2005. Red List of Romanian macrofungi species.In: Simona MIHĂILESCU (ed.), Bioplatform – Romanian National Platform for Biodiversity 2. Edit. Acad. Romane, 101-106. TOMA M. 1971. Ascomicete din România. I. Studii şi Cercet. Buc. Ser. Bot. 23(4): 3305-308. |
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Article Title: | Macromycetes species included in the Bern Convention Appendix I in the red list in Romania and the rare presence in the Historical Maramures County |
Authors: | Marta Béres |
Affiliation: | |
Abstract: | The ground under research is situated in the North of Romania, named Historical Maramureş, on the South bank of the Tisa River and its surface is 3.375,16 km2. From geographical point of view it encloses the Depression of Maramureş and the surrounding mountains, the altitudes being situated between 204 m. and 2305 m. The protection of macromycetes became a vital issue nowadays. Based on the criteria of the International Union of Nature Conservation (IUCN), 33 species of endangered European macromycetes were included into the Bern Convention Annex, out of which 11 species are to be found in Romania too, and 2 species in the Historical Maramureş. Based on their own studies, prof. Dr. C. Tănase and Dr. A. Pop made up a Red List of rare macromycetes, endangered in Romania. Out of the 179 species to be found on the list, 24 species have been also identified on the mentioned ground taken under research by us. A list of very rarely found species is also presented (13 sp.) as well as the one containing the very first findings (5 sp.) in this county, in the Maramureş area. The presented naturalized mushrooms on the three are stored in the collection of the Maramureşului Museum in Sighetu Marmaţiei, Section of Natural Sciences, prepared using the Herpell method improved by Bohus, and some of them through drying. Causes of the imminent endangering are shown along with our suggestions for the protection of macromycetes in the studied territory. |
Keywords: | Red List National, new and rare macromycetes, historical Maramures County, Romania |
References: | ALESSIO C.L. 1969. Boletus Dill.ex L. Fungi Europaei. Libreria edit. Biella Giovanna, Saronno, 705 pp. BABOS Margit, LÁSZLÓ K. & SILAGHI G. 1968. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea macromicetelor rare din România. Stud.Cercet. Biol., ser.Bot. 20(3): 197-202. BABOS Margit, KONECSNI J.1974.Ritla és új gombáink. Búvár 29(1): 30-31 BÁNHEGYI J., BOHUS G., KALMÁR Z, UBRIZSI G. 1953.Magyarország nagygombái. Budapest:Edit. BELLU F., 1982. Contributo al genere Macrolepiota Singer -1. In Bolletino del Gruppo micologico G. Bresadola, trento, 100-121 BÉRES Marta,1995. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea macromicetelor din Rezervaţia Biosferei ˝Pietrosul Rodnei˝,.Naturalia, Stud. Cercet. (Piteşti) 1: 55-62. BÉRES Marta. 1996. Anthurus archeri (Berk) Ed. Fischer (Fam. Clathraceae) – o ciupercă rară în România. Naturalia (Piteşti) 2-3: 113-116. BÉRES Marta, 1999. Data to the vegetation of muschrooms in the Upper-Tisa Region. In: Tisia Monograf Series, The Upper Tisa Valley –Preparatory proposal from Ramsar site designation and an ecological background –Hungarian, Romanian, Slovakian and Ukrainian co-operation. Szeged, 293-307. BÉRES Marta, 2009. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea macromicetelor din Rezervaţia Biosferei Pietrosul Rodnei (II.). in De la Pietrosu Mare la Parcul Naţional Munţii Rodnei Rezervaţie aBiosferei – 75 ani -.Lucrările Simpozionului aniversar Borşa, 23 Noi. 2007. Edit.Univ. de Nord. Baia Mare, 124-136. BÉRES Marta & LÁSZLÓ K., 1980. