Induced in vitro co-culture between Asparagus officinalis L. phytoinocula and a saprophytic fungus
October 25, 2011
Induced in vitro co-culture between Asparagus officinalis L. phytoinocula and a saprophytic fungus
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Title: | Induced in vitro co-culture between Asparagus officinalis L. phytoinocula and a saprophytic fungus |
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Article_Title: | Induced in vitro co-culture between Asparagus officinalis L. phytoinocula and a saprophytic fungus |
Authors: | Adriana Petruş-Vancea*1, Dorina Cachiţă-Cosma2, Violeta Turcuş2, Iudith Ipate3, Cornelia Purcărea1 |
Affiliation: | 1 University of Oradea and postdoctoral researcher at ”Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad, Romania 2”Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad, România 3 Romanian Academy, INCE, Center for Studies and Researchers Agroforestry Biodiversity, Bucharest, România |
Abstract: | The aim of present research is to investigate the nature of the relationship established among partners, forced associates, depending on ecophysiological conditions, namely induced in vitro co-culture between Cladosporium sp. fungus and Asparagus officinalis L. phytoinocula. At 30 days from co-culture initiation, on Murashige-Skoog mineral medium, without growth regulators, lightened with white fluorescent light, 1700 lx intensity, with the photoperiod of 16 h day length/24h, and a temperature of 20 ± 2ºC, the two partners no interacted, and both had normally developed. Asparagus explants provided from a co-culture with Cladosporium sp. which was individual cultivated on fresh medium, ulterior showed no infection. |
Keywords: | fungus, Asparagus, co-culture, micropropagation |
References: | Antofie MM, Pop, M.R, Sand C, Ciotea G, Iagrăru P. (2010 a). Data sheet model for developing a red list regarding crop landraces in Romania. Annals. Food Science and Technology, 11(1), pp. 45-49. Antofie M.M, Constantinovici D, Pop M.R, Iagrăru P, Sand C, Cirotea G. (2010ba). Theoretical methodology for assessing the status of conservation of crop landraces in Romania. Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Fascicula Biologie, XVII (2), pp 313-317. Bansal R.K, Menzies S.A, Broadhurst P.G. (1986). Screening of Asparagus species for resistance to Stemphylium leaf spot. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 29, pp. 539-545. Cachiţă C.D, Ardelean A. (2009). Cocultura sau culturile asociate dintre fitoinoculi şi microorganisme. In: Cachiţă CD, Ardelean A (eds),Tratat de biotehnologie vegetală, Vol. II, Edit. Dacia, pp. 87-170. Cachiţă C.D, Turcuş V, Hurgoiu F, Petruş-Vancea A. (2008 a). Coculturi de durată produse spontan, între fitoinoculi şi un fung saprofit. In: Cachiţă CD, Brezeanu A, Ardelean A (eds.), Lucrările celui de al XVI – lea Simpozion Naţional de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale, Bucureşti, intitulat ”Biotehnologii vegetale pentru sec. XXI”, Edit. Risoprint Cluj – Napoca, pp. 185-193. Cachiţă C.D, Turcuş V, Petruş-Vancea A, Barbu-Tudoran L, Crăciun C. (2008 b). Drosera rotundifolia L. vitrocultures associated with a saprophyte fungus. Studia Univ. “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Şt. Vieţii, 18, pp. 103 – 106. Cassells A.C. (1991) Problems in tissue culture: Culture contamination. In: Debergh PC, Zinmerman RH (eds.), Micropropagation: Technology and Application, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordurecht, Netherlands. Chrissnewell, pp. 31-44. Cassini R.C, El Medawar S, Cassini R.P. (1985). A biological control technique to prevent Fusarium decline in the fields. Proceedings of the 6th International Asparagus-Symposium, pp. 228-237. Cooper C, Crowther T, Smith B.M, Isaac S, Collin H.A. (2006). Assesment of the response of carrot somaclones to Pythium violae, causal agent of cavity spot. Plant Pathol., 55, pp. 427-432 Dan Y, Stephens C.T (1995). The development of asparagus somaclones with high levels of resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. asparagi and F. proliferatum. Plant Dis. 79, pp. 923-927. Davis D. (1969). Fusaric acid in selective pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum. Phytopathology 59, pp. 1391-1395. Debergh P.C. (1996). Microbial contaminants of plant tissue cultures. Agritech Consultans Inc. Skrub Oak USA, pp. 1-75. Devi SC, Srinivasan M.V. (2006). Studies on various atmospheric microorganisms effecting the plant tissue culture explants. American Journal of Plant Physiology 1(2), pp. 205-209. Farquhar M.L, Peterson R.L. (1989). Pathogenesis in Fusarium root rot of primary roots of Pinus resinosa grown in test tubes. