Monitoring of the fish community in the Hungarian reach of River Tisza in 2009
December 27, 2011
Monitoring of the fish community in the Hungarian reach of River Tisza in 2009
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Title: | Monitoring of the fish community in the Hungarian reach of River Tisza in 2009 |
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Article_Title: | Monitoring of the fish community in the Hungarian reach of River Tisza in 2009 |
Authors: | Károly Györe1, Vilmos Józsa1, Sándor Wilhelm 2 |
Affiliation: | 1Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation, Szarvas, Hungary 2Highschool Petőfi Sándor, Sacueni |
Abstract: | The fish community of River Tisza was assessed in 24 sampling areas of the river between 9 and 18 September 2009. The fish community and the fish species were monitored by electric fishing. During the survey, 24 760 specimens of 47 species belonging to 13 families were caught. The individuals of only two species, Alburnus alburnus and Aspius aspius, were found in all of the 24 sampling areas. Leuciscus idus, Perca fluviatilis, Proterorhinus semilunaris, Lota lota, Silurus glanis and Esox lucius were found to be frequent species, occurring in at least two-thirds of the sampling areas. In the majority of the samples, the fish community is dominated by one, maximum two species. The total species richness of the community, as estimated using the second-order jacknife procedure, was 72. According to the EFI+ index, two sampling areas have high ecological quality, eleven are good, six moderate, four poor and one bad. |
Keywords: | River Tisza, fish community, diversity indices, characteristic species, EFI+ index |
References: | Burnham KP, Overton WS, Estimation of the size of a closed population when capture probabilities vary among animals. – Biometrika, 65, 623-633, 1978. Dufrêne M, Legendre P, Species assemblages and indicator species: the need for a flexible asymmetrical approach. – Ecological Monographs, 67/3, 345-366, 1997. EFI+ Consortium, Manual for the application of the new European Fish Index – EFI+. A fish-based method to assess the ecological status of European running waters on support of the Water Framework Directive,. June 2009. – Endes M, A Kiskörei-víztároló gerincesállat-világa. – Fol. Hist.-nat. Mus. Matr. 10, 131-148, 1985. Heckel J, Magyarország halainak rendszeres átnézete. – Magyar Orvosok és Természetvizsgálók VIII. nagygyűlésének évkönyve, 1847. Kottelat M, Freyhof J, Handbook of European freshwater fishes. – Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland and Freyhof, Berlin, Germany, 1-646, 2007. Nagy SA, Dévai Gy, Takács P, Gecsei J, Helyszíni vízvizsgálatok a Lónyai-főcsatornán és főbb mellékvízfolyásain. – Hidrológiai Közlöny, 84/5-6, 94-96, 2004. Nagy SA, Takács P, Czégény I, Vadnay Á, Pataki Z, Papp Zs, A Lónyay-főcsatorna vízrendszerében előforduló halfajok nehézfém-tartalmának elemzése a veszélyeztetettségi állapot (perniciozitás) szemszögéből. – Hidrológiai Közlöny 85/6, 102-104, 2005. Podani J, SYN-TAX 2000. Computer Program for Data Analysis in Ecology and Systematics. – Scientia Publising, Budapest, 1-53, 2001. Seaby RMH, Henderson PA, Measuring and understanding biodiversity. –, 2006. Takács P, Lukács BA, Wittner I, Vadnay Á, Szilágyiné Puskás E, Vadnayné Bogár É, Bárkányi M, A vízminőség kémiai és biológiai nézőpontú megközelítésének viszonya a Lónyay-főcsatorna vízrendszerének példáján. – Hidrológiai Közlöny 85/6, 137-140, 2005. Tóthmérész B, A diverzitás jellemzésére szolgáló módszerek evolúciója. – In: Salamon-Albert É. (szerk.) 2002. Magyar botanikai kutatások az ezredfordulón, 607-638, 2002. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/21-2011/21-4-2011/SU21-4-2011-Gyore.pdf |