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea macromicetelor din Depresiunea Maramureşului şi împrejurimi. Marmaţia –Anuar –Seria Şti. Nat., Muzeul judeţean Maramureş, 5-6: 120-137. BÉRES Marta & LÁSZLÓ K., 1982. Noi contribuţii la cunoaşterea macromicetelor din Depresiunea Maramureşului şi împrejurimi. Stud. Comunic. Soc. Şti. Biol. Filiala Reghin, 2:113-125. BONTEA Vera, 1985, 1986. Ciuperci parasite şi saprofite din România. Buc. Edit. Acad. Rom. II. Vol. 1, 586 pp., Vol. II. 469 pp. CETTO Br. 1979. Der Grosse Pilzführer, Band I-IV, München-Bern-Wien. CHIFU TH. & TOMA M. 1966. Macromicete noi si rare pentru micoflora E. S. România. Anal.Sti. Univ. Iaşi, ser. Nouă, Sect. II (Şt. Nat.)a Biol. 12(2): 405-406. ELIADE Eugenia, 1965. Conspectul Macromicetelor din România. Lucr. Grăd. Bot. Buc.. /1964- 1965/:185-324. HOLLÓS L. 1904. Die Gasteromyceten Ungarn. Leipzig: O. Wiegel Komm., fol., 278 pp. HOLLÓS L. 1911. Magyarország földalatti gombái, szarvasgombaféléi, A.K.M. Termtud. Társulat, Bpest, 247 pp. KONRAD P., MAUBLANC A. 1924-1937. Icones selectee Fungorum I-IV, Paris. KÜHNER R. ROMAGNESI H. 1953. Flore analytiques des champignons supérieurs. Paris, LÁSZLÓ K. & PÁZMÁNY D. 1976. Seltene Pilze aus Rumänien. Zeitschr. Pilzk. 42)B): 179-184. MICHAEL/HENNIG/KREISEL. 1971-1975.Handbuch für Pilzfreunde, I-VI. VEB.Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. MOSER, M.1978. Die Röhrlinge und Blätterpilze (in Gams, h., Kleine Kryptogamenflora, Bd.II b/2, Jena, Stuttgart, 532 pp. NEGREAN G. 2003-2004. Contribuţii la micobiota Maramureşului. In Studii si Comunic. Ser. Şt. Nat. 4-5, Satu Mare, 54-75.. PÁZMÁNY D. 1985. Die Macrolepiota-Arten in Transsilvanien (Rumänien). Zeitschr. Mykol. 51(1): 51-60. PÁZMÁNY D. 1985. a Macrolepiota nemzetség európai fajainak határozókulcsa. CLUSIANA. Mikol. Közl.3: 115-134. PÁZMÁNY D. 1998. Gombahatározó. Bon Mi Kiadó. Sepsiszentgyörgy. PÁZMÁNY D. & LÁSZLÓ K. 1979. Seltene Pilze aus Rumänien II. Notulae Bot. Horti Agrobot. Cluj-Napoca, 1ö: 59-67. PAP G., PÁZMÁNY D. & MISKY M. 1983. Neue Angaben über Unterirdische Pilze Rumäniens. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj.13: 29-38. PAP G., PÁZMÁNY D. & MISKY M. 1987. Neue angaben über unterdische Pilze Roumänien.(II.). Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj, 17: 123-130 PÁZMÁNY D. & BÉRES Marta. 1989. Une apparition intéressante de l΄espece Limacella furnacea. Not. Bot. Agrobot. Cluj-Napoca (1988-89), 18: 55-60. RIMÓCZI I. & VETTER J. (szerk.). 1990. Gombahatározó, I-II, Országos Erdészeti Egyesület Mikológiai Társasága, Bpest. I. 238 pp., II. 473 pp. SĂLĂGEANU ANIŞOARA. 1970. Cercetări floristice şi cenologice asupra macromicetelor din bazinul superior al Lăpuşului. Teză de doctorat. Cluj. SĂLĂGEANU GH. & SĂLĂGEANU Anişoara 1985. Determinator pentru recunoaşterea ciupercilor comestibile şi otrăvitoare din România. Edit. Ceres, Buc. 330 pp. SILAGHI GH. & RAŢIU O. 1960. Discomicete noi pentru micoflora R.P.R. Contrib. Bot. Cluj: 93-96. SILAGHI GH. & ŞTEFUREAC TR. 1969. Câteva macromicete din turbării noi pentru România. Contr. Bot. Cluj. 89-95. SILAGHI GH. 1966. Studiul sistematic, cenologic şi economic al macromicetelor din regiunea Cluj. Teză de doctorat. Cluj. TĂNASE C. & Pop Adriana, 2005. Red List of Romanian macrofungi species.In: Simona MIHĂILESCU (ed.), Bioplatform – Romanian National Platform for Biodiversity 2. Edit. Acad. Romane, 101-106. TOMA M. 1971. Ascomicete din România. I. Studii şi Cercet. Buc. Ser. Bot. 23(4): 3305-308. |
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