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 11(3), pp. 221 – 228. Ingram D.S., Helgeson J.P. (1980). Tissue culture methods for plant pathologists. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, UK. Joosten MHAJ, Verbakel H.M. (1995). Nettekoven ME, Van Leeuwen J, Van der Vossen TM, De Wit PJGM, The phytopathogenic fungus Cladosporium fulvum is not sensitive to the chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase defence proteins of its host, tomato. Physiological and molecular plant pathology, 46 (1), pp. 45-59. Koike S.T, Gladders P, Paulus A.O. (2007). Vegetable diseases. Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 332-336. Leggatt I.V, Waites W.M, Leifert C, Nicholas J. (1994). Characterisation Of micro-organisms isolated from plants during micropropagation. In: Bacterial and Bacteria-like Contaminants of Plant Tissue Cultures Ishs Acta Horticulturae 225: http://www.actahort. org/books/ 225/index.htm. Leifert C, Woodward S. (1997). Laboratory contamination management: the requirement for microbiological quality assurance. In: Cassells AC (ed.), Pathogen and Microbial Contamination Management in Micropropagation. Kluwer Acad. Publ., The Netherlands, pp. 237-244. Leifert C, Morris C.E, Waites W.M. (1994). Ecology of microbiological saprophytes and pathogens in tissue culture and fieldgrown plants: Reasons for Contamination Problems. Critical Rev. Plants Sci. 13(2), pp. 139-189. Lewis G.D, Shoemaker P.B., (1964). Resistance of asparagus species to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. asparagi. Plant disease reporter 48,pp. 364-365. Litz R.E, Conover R.A., (1981). Effect of sex type, season and other factors on in vitro establishment culture of Carica papaya L. explants. J.Am.Soc. Hortic.Sci., pp. 106, 792-794. Matsumoto K, Barbosa M.L, Souza LAC, Teixeira J.B., (2010). In vitro selection for resistance to Fusarium wilt in Banana. In: Mass Screening Techniques for Selecting Crops Resistant to Disease, IAEA Publishing,Vienna, Austria, pp. 101-109. Murashige T, Skoog F. (1962). A revised medium for rapid growth bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum, 15, pp. 473 – 497. Nik N.A, Rahman A. (1993). In vitro inoculation of asparagus with conidial suspension and culture filtrate of Fusarium oxysporum schlect f. asparagi. In: You CB, Chen Z, Ding Y (eds)., Biotechology in Agriculture, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 336-343. Nik N.A, Salleh B. (1990). In vitro inoculation of asparagus tissue culture plantlets with vegetative hyphae of Fusarium proliferatum. In: Proceeding of 3th International Conference on Plant Protection in the Topics, Genting Highlands, Malaysia, pp. 127-129. Odutayo O.I, Amusa N.A, Okutade O.O. (2007). Ogunsanwo YR, Sources of microbial contamination in tissue culture laboratories in south-western Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2(3), pp. 67-72. Omamor B, Asemota A.O, Eke C.R, Eziashi E.I. (2007). Fungal contaminants of the oil palm tissue culture in Nigerian institute for oil palm research (NIFOR). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2 (10), pp. 534-537. Rahman A, Nik N.A, Diner A.M, Skilling D.D, Karnosky D.F. (1987). In vitro responses of conifer adventitious shoots and calli inoculated with Gremmeniella abietina. Forest Science, 33 (4), pp. 1047-1053(7). Reed B.M, Buckely P.M, Dewilde T.N., (1995). Detection and eradication of entophytic bacteria from micropropagated mint plants. In vitro cell. Dev.Biol., 31, pp. 53-57. Smith J, Putman A, Nair M. (1990). In vitro control of Fusarium diseases of Asparagus officinalis L. With a Streptomyces or its polyene antibiotic, faeriefungin. J. Agric. Chem., 38, pp. 1729-1733. Švábová L, Lebeda A. (2005). In vitro selection for improved plant resistance to toxin-producing pathogens. J Phytopathol 153, pp. 52-64. Turcuş V, Cachiţă C.D. (2009). Drosera rotundifolia L.– particularităţi morfostructurale.”Vasile Goldiş” University Press, Arad, pp. 171-181. Williamson B, Cooke DEL, Duncan J.M, Leifert C, Breese W.A, Shattock R.C. (1997). Fungal infections of micropropagated plants at weaning: A problem exemplified by downy mildews in Rubus and Rosa. In: Cassells AC (ed.), Pathogen and Microbial Contamination Management in Micropropagation. Kluver Acad. Publ., The Netherlands, pp. 309-320. |
