Comparative therapeutical study at the patients with polychistic ovars

Comparative therapeutical study at the patients with polychistic ovars

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Article_Title: Comparative therapeutical study at the patients with polychistic ovars
Authors: Mirela Voicu1, Carmen Cristescu1, Liana Drăgan2, Liana Suciu1, A. Voicu, B. Bumbăcilă1
Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş” Timişoara, Faculty of Pharmacy
1Department of Pharmacology-Clinical Pharmacy
2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Abstract: The objective. The purpose of this study is the comparison of the clinical effects gained as the result of the administration of an analogues of gonadorelin – triptorelin at the patients that have been diagnosed with the syndrome of polychistic ovary (SOP), against the administration of an oral combined contraceptive – Diane 35. Material and method. The study included a number of 24 patients, with the average age of 23,2 that were diagnosed with SOP. The patients were divided aleatory into 2 groups: group A, formed by 12 women (50%) used Diane 35, and group B, 12 patients (50%), used Diphereline 3,75. Results. The introduction of Diphereline therapy 3,75 in injectable administration improved the clinic
symptoms (acne, hirsutism, amenorrhea, the morphology of ovaries). The results of the study show the therapeutically efficiency of the preparate Diane 35 on the symptoms of androgen nature – especially acne. Conclusions. The utilisation of preparate Diphereline 3,75 at the patients that have been diagnosed with SOP represents the most efficient therapeutically variant, aspect that had been proved by clinical, hormonal and morphological data. Additionally this formula permits the maintenance of the obtained results on a long time.
Keywords: syndrome of polychistic ovary, therapeutically efficiency, Diane 35, triptorelin
References: 1. Acien P., Mauri M., Gutierrez M., Clinical and hormonal effects of the combination gonadotrophinreleasing hormone agonist plus oral contraceptive pills containing ethinyl-oe;[radial (I-l: and cyproterone acetate (CPA) versus the EE=CPA
pill alone on polycysdc ovarian disease-related hyperandrogenisms. Hum. Reprod. 1997, 12,423-429.
2. Andreyko J.L., Monroe S.E. and Jaffe R.B., Treatment of hirsutism with a gonadotrophinreleasing hormone agonist (Naferelin). J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 1986 63, 854-859.
3. Belisle S. and Love E.J., Clinical efficacy and safety of cyproterone acetate in severe hirsutism: results of a multicentered Canadian study, Fertil.Steril. 1986, 46, 1015-1020.
4. Carr B.R., Breslau NA., Givens C. et al. Oral contraceptive pills, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, or use in combination for treatment of hirsutism: a clinical research center study. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.1995, 80, 1169-1178.
5. Chang R.L., Laufer L.R., Meldrum D.R. et al. Steroid hormone secretion in polycystic ovarian disease after ovarian suppression by a long-acting gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 1983, 56, 897-903.
6. Ciotta L., Cianci A., Giuffrida G. et al. Clinical and hormonal effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist plus an oral contraceptive in severely hirsute patients with polycystic ovary disease. Fertil.Steril. 1996, 65, 61-67.
7. Falsetti L. and Galbignani E. Long-term treatment with the combination ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate in polycystic ovary syndrome. Contraception, 1990, 42, 611-619.
8. Goni M., Markussis V and Tolis G. Efficacy of chronic therapy with the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist Diphereline in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Hum. Reprod. 1994, 9, 1048-1052.
9. Morcos R.N., Abdul-Malak M.E. and Shikora E. Treatment of hirsutism with a gonadotropinreleasing hormone agonist and estrogen replacement therapy. Fertil.Steril. 1994, 61, 427–431.
10. Steingold K., De Ziegler D., Cedras, M. et al. Clinical and hormonal effects of chronic gonadotrophinreleasing hormone agonist treatment in polycystic ovarian disease. J Clin Endocrinol. 1987, 65, 773-778.
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Article Title: Comparative therapeutical study at the patients with polychistic ovars
Authors: Mirela Voicu1, Carmen Cristescu1, Liana Drăgan2, Liana Suciu1, A. Voicu, B. Bumbăcilă1
Affiliation: University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş” Timişoara, Faculty of Pharmacy
1Department of Pharmacology-Clinical Pharmacy
2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Abstract: The objective. The purpose of this study is the comparison of the clinical effects gained as the result of the administration of an analogues of gonadorelin – triptorelin at the patients that have been diagnosed with the syndrome of polychistic ovary (SOP), against the administration of an oral combined contraceptive – Diane 35. Material and method. The study included a number of 24 patients, with the average age of 23,2 that were diagnosed with SOP. The patients were divided aleatory into 2 groups: group A, formed by 12 women (50%) used Diane 35, and group B, 12 patients (50%), used Diphereline 3,75. Results. The introduction of Diphereline therapy 3,75 in injectable administration improved the clinic symptoms (acne, hirsutism, amenorrhea, the morphology of ovaries). The results of the study show the therapeutically efficiency of the preparate Diane 35 on the symptoms of androgen nature – especially acne. Conclusions. The utilisation of preparate Diphereline 3,75 at the patients that have been diagnosed with SOP represents the most efficient therapeutically variant, aspect that had been proved by clinical, hormonal and morphological data. Additionally this formula permits the maintenance of the obtained results on a long time.
Keywords: syndrome of polychistic ovary, therapeutically efficiency, Diane 35, triptorelin
References: 1. Acien P., Mauri M., Gutierrez M., Clinical and hormonal effects of the combination gonadotrophinreleasing hormone agonist plus oral contraceptive pills containing ethinyl-oe;[radial (I-l: and cyproterone acetate (CPA) versus the EE=CPA pill alone on polycysdc ovarian disease-related hyperandrogenisms. Hum. Reprod. 1997, 12,423-429.
2. Andreyko J.L., Monroe S.E. and Jaffe R.B., Treatment of hirsutism with a gonadotrophinreleasing hormone agonist (Naferelin). J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 1986 63, 854-859.
3. Belisle S. and Love E.J., Clinical efficacy and safety of cyproterone acetate in severe hirsutism: results of a multicentered Canadian study, Fertil.Steril. 1986, 46, 1015-1020.
4. Carr B.R., Breslau NA., Givens C. et al. Oral contraceptive pills, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, or use in combination for treatment of hirsutism: a clinical research center study. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.1995, 80, 1169-1178.
5. Chang R.L., Laufer L.R., Meldrum D.R. et al. Steroid hormone secretion in polycystic ovarian disease after ovarian suppression by a long-acting gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 1983, 56, 897-903.
6. Ciotta L., Cianci A., Giuffrida G. et al. Clinical and hormonal effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist plus an oral contraceptive in severely hirsute patients with polycystic ovary disease. Fertil.Steril. 1996, 65, 61-67.
7. Falsetti L. and Galbignani E. Long-term treatment with the combination ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate in polycystic ovary syndrome. Contraception, 1990, 42, 611-619.
8. Goni M., Markussis V and Tolis G. Efficacy of chronic therapy with the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist Diphereline in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Hum. Reprod. 1994, 9, 1048-1052.
9. Morcos R.N., Abdul-Malak M.E. and Shikora E. Treatment of hirsutism with a gonadotropinreleasing hormone agonist and estrogen replacement therapy. Fertil.Steril. 1994, 61, 427–431.
10. Steingold K., De Ziegler D., Cedras, M. et al. Clinical and hormonal effects of chronic gonadotrophinreleasing hormone agonist treatment in polycystic ovarian disease. J Clin Endocrinol. 1987, 65, 773-778.