Correspondence: | Károly Györe, Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI), Anna-liget 8, H-5540 Szarvas, Hungary. Tel. +36-66-515316, Fax. +36-66-312142, e-mail: |
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Article Title: | Monitoring of the fish community in the Hungarian reach of River Tisza in 2009 |
Authors: | Károly Györe1, Vilmos Józsa1, Sándor Wilhelm 2 |
Affiliation: | 1Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation, Szarvas, Hungary 2Highschool Petőfi Sándor, Sacueni |
Abstract: | The fish community of River Tisza was assessed in 24 sampling areas of the river between 9 and 18 September 2009. The fish community and the fish species were monitored by electric fishing. During the survey, 24 760 specimens of 47 species belonging to 13 families were caught. The individuals of only two species, Alburnus alburnus and Aspius aspius, were found in all of the 24 sampling areas. Leuciscus idus, Perca fluviatilis, Proterorhinus semilunaris, Lota lota, Silurus glanis and Esox lucius were found to be frequent species, occurring in at least two-thirds of the sampling areas. In the majority of the samples, the fish community is dominated by one, maximum two species. The total species richness of the community, as estimated using the second-order jacknife procedure, was 72. According to the EFI+ index, two sampling areas have high ecological quality, eleven are good, six moderate, four poor and one bad. |
Keywords: | River Tisza, fish community, diversity indices, characteristic species, EFI+ index |
References: | Burnham KP, Overton WS, Estimation of the size of a closed population when capture probabilities vary among animals. – Biometrika, 65, 623-633, 1978. Dufrêne M, Legendre P, Species assemblages and indicator species: the need for a flexible asymmetrical approach. – Ecological Monographs, 67/3, 345-366, 1997. EFI+ Consortium, Manual for the application of the new European Fish Index – EFI+. A fish-based method to assess the ecological status of European running waters on support of the Water Framework Directive,. June 2009. – Endes M, A Kiskörei-víztároló gerincesállat-világa. – Fol. Hist.-nat. Mus. Matr. 10, 131-148, 1985. Heckel J, Magyarország halainak rendszeres átnézete. – Magyar Orvosok és Természetvizsgálók VIII. nagygyűlésének évkönyve, 1847. Kottelat M, Freyhof J, Handbook of European freshwater fishes. – Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland and Freyhof, Berlin, Germany, 1-646, 2007. Nagy SA, Dévai Gy, Takács P, Gecsei J, Helyszíni vízvizsgálatok a Lónyai-főcsatornán és főbb mellékvízfolyásain. – Hidrológiai Közlöny, 84/5-6, 94-96, 2004. Nagy SA, Takács P, Czégény I, Vadnay Á, Pataki Z, Papp Zs, A Lónyay-főcsatorna vízrendszerében előforduló halfajok nehézfém-tartalmának elemzése a veszélyeztetettségi állapot (perniciozitás) szemszögéből. – Hidrológiai Közlöny 85/6, 102-104, 2005. Podani J, SYN-TAX 2000. Computer Program for Data Analysis in Ecology and Systematics. – Scientia Publising, Budapest, 1-53, 2001. Seaby RMH, Henderson PA, Measuring and understanding biodiversity. –, 2006. Takács P, Lukács BA, Wittner I, Vadnay Á, Szilágyiné Puskás E, Vadnayné Bogár É, Bárkányi M, A vízminőség kémiai és biológiai nézőpontú megközelítésének viszonya a Lónyay-főcsatorna vízrendszerének példáján. – Hidrológiai Közlöny 85/6, 137-140, 2005. Tóthmérész B, A diverzitás jellemzésére szolgáló módszerek evolúciója. – In: Salamon-Albert É. (szerk.) 2002. Magyar botanikai kutatások az ezredfordulón, 607-638, 2002. |
*Correspondence: | Károly Györe, Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI), Anna-liget 8, H-5540 Szarvas, Hungary. Tel. +36-66-515316, Fax. +36-66-312142, e-mail: |