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Correspondence: | Adriana Petrus-Vancea, University of Oradea, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, no 1, Universitatii St., Oradea, Bihor, Romania, 410082, E-mail: |
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Article Title: | Induced in vitro co-culture between Asparagus officinalis L. phytoinocula and a saprophytic fungus |
Authors: | Adriana Petruş-Vancea*1, Dorina Cachiţă-Cosma2, Violeta Turcuş2, Iudith Ipate3, Cornelia Purcărea1 |
Affiliation: | 1 University of Oradea and postdoctoral researcher at ”Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad, Romania 2”Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad, România 3 Romanian Academy, INCE, Center for Studies and Researchers Agroforestry Biodiversity, Bucharest, România |
Abstract: | The aim of present research is to investigate the nature of the relationship established among partners, forced associates, depending on ecophysiological conditions, namely induced in vitro co-culture between Cladosporium sp. fungus and Asparagus officinalis L. phytoinocula. At 30 days from co-culture initiation, on Murashige-Skoog mineral medium, without growth regulators, lightened with white fluorescent light, 1700 lx intensity, with the photoperiod of 16 h day length/24h, and a temperature of 20 ± 2ºC, the two partners no interacted, and both had normally developed. Asparagus explants provided from a co-culture with Cladosporium sp. which was individual cultivated on fresh medium, ulterior showed no infection. |
Keywords: | fungus, Asparagus, co-culture, micropropagation |
References: | Antofie MM, Pop, M.R, Sand C, Ciotea G, Iagrăru P. (2010 a). Data sheet model for developing a red list regarding crop landraces in Romania. Annals. Food Science and Technology, 11(1), pp. 45-49. Antofie M.M, Constantinovici D, Pop M.R, Iagrăru P, Sand C, Cirotea G. (2010ba). Theoretical methodology for assessing the status of conservation of crop landraces in Romania. Analele Universităţii din Oradea – Fascicula Biologie, XVII (2), pp 313-317. Bansal R.K, Menzies S.A, Broadhurst P.G. (1986). Screening of Asparagus species for resistance to Stemphylium leaf spot. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 29, pp. 539-545. Cachiţă C.D, Ardelean A. (2009). Cocultura sau culturile asociate dintre fitoinoculi şi microorganisme. In: Cachiţă CD, Ardelean A (eds),Tratat de biotehnologie vegetală, Vol. II, Edit. Dacia, pp. 87-170. Cachiţă C.D, Turcuş V, Hurgoiu F, Petruş-Vancea A. (2008 a). Coculturi de durată produse spontan, între fitoinoculi şi un fung saprofit. In: Cachiţă CD, Brezeanu A, Ardelean A (eds.), Lucrările celui de al XVI – lea Simpozion Naţional de Culturi de Ţesuturi şi Celule Vegetale, Bucureşti, intitulat ”Biotehnologii vegetale pentru sec. XXI”, Edit. Risoprint Cluj – Napoca, pp. 185-193. Cachiţă C.D, Turcuş V, Petruş-Vancea A, Barbu-Tudoran L, Crăciun C. (2008 b). Drosera rotundifolia L. vitrocultures associated with a saprophyte fungus. Studia Univ. “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Şt. Vieţii, 18, pp. 103 – 106. Cassells A.C. (1991) Problems in tissue culture: Culture contamination. In: Debergh PC, ZinmermanRH (eds.), Micropropagation: Technology and Application, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordurecht, Netherlands. Chrissnewell, pp. 31-44. Cassini R.C, El Medawar S, Cassini R.P. (1985). A biological control technique to prevent Fusarium decline in the fields. Proceedings of the 6th International Asparagus-Symposium, pp. 228-237. Cooper C, Crowther T, Smith B.M, Isaac S, Collin H.A. (2006). Assesment of the response of carrot somaclones to Pythium violae, causal agent of cavity spot. Plant Pathol., 55, pp. 427-432 Dan Y, Stephens C.T (1995). The development of asparagus somaclones with high levels of resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. asparagi and F. proliferatum. Plant Dis. 79, pp. 923-927. Davis D. (1969). Fusaric acid in selective pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum. Phytopathology 59, pp. 1391-1395. Debergh P.C. (1996). Microbial contaminants of plant tissue cultures. Agritech Consultans Inc. Skrub Oak USA, pp. 1-75. Devi SC, Srinivasan M.V. (2006). Studies on various atmospheric microorganisms effecting the plant tissue culture explants. American Journal of Plant Physiology 1(2), pp. 205-209. Farquhar M.L, Peterson R.L. (1989). Pathogenesis in Fusarium root rot of primary roots of Pinus resinosa grown in test tubes. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 11(3), pp. 221 – 228. Ingram D.S., Helgeson J.P. (1980). Tissue culture methods for plant pathologists. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, UK. Joosten MHAJ, Verbakel H.M. (1995). Nettekoven ME, Van Leeuwen J, Van der Vossen TM, De Wit PJGM, The phytopathogenic fungus Cladosporium fulvum is not sensitive to the chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase defence proteins of its host, tomato. Physiological and molecular plant pathology, 46 (1), pp. 45-59. Koike S.T, Gladders P, Paulus A.O. (2007). Vegetable diseases. Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 332-336. Leggatt I.V, Waites W.M, Leifert C, Nicholas J. (1994). Characterisation Of micro-organisms isolated from plants during micropropagation. In: Bacterial and Bacteria-like Contaminants of Plant Tissue Cultures Ishs Acta Horticulturae 225: http://www.actahort. org/books/ 225/index.htm. Leifert C, Woodward S. (1997). Laboratory contamination management: the requirement for microbiological quality assurance. In: Cassells AC (ed.), Pathogen and Microbial Contamination Management in Micropropagation. Kluwer Acad. Publ., The Netherlands, pp. 237-244. Leifert C, Morris C.E, Waites W.M. (1994). Ecology of microbiological saprophytes and pathogens in tissue culture and fieldgrown plants: Reasons for Contamination Problems. Critical Rev. Plants Sci. 13(2), pp. 139-189. Lewis G.D, Shoemaker P.B., (1964). Resistance of asparagus species to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. asparagi. Plant disease reporter 48,pp. 364-365. Litz R.E, Conover R.A., (1981). Effect of sex type, season and other factors on in vitro establishment culture of Carica papaya L. explants. J.Am.Soc. Hortic.Sci., pp. 106, 792-794. Matsumoto K, Barbosa M.L, Souza LAC, Teixeira J.B., (2010). In vitro selection for resistance to Fusarium wilt in Banana. In: Mass Screening Techniques for Selecting Crops Resistant to Disease, IAEA Publishing,Vienna, Austria, pp. 101-109. Murashige T, Skoog F. (1962). A revised medium for rapid growth bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum, 15, pp. 473 – 497. Nik N.A, Rahman A. (1993). In vitro inoculation of asparagus with conidial suspension and culture filtrate of Fusarium oxysporum schlect f. asparagi. In: You CB, Chen Z, Ding Y (eds)., Biotechology in Agriculture, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 336-343. Nik N.A, Salleh B. (1990). In vitro inoculation of asparagus tissue culture plantlets with vegetative hyphae of Fusarium proliferatum. In: Proceeding of 3th International Conference on Plant Protection in the Topics, Genting Highlands, Malaysia, pp. 127-129. Odutayo O.I, Amusa N.A, Okutade O.O. (2007). Ogunsanwo YR, Sources of microbial contamination in tissue culture laboratories in south-western Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2(3), pp. 67-72. Omamor B, Asemota A.O, Eke C.R, Eziashi E.I. (2007). Fungal contaminants of the oil palm tissue culture in Nigerian institute for oil palm research (NIFOR). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2 (10), pp. 534-537. Rahman A, Nik N.A, Diner A.M, Skilling D.D, Karnosky D.F. (1987). In vitro responses of conifer adventitious shoots and calli inoculated with Gremmeniella abietina. Forest Science, 33 (4), pp. 1047-1053(7). Reed B.M, Buckely P.M, Dewilde T.N., (1995). Detection and eradication of entophytic bacteria from micropropagated mint plants. In vitro cell. Dev.Biol., 31, pp. 53-57. Smith J, Putman A, Nair M. (1990). In vitro control of Fusarium diseases of Asparagus officinalis L. With a Streptomyces or its polyene antibiotic, faeriefungin. J. Agric. Chem., 38, pp. 1729-1733. Švábová L, Lebeda A. (2005). In vitro selection for improved plant resistance to toxin-producing pathogens. J Phytopathol 153, pp. 52-64. Turcuş V, Cachiţă C.D. (2009). Drosera rotundifolia L.– particularităţi morfostructurale.”Vasile Goldiş” University Press, Arad, pp. 171-181. Williamson B, Cooke DEL, Duncan J.M, Leifert C, Breese W.A, Shattock R.C. (1997). Fungal infections of micropropagated plants at weaning: A problem exemplified by downy mildews in Rubus and Rosa. In: Cassells AC (ed.), Pathogen and Microbial Contamination Management in Micropropagation. Kluver Acad. Publ., The Netherlands, pp. 309-320. |
*Correspondence: | Adriana Petrus-Vancea, University of Oradea, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, no 1, Universitatii St., Oradea, Bihor, Romania, 410082, E-mail: |